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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. $78.00 for a 15 kilo bag is nearly at cost price!!! Good find!!! Just for interest, what is the expiry date on the bag? What formula is it?
  2. Eagle Pack is about $85 per 15 kilo bag. Their web site is: www.eaglepack.com.au
  3. I have tried all the premium brands each for 2 years. I have been using Eagle Pack for 3 years and my dogs have done very well on the product. PS My dogs range from 14 years to 3 years of age. Nearly all my dog friends have changed to Eagle Pack in the last 2 years, all breeds, sizes, ages and they all are also very happy.
  4. I like using soft foods and foods that are easy to get from my pocket. I have used cheese (hard varities) and cooked chicken. I dislike any hard foods especially with baby pups. I drop food bribes at about 6 months.
  5. It could be anything. The first thing that popped into my mind was laryngeal paralysis. How does your dog's bark sound? Does it gag a little after its meals?
  6. I cannot believe it, BUT my labrador is not improving. If anything, she is worse. I am at my wits end.
  7. I have been reading the recent studies from overseas regarding feeding dogs dry dog food and the pros and cons for elevating their food bowls. Recent studies suggest not adding water and leaving their bowls on the ground. http://www.vet.purdue.edu/epi/update2.htm
  8. Perfect dog with no issues. One that can read my mind and I do not have to train, LOL. Hyper labradors are more fun, as long as they have brains, can mark and have the right trainer. Toilet Duck, you must change your name!!!!! when are you coming back to compete in retriever trials?
  9. My bitch seemed to be a little better since I discontinued the wash. Maybe the drug therapy is finally showing results. We have gone through three Elizabethan collars so far. If anyone is interested Email me you addresss, and I will send a photo of the hot spot. Its a shocker.
  10. Thanks again everyone for your help. We trotted again to the vet this morning. I was beginning to think an urgent skin specialist appointment would be necessary. Our vet does not think the hot spot has progressed rather that it is very strange that despite our best efforts significant improvement has not been made. Possibly due to my over zealousness with using the Malaseb wash I had not been giving enough time for the hot spot to dry (even with swab blotting/drying). We have dropped the wash as many vets apparently do not like the wash for this reason. On the other hand the wash aids in softening the scabs, so pus can escape. Regarding the Macrolone tablets we have no idea why they are not helping her as expected but will continue with them for the time being. We have changed her antibiotics. Skin scrapings were taken. All clear. All the vets in the practice came to look at her in wonder, that she has not improved significantly, LOL. I am lucky it is just a hot spot, I was definitely thinking by this morning and it was something more sinister.
  11. OK. Thanks again. I am waiting for them to cool. All this for a hot spot. Who would have thought??????
  12. Thank to so much guys. My husband just got of bed for a midnight snack. He is a physicist and noticed my brew. He lifted his eye brows noticing my fragrant teas, laughed and has returned to bed knowing once again he is married to an insane woman.
  13. OK I have made two batches. One with dried lavender (pulled out a bush last week) and one with fresh (I nearly fell in our large fish pond getting that, LOL). Which should I use - the fresh lavender brew and or dried lavender? Both smell lovely.
  14. I am willing to try anything for her to be comfortable.
  15. It is large. It completely covers the top of her head. Luckily I insisted the original vet to shave large margins around the hot spot so I can easily gauge its growth. I have a set of clippers at home but the blades are blunt. Originally she was prescribed the cortisone one tablet every 2 days. Since yesterday morning the dosage has been increased to two tablets a day with no noticable improvement.
  16. My dogs are fed Eagle Pack, chicken carcasses and lamb necks. She is on Frontline plus. She is on Ivomec. She is very fit and lean. She is a canine blood donor also, so had a full blood panel about 3 months ago. All readings were apparently within normal limits.
  17. She loves the pantry as the liver treats are in there. After her "medicine" treatment in the laundy she runs into the pantry for her treat. I thoroughly dry her head and ears. It is so frustrating for me, it would be so much worse for her. Poor thing. The ooze comes through the cream within 5 minutes. PS I am so paranoid now I am beginning to think the liver treats are heating her up.
  18. Her feet are fine. BTW I have been putting on the Neocourt every hour during the day. Her head is oozing something shocking.
  19. Thanks for the advice so far and thanks for being up so late. She is hiding in the pantry so I will check out her feet (never thought of that). Hope the hot spots are not there too!!! Good grief. All over a hot spot!!!!!!
  20. I agree. Certainly sounds like thyroid problems. A T4 serum test is in order I think.
  21. Melree, How terrible for you. Lucky you were up and about socialising so late at night. I am so glad your Aussie is over the worst. Hope to catch up with you soon. Damm loved dogs are such a worry.
  22. Last Wednesday I noticed a tiny scab on one of my labradors heads. I thought nothing of it as I assumed she had slightly wounded herself. Unfortunately I was away from home with her but called into our vet on Sunday on our way home as the hot spot progressed rapidly from Saturday. To tell you the truth I have never seen a hot spot grow so rapidly over 24 hours, have not even had a hot spot for years and certainly never one on a dogs head before!!! Her head was shaved, she was injected Clavulox and Dexafort. She has continued her treatment with Claxulox, Macrolone and Masaseb. Yesterday her hot spot was no better, probably worse. She was very distressed by the itch and shaking so we visited a vet again. He upped her Macrolone tablets and included Neocourt cream. This evening I was again for the sixth time today proceeding with the various washes and creams and was dismayed to notice 30 tiny hot spots on the bottom of her ears. I have made another appointment for her tomorrow morning as unfortunately I could not visit the visit this evening, as my grandmother recently suffered a stroke and is not expected to live beyond this week and I am her only relative to visit at the present time. Has anyone else had hot spots that have resisted treatments?. I am beginning to think something else more sinister is playing a part with her prolonged and unsuccessful treatment so far. She only ate half her dinner (very unusual occurence to say the least), her skin generally feels hot to touch, and she continues to be terribly distressed.
  23. I have two old retired labradors. I fed the BARF diet for 2 years, Proplan and Euk for 2 years also. I changed to Eagle Pack 2 years ago, and will remain on this product. Our 14 year old, who at the time was obviously 12, has improved out of sight with Eagle Pack. She is fed one of the formulas which contain Glucosamine. Our 11 year old is arthritic, confirmed by xrays. She also receives Metacam. Make sure that the dog is lean (check with your hands with long coated dogs), kept warm and exercised as to their ability. Swimming in warmer weather is the best, if they like water. Fifteen of my friends dogs have changed to Eagle Pack and all the responses by their dogs have been positive. The dogs on the food, include cocker spaniels, GSD, english pointers, poodles and others. All premium dog foods are not created equal in my experience.
  24. What a lovely thread. I hope your friend is at peace. It is such a cruel world we live in sometimes. The children she left are so young. I hope they are OK. Life as a single mum suffering cancer, my mind just cannot get around it.
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