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  1. About 1,000, but I'm not really worried about the cost.
  2. Thank you for your suggestion. We have tried soaking and applying oilments etc. to draw out any puss, but mostly it is full of blood. They just keep on reappearing. The vet has to lance them as they become so large/or they just burst on their own. I'm wondering if anybody's Frenchie (or any dog at all) has had the laser therapy?
  3. vet calles them follicular cysts, furunculosis
  4. Yes, they are painful and errupt about every 3 weeks.
  5. My Frenchie has been suffering from interdigital cysts since he was born, he is 2 now and we have tried everything. Changed his diet, shampoo etc,. creams, he's been on antibiotics and atopica and none of it works. The specialist dermatology vet says that he should undergo laser therapy. Basically the laser heats the skin protein filling the cysts to extreme temperatures causing the cysts to vaporize and disrupting many other cysts. Has anyone heard of this or had this done? It sounds drastic to me and I'm quite concerned.
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