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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. What a great demo and a beautiful little dog!!!!
  2. I tell you Erny, His chattering was apparent before he arrived. But not mentioned until, he was being checked by the US vets. The pet transport company telephoned me to mention the vets did not think it a medical problem. They also said when the vets saw him, they all laughed. Meanies, as they had never had a dog so "out there" ever before. When I first saw him in quarantine he chattered his teeth LOUD and constantly. I did worry if the teeth chattering did not pass, he would indeed end up with false teeth at a very early age. The strange thing is, I have since found out his dam, teeth clatters, while Yanks has ceased. Interesting!!!!|!
  3. Remember guys, not to spend too much at once, otherwise TAX may be applicable. Does any know the most RECENT allowable importation, without incurring charges? Many just go through, but from time to time I hear of holdups as our Government checks the articles.
  4. OK. I think she can handle that. What would you like to see of me or my new friend Yank, or my sister Peppa? Remembering our main joy is retrieving. Being rather a showoff myself, I would prefer to look my best, when the bandage comes off tomorrow LOL. Maybe my friend Steve K9 force could advise mum what part, would most interest my fans!!!! xxx Stamp.
  5. Gosh, my mum is too stupid to know how to do such things. Video by Email!!!!. Golly it took her a few lessons how to post photos. Have to admit I am the smart one out of two of us. xxxxxx Stamp
  6. My mum Lablover, says "no way", besides...................as you can see, I currently have a sore foot, I think mum is shy. Poor nerves I reckon. xxxxxxx Love Stamp.
  7. Krupps, another band I have never heard of!! |I am so old. Must look up their other songs. I have played the video half a dozen times so far, I am totally hooked on the tune, LOL. Ha, yes, it's a rather good one. Oh, and typo on my behalf, it is GermaniAc...sorry bout that I also don't like the skipping look in heeling...if your dog does this how can you make it stop?? I'm about to start taking my GSD Kovu through the training in drive course...REALLY looking forward to it! Still looking for the Krupps - I can only find the Die Krupps, is this the same band? We are going totally off topic BTW Worry about attitude in time regarding heeling. The dog DOES look focused and animated. Better than slugging around the ring by a zillion miles.
  8. Krupps, another band I have never heard of!! |I am so old. Must look up their other songs. I have played the video half a dozen times so far, I am totally hooked on the tune, LOL.
  9. IMHO, the dog looks as though it is skipping, not pleasing to the eye. Good in a dressage horse for example when required to do a collected trot, but the dog looks uneven. In the figure 8, especially on the left turn the handler is again IMHO too far away from the control point/half circle.
  10. Loved the tune, but what on earth are the words????. Help please.
  11. Can I plead the 5th, even though we do not live in the US. Being a bit fussy but heeling choppy, figure 8 poor and THE SEND AWAYS (dog turning back reflecting poor confidence IMHO) not nice at all. Handler throws excellent, much better than me, which is why I have multiple remote controlled throwers!!! A very good invention I must say. Liked the video regardless. Thanks!!!!!!
  12. Oh my, am I in trouble again? How can I get myself into strife, when I am only trying to help. I meant no insult. Simply it never ceases to amaze me when owners complain of poor responses, when their dog MAY be sore. When my dogs drop (or other command) with any hesitation, I keep an eye on them generally, like a hawk just in case they have suffered ie a muscular injury in their zest for life.
  13. You don't think your dog has any physical problem? May be a vet visit is in order?
  14. No speeding Annie!!!! You will enjoy it. Hope to catch you soon in Victoria. Or at the NAT in WA.
  15. Too funny wyvernblade. Those who attended the recent SARDOG/K9 force seminar, might have noticed Yank, my wild youngster. He makes even the darkest day, bright. I cannot believe the improvement. BTW, no more nearly constant teeth chattering!!!! Woooooooo hoooooooooo.
  16. I must say, this thread is starting to get exciting again. Looking forward to hearing of the differences noticed after another 2 weeks or so. Note them down, watch carefully, some are so subtle you may not notice. The comparisons will be great to read.
  17. Yes please. If I lived in the burbs, I would be pulling people off the street, testing their dogs. I love it. Love it. Love it.
  18. Hey, I like baby pups who chase any movement, like leaves on a windy day. Soon enough they realise where and what, the real fun comes from. So often we can retard youngsters drive. Just yesterday I was watching a young pup as the handler was sitting down chatting to friends. A few bits of rubbish flew past, which interested the dog. The owner, felt tension on the lead, and soon enough, corrected the dog. Be aware of what we do at all times.
  19. One of the dogs, while toiletting, found THE ball this morning. We are all happy, LOL.
  20. BTW, with his breeding, I would love to get my hands on him, and try him out. Want to visit????? Free of course.
  21. He does look innocent and probably is. Maybe training him alone is the best way to go, so you can focus completely on him. My first rule is: Never blame the dog. I always blame my training first, second and last.
  22. Just a thought while reading your thread.Of course, LOL, ignore if not worthwhile. In my experience, from obedience classes, many want to keep up with the Jones's. Do not follow the crowd, if you feel your dog is not ready for off lead work, for heeling and recalls. Regarding your question, I have three long ropes. One a very good quality horse lunging type, about $125.00 from memory. Another being a cheap horse nylon one, which floats. I am very careful with it, with friends dogs who may be a little keen to go (and retrieve). Also I watch legs which may entangle while swimming. My last one is sail rope, longer than the others and like a razorblade, if caught out. Another thing to keep in mind, is the physical pain from a dogs point of view if they are possessed by the devil and try to bolt away. Again careful. They can receive skeletal injuries -plus cuts, bruises and the like, just as us when a rope is employed.
  23. Didn't your dog once nearly jump into the "tele" when it was observing a dog being trained with a (marker) clicker???????????? No offence, but...........really............................click click.
  24. From your post, I wonder if your timing is a little off, with the GSD. With experience, I found my timing becoming significantly better, to know when loss of focus/drive occurs. With the pup, he is 9 weeks old?
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