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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. Poor Stamp. He does lose two types of body fluid. Until about 16 months ago Stamp would become so stirred up before training that he would become sexually excited and ejaculate. I would simply have no other option than to wait, until he settled and he could comfortably walk again and off training he would go. Interestingly, and I am sorry to type on regarding topic, this as mentioned became less so. BUT, at least once a week I will notice he will still ejaculate for no obvious reason. I simply mob up or blot up the ejaculate, if it occurs in the house. Finally to the topic at hand. If I am training another dog, and Stamp is in his crate, he always comes out looking like Santa Claus. I must remember to take a photo one day. He may drool particularly on what we call pattern work, where I may delay my NORMAL send off sequence. He will also suck up his left top lip, when he is very focused beside me or out in the field. Funny dog Stamp. He so loves to work. Added:I worry about the stress Stamp places on himself. I try so hard to calm him down. I will ponder about stress factor more. Damm if it not one thing is another with damm dogs, LOL.
  2. Glad to read, some of the retrieving requirements make sense. It is much easier to show people when training or at a trial. As all dog work fascinates me, I look forward to reading someone with Schutzhund experience explain the tests and the training. I have only spoken to police dog trainers in depth on a couple of occasions, and normally the conversations quickly change to training methods and breeding. LOL. Again, I repeat myself, a well bred dog, with good nerves, good training whatever the game or serious work is a joy to behold and results in great satisfaction for the handlers and trainers, as well as a happy dog.
  3. The old girl felt her worn and tired muscles relax and her pain dissolve. She drew in a long, soft breath and relaxed a little more as the familiar, loving scent of her people, filled her lungs. Memories of them rushed through her brain and warmed her heart. "A collage of happy images and tender days." She felt their soft touches against her fur. Their hands sent a tactile message of their gratitude and their love. She felt the warmth atop her head and neck and blinked and saw their faces streaked with tears. "Don't cry for me or feel sad." She heard them as she shut her eyes. They said her name and the "good girl" words, through their pain and sorrow. In her mind, her tail wagged to tell them that she heard. And understood. "Good bye, my Hearts." She is standing in a paddock, near a river. The sky is fiercely blue. She hears the song of many birds and smells the growing grass. Her legs are strong. Her eyes are clear. She begins to walk toward a brightly colored bridge, far off on the horizon, but pauses for a moment and looks back. "Thank you. Until the day we walk together once again." She turns and wags her thick strong tail and runs. And runs.
  4. I viewed the Schutzhund videos. Or at least I think I have. Which video is making people angry. The dobe in the snow?? Where the handler is using a heeling stick? I admit the dog looks a bit nervy, as it is leaping a little, but I did not find the heeling stick a problem. I use a heeling stick as well, and certainly do not beat my dogs. They are conditioned with the stick, patted/stroked with the stick, and retrieve the stick. It is used as a guide and marker. I use flat collars also rather than a correction chain. What am I missing?
  5. Pax, can you send me another Email please? I seem to have accidently deleted your original. SARDOG, had lunch at the local again today. As you know I am more than happy to go there any day, to eat and have a couple of cooling drinks!!!! Myska, I do see your point. Now lets see. Endulge me, if you will. The setups are multiple retrieves. I am not sure if you thought they were singles? I suppose it would be akin to showing a dog at a distance 3 or 4 "naughty men" for a short period of time, them hiding and sending the dog to locate the victims/ferals/bad men. The dogs are expected after leaving the handler side to take a direct line, not cheat the smallest inset/bay, face cover, go straigtht (ignoring wind etc) and return without a command except "go/fetch". The order of selection/naughty person, LOL, is up to the handler not the dog. The classical hidden retrieve is normally close to the line of a "mark" and dogs are expected to ignore previously hot/succussful areas. The dogs must take a straight line to the blind, stop to the whistle and take casts/directions (backs,sides, angles) from the handler. Am I making sense????? Probably not, LOL.
  6. Erny, You are confusing me. I am not very good on the computer. (I do OK as a match maker from time to time though, LOL). If you scroll down three quarters of the page, you will see daily links to the videos. If not successful let me know, and I will try again with other links.
  7. No problem Jeff. All dog work interests me also. Here is a link you can view short segments of an American retrieving, national. It was won, that year - 2005 - by a trainer who has visited Australia twice to hold seminars. Warning: Make sure you have broadband, they are rather long. I look forward to your comments. I take all opinions favourably. http://www.ybsmedia.com/nationalreport/
  8. Well, I have watched the first link. Having a rest, while cleaning the "dogs" car. It looks cold, the music is good and the dobe has a tail. I must admit Schutzhund does not do much for me. While watching the first clip I not see anything while shows a highly trained dog. Sure it was focused and it barked and on command bit and released, but...................???? Some kind person explain degree of difficulty to me please?
  9. Myska, I am interested!!!!! Thanks. I was speaking to another DOLER at lunch the other day, discussing dogs in general, and of course training a dog using its genetic drive naturally came up. Dogs with a lot of drive, are much easier to train, as we can make more mistakes. Experience helps with the normal training methods, praise and correction, as dogs live for the moment, to a degree (another training subject). Tonight as an introduction, to the Commonwealth Games coverage, a song was playing. I found it on the web, and broke into tears. Many would consider me overtly sentimental, which I never considered myself to be until recently. Must be advanced age or something, LOL. I feel this song correlates well with a high desire dog. The dogs love working at anything, and inspire us to improve. Try as hard as them, so to speak. Training is our way of communicating with our dogs. A dog with high drive, good training, maturity and high standards, I think seem to understand sentences!!!! I bow down before them. Anyway here is the link: (broadband is recommended). http://www.creationsbydawn.net/cards/misc/raiseup.html
  10. Can I interrupt for a second please? If you are interested in tracking, which is basic, compared to Search and Rescue, may I suggest K9 force's/SARDOG seminar.
  11. Myszka, I cannot help mentioning.........I am impressed you are allowed to train on a golf course!!!!
  12. Oh, thankyou kindly. BTW, just another question at this time. With dogs who are introduced to prey drive exercises at an older age, and a side effect being in my case, excitement trembling, will this settle down with time?
  13. K9 force, for clarification purposes, to whom were you replying?
  14. My favourite topic again, yipppee. Just wait till the drool starts to drop from the dogs mouths, in anticipation. The dogs will do anything for satisfaction!!!!!
  15. I do not know about anyone else, but I am finding this thread very confusing. My dogs pretty much ignore everything and everyone, except me as they know what triggers/turns them on. Back I go, reading this thread again in its entirety.
  16. I have to add, I wish my dogs, would go and find their own fun. Sometimes they drive me crazy, always expecting me to provide "it". OK, already, lets go training. Nag nag nag. Just who is training who here? LOL.
  17. You better remind me too. As my mum says, everyday is Sunday.
  18. Sas, Didn't you receive my email? Latisha, Email me. It is been a while since I have studied my collection, but LOL from the corner of my eye, I can see um............about 30 (some of which are retriever based which may not interest you).
  19. Erny, No problem. But..................I have lots of videos and DVDs. Maybe a sleep over, will be necessary. Actually lots+++++. Then of course, discussion would take probably thrice as long. BTW, just to be clear, I am not a person to change methods lightly, from viewing various productions (some in my opinion are a complete waste of time), but.................................some are AOK, after all I am trying to find the best, to suit my requirements. I have been proven wrong in many instances, and take no insult of such. I love learning and being a better trainer to my dogs.
  20. Sas, Thanks. Maybe we could do a swap|?
  21. pgm, I meant no insult. I am all for looking outside my square, regarding different methods of training.
  22. http://www.peptech.com/peptech/content/sup...rin1.asp?ID=115
  23. Cringe. We have pig and dog wire around our house block. From time to time, I may be training another dog, and will notice a side glance from the dog. Stamp will be hiding behind a tree, LOL, having jumped the fence!!!!! No wonder my dogs have NEVER been walked off our property. Only driven.
  24. pgm: from the site: I'm telling you, I don't think she is going to get to live to see her first birthday. And to add insult to injury one of her short buddies, a Westie named Butchie was in there with her. If that wasn't bad enough they had been in the goldfish pond and had managed to kill the last of the goldfish. While Sanity jumped through a small opening in the ramp railing, Butchie had managed to dig his way under the new gate. So this weekend the opening will be sealed with lattice work or wire or something and I will figure out a way to fix the area under the gate so there can be no more digging. Maybe I will just put concrete down, that would fix them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I started to read your suggested link, but, really................. I must be missing something. I gave up after a few more diary entries. Just imagine changing a couple of words, say from FISH to SHEEP.
  25. Now guys and gals, Should I whip my trusty credit card out and buy his DVD?. My (mean, LOL) husband has made me promise, not to buy any more productions. Poor guy as at work today, might start "nagging" when he arrives home.
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