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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. K9: nerves followed by drives. lol.. I call socialistion, imprinting the dog. Just to confuse the issue regarding working dogs, say a Malinois and a labrador, there is a huge difference in genetic and behavioral traits, as well as the effects from the enviroment. The time frames mentioned by K9 force and others are certainly real. Our darlings dogs sure learn a lot when young, even before 8 weeks of age. Good and bad.
  2. I am sorry. REALLY!!! this is a subject which I am very interested. Around the world, especially since 9/11 many countries have joined forces (if you will) on this very topic. I apologise for my fever.
  3. Diva, Diva, Diva. Sorry!!! the mighty mare. Had a couple of drinks this afternoon. Had to, its been hot. I am getting to the point. What makes a champion? Sound nerves, right? Nerves, nerves, nerves. I love this subject!!!!!!
  4. Sorry, if I misinterpreted what you were saying, Lablover. I think that's good to hear too. She's only young, so there's plenty of time to become stricter when she gets older. At the moment she's learning that obedience is fun and rewarding - and that can only be a good thing, right? ;) No, you covered/explained me well, I appreciate it. Thanks.
  5. I think Lablover means try to understand your dog's point of view. Things that might seem obvious to us (like the meaning of the work sit, or the undesirability of peeing in the house) are much less obvious to an 18 week old puppy. And if your dog doesn't fully understand what you're asking, she is not going to be able to do it! OMG, once again I have accidently typed my feelings incorrectly. I wish to apologise. I wanted to ascertain that the dog was 18 weeks of age not 18 months. My adding (rather flippantly, sorry) was my one of my favourite new works TATLAD (try and think like a dog). At 18 weeks puppies learn so much. It is I think one of the most fun periods in a dogs life. They are little sponges learning their way around their worlds. It is a time when we can teach them gently but with depending on our standards, what is expected from them. I would not be doing formal obedience with a young pup of this age, but rather encouraging them to learn, how to learn and basic manners. I would have for example have a long check cord of them when loose so I control them, if and when I require. I let them be puppies all the same, but with a goal in mind.
  6. This pup is 18 weeks old not 18 months, right? What breed? Slap? We all feel ourselves becoming frustrating from time to time. The best thing to do, is to slap overselves first, take a deep breath, stop training, have a nice drink and try to think like a dog.
  7. Wow. Vickie and Trim certainly sound as if they were perfect.
  8. Sorry for the confusion, the pens are wire (6 foot) sturdy and safe. There are kennels in the pens. Very clean, hardly used,LOL. My dogs tend to spend most of their time out of them.
  9. kelpie, who are you replying to? Its Friday and I am tired.
  10. Steve, We really have to talk. I am going crazy here. I was "performing" my prey drive exercises again this morning, for want to something to do, as mum is still staying with us. My male ejaculated in excitement again.
  11. If you are worried about your dog, there is plenty of crates and pens where the dogs will be safe, if they cause problems.
  12. Something beginning with K? Hopefully you can give us the full name in time. I dislike not knowing, LOL. K?? Nope, nothing springs to mind. How frustrating!!!!!!! I cannot help wondering though, as horses, rabbits, cats blah blah blah, when neutured late, still seem to settle unless habits good and bad, are profound.
  13. Mana, Frankly I think it is safer for you to contact an Veterinary University to answer your questions, or else possibly a greyhound vet who is up to date with the use of drugs in Canine reproductive therapeutics. As my main interest in retrieving trials I try to keep informed with the latest Anti-estrogrens - as our dogs are not allowed to run in retrieving trials if the bitch is in heat. Unfortunately as far as I aware and I was lucky enough to attend a presentation by a World reknown researcher on the subject, who pointed out long term effects are not yet known. Bearing that in mind, I would not use ANY latest on the market drugs on any future breeding (dog or bitch) stock. The risk is not worth it, in my opinion.
  14. I wonder if this is the implant: http://www.theveterinarian.com.au/industry.../article498.asp Remember too, drugs are continuing produced. Many vets are not aware of many, until the reps call in!!!!
  15. It should be fun, again. I know Yogibear is from Frankston and does not drive, so if anyone can help out please get in touch with her. Sorry, YB I know you woud be too shy to ask yourself.
  16. You going to Berwick tomorrow? Should I visit Sunday as well????
  17. Haven, I do not leave toys around, LOL, but because our fenced house area is probably 1.5 acres (I am old -metric conversion takes too much brain power nowadaysand after all it is Friday) -and very busy with trees, sticks and um er possums who from time to time are suicidal, I worry about my dogs self satisfaction. Just a thread I am really interested in, so thanks for all the replies, as I am house bound with a sick mum.
  18. I think the working breeds who can focus, learn faster and can take owner "training" error mistakes with ease, just because of their genetic make up, whatever their requirement. That being said, each dog in any breed is different. I find personally the ideals of PERFECTION, is relevant.
  19. Haven, We cross posted. You type (and probably think faster than me). I want all my dogs satisfaction to come from me, or at least humanly possible. My male for example, constantly mouths my hands.
  20. I enquired on the NDTF trainers course on Monday. I think I might just do it!!! I am going to Berwick ADT to observe tomorrow. I am looking forward to observing.
  21. I have to admit Vickie, from time to time I have also like you, created a rod for my own back. Heck, I think, if you (the dog) values THIS item so highly, OK then, we will train in drive again. Thank heavens they do not bring me back sticks at retrieving trials, LOL.
  22. I have never been a fan of dog toys, except using soft retrieving toys when puppies are teething and paint rollers with plastic inserts when retrieving from water. But my dogs never give up trying to bring me their own toys, sticks, leaves and the like. You would think they would be clever enough to give up trying to train me, LOL. Should I continue ignoring them when they want to start their games, so satisfaction is received only under my terms. What are the pros and cons?
  23. Sorry for being vague (it is normal for me, on the computer). Every time one of my dogs become confused (not for lack of effort on the dogs part) I quicky simplify by reverting back to a known command. So yes I do use sit a lot, including when teaching stays.
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