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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. After typing my query, I did sit pondering. Australian Customs use rolled up hand towels for example. I used a ball on a string as a tug. As a retrieving competitor he could have damaged his front teeth while picking up from rough ground or cover? Must ponder further, LOL. Thankyou for pondering with me!!!
  2. Just a thought: Never ceases to amaze me how good mum's miss every single puppy, when jumping into the whelping box.
  3. I did think while observing testing and training at AQIS and SARDA I could have accidently caused the damage, but I was smooth. Dog was not. He took to tugging very well. Too well in hindsight.
  4. I bred this boy, and there was no history of poor teeth in his pedigree. I also have his litter sister whose teeth are perfect. I did little tugging with her. I keep in contact with three litter mate owners who also report no dental problems. His teeth were in good condition. He has no other health problems ie neck. Very good condition other than teeth. Very high dog who still trains and trials like a youngster.
  5. I used tug as a reward for about 4 months with one of my labradors, about 3 years ago. He turns 10 in October. He has lost two front teeth, one during the concentrated tugging (time). A couple of other front teeth will need to be checked by a vet,as they look damaged. No problem with cost and as we all know, older dogs do need extra care. He was a very good tugger! How common is dental damage with tug rewarding? Edited: Typos again!
  6. Having a labrador who is nearly ten years of age, tugging is not without unhealthy side effects. He has lost a couple of front teeth. I only tugged for a short time, but he was keen.
  7. Would be interesting to see if his responses are different using food. Your technique was interesting. The dog was "better" when the tug was not being dragged on the ground. I would try keeping the article mid height/at your knees. Also I would try using one article/his favourite. Would he offer better responses with say a garden hose section -between your spaced hands. I would also try moving the article by um....how can I explain - by swaying it fast then slowly (at his eye height) not by circling - you have achieve better and longer focus??? Would do others think? Corvus? (O by the way, read in another thread - sorry to read of the recent loss of your hare).
  8. Apparently they are very easy to set up and light to carry. What do you think? Worth trying/buying for summer? http://sklz.com/umbrella/sport-brella-xl
  9. Would you scratch from the weekend show? Has this happened once, twice etc?
  10. Maybe the "discussions" are due to trainer V scientist. Never the twain shall meet? It's all good, as long as the dogs are leading a good life.
  11. I am a ramp expert ha ha. 1st ramp: One of pair car ramp. Worked OK but not wide enough for older dogs. Carpeted and grip/paw struts. Pretty weighty to move. 2nd ramp: Imported from the US. Great, lighter but as we have side access to crates, hung out too far when parked close to other vehicles. FOR SALE AS NEW. ha! It is a Solvet. 3rd ramp: Given to us from a friend. Hand made, half a ramp with a drop down double leg. Dogs need to jump up first 2 foot or so, but light as a feather, and easy to move from crate to crate. I have five crates so needed something light.
  12. Great watching you together via youtube. Congratulations.
  13. Interesting thread. Liked the Felix Ho link also. Wonder his trainability component: 14. Mental clarity under excitement and pressure is? What did we think?
  14. Working labrador, do have bigger brains though!! Sorry had to add. O, and longer legs. Currently in the middle of importing frozen semen from four US working labradors. I am so excited.
  15. Thanks Spotted Devil, You will be under the pump when running your Em and Funky in their first trial. Will be so much fun. Good news to report Stamp/Yank youngsters also came 1st and 3rd in Restricted on Sunday. Their mother 1st in Novice. Going to repeat the mating. Further good news (perhaps) I am not "deaded" yet. Gotta keep my sense of humour. Cancer wise excellent, arthritis and fitness F - for fail. Was so looking forward to catching up with you Fetchindawgs. I am actually planning to be training near the Murray, which is only 2 1/2 hours from the national location. Do not be too surprised if I pop up!
  16. Death by Golden. Oh my word, too funny. I am not too sure that the dog is purebred labrador. He looks to have chocolate points and too big?
  17. Far be it for me to say...but "gosh" the working lines are different from show, eh?
  18. just out of interest, can you tell me what it involves? Corvus, why do your dogs not already relax? How old are they? I attended a conference, Karen Overall and her husband, were speakers. You can google or start with this youtube link:
  19. I offered TSD a puppy from my last litter. She said Mr TSD would not be able to cope with their activity. She will do really well with Em.
  20. I enjoyed the video clip: http://www.dogwise.com/video/video.cfm?itemid=DAN123 Having working labradors, I find it interesting when speaking to bench lab devotees, even though they call most of my labs ugly. If so, why do mine move so well.
  21. She begins with "bad dog trainers tend to have very motivated dogs"? Does she mean very disobedient dogs. TSD, has experience with her Dally Zig. She spent one year shaping a retrieve. ONE YEAR!!!
  22. Highly strung...um..mode of inheritance - dominant???? Hey, one thing is for sure...all the ENS in the world will not help a slow greyhound go faster. Had so many fun debates with dog owners wanting to have top pick of a litter....I reckon choose the breeding, separate sexes, if one is preferred, pick the pup who last emptied. Same diff...all the picking in the world is not going to make a second rate litter, as good as the "prime" breeding. Mind you, mother nature can be unkind. Edited: Cannot even spell tonight.
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