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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. She's out of the cupboard. Good on ya Jules!!! Dogs are amazing. Still, a bit stupid, LOL,all that work for a toy. No more spinning for me, BTW, I was really off colour last night.
  2. I have just returned into the house again after yet again spinning around like a top. Finally I have learnt to keep my head more upright. My stomach is heaving (do not spin straight again eating and a cup of tea, BTW) and as the day is warm my head is pounding. I know I asked you this question over the weekend, but thought to my delicate condition at this time it may be worthwhile asking the following question on technique. With already "conditioned" dogs who have speed and focus on the item, can I start to initiate drive just by jiggy jig jig movements or pendulum swaying?
  3. K9: That would be great, but if you dont mind I have added some thoughts to.. LL: K9: corrections from the handler may not come, but the dog not getting the toy or a delay in getting the toy teaches the dog thats wrong. If the drive program you use is solid, & your start with a puppy, corrections from the handler often arent needed. Remember that corrections reduce drive so they should be avoided if possible, you could see Sunda how even verbal corrections from handlers had such a negative effect but when I had same handler smile & clap & run backwards it had positive effect. Dogs are taught how to achieve drive satisfaction, step by step, when the handler doesnt make a mistake & ask for something not trained yet, mistakes arent often made by the dog. Most traditional training is designed to stop a dog from doing something, so corrections are a neccessary evil if you like. But this is not so with training in drive... Yes, good, fantastic post. Worth framing for everyone training in drive.!!!! I am so looking forward to Julie adding also (is there anything left after K9's post) , as she is a cupboard poster. Come out, come out, come out. You are married to the boss, so you should have plenty of time!!! ;)
  4. K9: I can state my experience in the two. I have found when I have the right dog, with good nerves, good foundation & I have the availability of corrections if I need t go there, I can get a 100% reliable dog in the situations I have trained for. LL: K9: I have read similar, however, positive doesnt always, hardly often in fact go inot in depth training in prey drive, the results are also based on every dog that they tested, & weak nerved or dogs with low drives wont be nearly as reliable. When I spoke of the forced retrieve vs the motivational retrieve, I feel that motivational will get you 95% of the points that you could get with Forced fetch, however, the problems the bleed over into the excercises both before & after the forced fetch have me prefer the motivational (prey drive) retrieve. LL: K9: I can state my experience in the two. I have found when I have the right dog, with good nerves, good foundation & I have the availability of corrections if I need t go there, I can get a 100% reliable dog in the situations I have trained for. Hopefully, my following question will get SARDOG out of the cupboard so to speak and add her views. Julie, I know it would be impossible to fully answer, without writing a book on your program on how you have trained high level Search and Rescue dogs, but corrections are never given. Please explain, as I am sure many are interested, in why corrections (or general obedience) are not part of your training. Edited: My word, I need to go to quote school!!!!
  5. Can I also take the opportunity to thank Julie & Andrew for demonstrating their fantastic beautifully trained Search and Rescue dogs, on the Sunday of the drive seminar. Also Leanne, you were marvellous. Great handling, but I had always thought that about you. I will never forget watching you at UD standard obedience. Poetry in motion. Such drive. Edited: Julie could you send one of your labs over to help me find my damm glasses?
  6. Go ahead. Post away. When I organised the first seminar, many a trainer said to me, you are a fool, you should keep all you have learnt to yourself!!! Regarding my handling. This this is so full to bullsheet ego - when the first judge commented that I was the best handler he had ever seen, I was horrified. The dog he was judging must have performed well that day, LOL.
  7. Damm, do not tell everyone. I would like to keep an edge somehow, at least for a month or two, before I tell everyone, as I cannot help myself spreading good ideas.
  8. K9: Uh oh.. lol.. LL: K9, You are plain and simply irritating -- not. Just when I think I have "it" all worked out, after trips overseas, organising international trainers to hold seminars in Australia, buying books, videos and making multiple phone calls, you, give me more great ideas to ponder. I thank you again, and if my dogs could talk or type they would thank you also, LOL.
  9. I cannot help wondering how much attention these young dogs are getting. Are these young pups in the house with you when you are home? It sounds like exictement normal puppy behaviour to me.
  10. Y|B, Here is one similar: http://www.dog-trainer.biz/dogtrainingarti...ivevscompulsion
  11. K9 (I hope you find this question), Firstly thankyou very much for your retrieving seminar. You know my views in training using drive. I like always, have been pondering again. Could you please state the % again of reliablity using compulsion training, training in drive and a combination of both. I was reading during lunch a link which stated positive only resulted in 70% reliability (the article was a little vague regarding the dogs requirements).
  12. YB, There is a saying: When the tailgate comes down the bullshit stops. Change in many peoples minds are a threat, but you show them in whatever field that your dogs have improved, the disbelievers become believers.
  13. Great to meet everyone. Thanks for all your kind wishes. It was fun, fun, fun for us. Hopefully we all learnt something as a result and more importantly are better educated to train our dogs and they have MORE fun too!!!
  14. If anyone becomes lost ring me on my mobile: 0418 334406 See you soon, Jade, MJ and Lablover
  15. You can feed my mother and husband lunch too then, LOL. Seriously the pub staff are pretty easy going. It is a semi rural hotel. 5 minutes walk from our place. If the main majority wish to eat here, that is fine also.
  16. What do you think we should do? I can go to the pub like last time. My mother is staying with us, as she has been recently discharged from hospital - she has Jack and Dancer (cancer) I do not mind. As long as more people are ordering meals, than bringing their own, I am sure the hotel staff will not mind, but people may be frightened to leave their dogs. But there is shade available, at the pub, if you want to leave your dogs in the car (if it is not too hot). Otherwise as mentioned there are safe pens available or crates at our home. I think my husband will be at home also to keep an eye on any dogs left during lunch and he can telephone on my mobile if any dog is distressed.
  17. If you are worried about him hurting himself, stand closer to the bank or simply do not throw from high banks. It is a concern especially in retriever trials and the dogs have a high jump water entry. Or do not throw as high or throw shorter. In training I am very careful where I place hidden articles as well as marks, as in cloudy water there is no way of knowing if a branch or dangerous object is hidden from our view. The number one reason I train in known safe areas. Public areas are also a worry as fish hooks/glass may be left. I try to have my dogs so focused on me and with conditioning and knowing satisfaction is achieved thus, have no interest in what else is going on around them. Focus!|!|!!|!| I would correct any dog of mine, if they tried to achieve satisfaction from another dogs toy. This is a handler issue and how the dogs have been trained. Each dog, would be expected on land (then in water), if a pile of bumpers were in place, to return with one bumper only. A good recall, JUST as the dog is about to pick up the bumper is important. My labs after training and cooling off know if I allow them in a group to retrieve happy bumpers it is open season. Often I wonder if I am accidently creating a bad habit.
  18. Annie, I gave up trying to speak sentences to my labs years ago. Silence (using my body language), or one word is enough, nowdays. I found videoing myself or asking a trainer partner, is the one of the best things I have ever done. That, LOL, and understanding how long I have to stay on drills for, prior to moving on, and what to ignore which will be fixed up later. And what NOT to ignore. Its a mess. Fun though.
  19. Prey I reckon. My stud male, could not care less about in season bitches when he is being trained. Quite amazing really bearing on mind, his early embarassing behaviour, which I still laugh about, nowadays. I certainly did not think it funny at the time.
  20. BTW, I am only kidding. Bring it oooooooooooooonnnnnnnnn. I have another, god willing, further 30 years or more on earth.
  21. LL Please please please no more ideas for me. I love it all, but enough is enough, the headaches working it all out and the application of such!!!!
  22. By crickey, all those hours in front of the TV/video machine may all have been for nothing, LOL. I look forward you discussing with you, the differences in what suggestions I gleamed from the productions. I hope I am doing IT right. I feel pretty confident I am not causing harm to the dogs, but I am sure I can do better. I remember seeing Custom dogs being trained, and my eyes nearly popped outa my head, as they seemed to me at least to encourage their dogs so much and the rewards seemed excessive.
  23. K9 force, I was wondering, for the people who are not able to attend MODERN Schutzhund,S & R, customs type training sessions, would it be worthwhile them buying videos?
  24. I have never used a halti. Just thought I would pop in this thread and noticed the photos. Poor dog. Kelpie? Very sad.
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