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Posts posted by Lablover

  1. Kavik,

    Any videoing over the weekend?

    I enjoyed all the posts especially Dasha's. Some dogs are simply not tuggers.

    Working labrador breeders like dogs who tug naturally - seemingly without any training.

    The dogs could not care about different locales, surfaces, noise - they are not distracted.

    Desire is paramount!

    (And health obviously tooooooooooo, especially those ear marked for breeding).

    What are your plans for your dog? How old is it?

  2. That was excellent video footage and you and Em are doing very well. Talk about speed!! :thumbsup:

    I think you're earlier experiences of retrieve trialling/training were with LL? If I'm right, then seems to me LL has set you very much in the right direction and credit to you for taking everything on board and putting excellence in training with Em :). Well done, TSD. :)

    Thanks Erny. Hey TSD, when you read this thread (after we travel to Bendigo this afternoon for yet again MORE TRAINING and away from home stays), leaving our darling husbands chained to the kitchen sink. Anyway, you should appreciate me TSD. I know I appreciate you!!!! Our endless discussions especially on the science of training, is so much fun.

  3. Thanks again everyone.

    The dog was reunited with the owner about 2 weeks ago. They report " a very different, obedient and quieter dog ".

    Phew!!! Training other people dogs is stressful!!!

    Hey Nekhbet, you mention "drive". Golly bit over discussing "drive". Hours upon hours of speaking to Customs, Bomb and Police dog trainers and breeders.

    I love high drive dogs, visit mine!!! Not show, very different labradors. Some say, ugly, I say gorgeous!!! Can be a bit over top and their off switch, can be slow, but I love the type.

  4. Thankyou for your reply Bedazzled.

    I would worry MORE if she had no reason to bark.

    With my labradors I can reward so easily with a retrieve, for example.

    Can hardly throw a sheep for Tassie - the Kelpie.

    She so...does not belong is a busy family with children.

    The owner is experienced in working kelpies, owned quite a few over the years.

    Tassie has a lot of go. Delightful little dog. Been interesting concentrating on another breed. She sure loves attention and pats.

  5. I don't know about kelpies in particular, but I do know a lot of working breeds that squeal when excited...

    So true, far be for me to say my labradors do not bark at training!

    Amazing what we become "used" to. Noise, what noise????, especially when I am concentrating at training!!

  6. Over the last two weeks I have been training an eight month old farm bred kelpie.

    She will be returned to her owner who lives in suburban home in a few days.

    The dog was totally untrained, and is very active - what I call a big engine.

    She has come along very well, but I remain with one concern.

    Her high pitched excitement yelping. The generally excitement yelping has certainly resolved, but when greatly excited she yips, ie when chasing and not catching/herding one of my very fast athetlic young labradors?

    I am a working/ field labrador devotee, so may I ask kelpie experts, will they yipping resolve or are farm bred working kelpie's known for such?

    Suggestions greatly welcomed.

  7. I train and compete in retrieving events, thus spending quite a bit of time in paddocks.

    The snakes I do NOT see terrify me the most!! I tend to check areas where I will be training my dogs. Snakes wrap around grasses eeeck!!! I stay away from water with cover. Dams with no cover around the edges are OK. Cannot be completely paranoid, can I, can I, can I???

    Farmers think I am phobic. They like snakes. I see the farmers point, but......!!!

    You are braver than me.........

    Wouldnt get me anywhere near a paddock with grass any longer than a couple of inches!

    Who me? Brave??? You may laugh, but every time I asked a farmer to use their land, I have enquired "how often they see snakes in the warmer months." I often wondered why they - looked at me funny!!!!!!

    Long suffering husband and I have a gully running along the edge of our property. Thick as!!! No one ever goes into it, apart the some Dept of Sustainability and Environment staff (check dept - whatever they are called). They report HUGE snakes. Never seen 'em myself. Been here 15 years. I would love to keep chickens.

    O the good snakes stories we could tell. Snakes are retiring/shy creatures...so THEY SAY.

    Friends golf at Cranbourne. They have frequent frights. Tooradin pet property owners....NOW, they are brave.

    Snake catcher...you are my hero. Mad (in a good way).

  8. Three of my 16 month old labradors were Penn hipped (and four xrayed for AVA)on Thursday 27th October 2011. Date received in US 27th October, 2011. Time differences apply I should imagine.

    Report date: 9th November 2011. I received results today.

    Regarding the original question: If the breed required other DNA tests, and if they had not been performed either I would run.......in a very fast manner. In fact, I would have started to run...already.

    Good luck. Try to check extended pedigree as well.

  9. I train and compete in retrieving events, thus spending quite a bit of time in paddocks.

    The snakes I do NOT see terrify me the most!! I tend to check areas where I will be training my dogs. Snakes wrap around grasses eeeck!!! I stay away from water with cover. Dams with no cover around the edges are OK. Cannot be completely paranoid, can I, can I, can I???

    Farmers think I am phobic. They like snakes. I see the farmers point, but......!!!

  10. Thanks for the compliments on the photos :) I look forward to seeing some from Livertreats of the WA Champs!

    Lablover, loved watching the young dogs you bred running at the State and Nationals, such keeness!!

    Sorry for the typing errors in my wow regarding your photos. Had a virus in my system so had to type fast before being dropped.

    Should have been YOU ARE a gifted photographer.

    Thanks for the compliments regarding the Stamp/Pink young ones. The whole litter have turned out well, both in the trial sector and Australian Government.

  11. I am pretty interested too. Did they snap off or pull out? I can do a VIN search if you like.

    My dog was being cared for by friends, while long suffering husband and I were away on holiday. My dog and his daughter played tug for hours. They had many toys but their favourite was a rope toy. I noticed his missing tooth when I picked him up.

    The second tooth, I have no idea how it was lost.

    Three of my five labradors tug with each other, for hours and hours and hours!

    Looking back, I do believe the rope toy played a significant part in his teeth damage.

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