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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. Retrieving, did some one type retrieving, LOL LOL. What state do you live in?????????????
  2. Well, this is what I do - one of my little experiments if you will. I would throw the device (after creating movement/drive with it) and see if a "prospect" retrieves it. Thus they are praised and the brush/comb/keys whatever becomes satisfaction (and fun)
  3. HG, Scout was attacked while herding/working? Sorry, I had no idea. Hope both of you are on the mend. Just for interest, could someone direct me to the relevant original thread? Thanks.
  4. No, no, no .......... your diary is fun. Keep going.
  5. Herr Rottweiler, It may be interesting to ask the person, who has no time, if the seller of the puppy/dog had high placement value on the purchaser. Most people lead very busy lives, except me LOL, working and such and expect a dog to fit in. We live in a "quick fix" world and limited outside life style is the norm. Most parents both work and spare time is often scarce. Unfortunately the family dog most often comes last on the do list, despite their best original intentions.
  6. Videoing will have to wait. My leg is still sore today. See what happens when one shows off for the camera, LOL. Lets just say, one of my labradors returns a little too fast. It is my fault entirely.
  7. Myska, Congrats on your recent addition. Looking forward to hearing Diva's progress. BTW, you owe me one, LOL. I organised taking video today, and was a little over encouraging to a certain lab. End result twisted knee and sprained ankle. LOL.
  8. Wyvernblade, I think about you every day. I hope your heart is mending.
  9. I have not read the thread in its entirety, but having met Scope she loves her dogs..................but she is the first to admit both have problems. During a conversation with her, I admitted I would not be so forgiving as unless a dog fits into my criteria they are rehomed. Luckily I have labradors and touch wood aggression has been the least of my problems. Scope, I salute you for trying your best in rehabing your dogs!!! Venting to friends is what friendship is all about.
  10. Wyvernblade, I am so sorry!!!! What a tragedy. I lost a 5 year old last year, and hopefully in time, like me, your acute grief passes and in its place you can smile when you remember the great times you and your husband had with Lane. http://www.indigo.org/rainbowbridge_ver2.html http://www.creationsbydawn.net/cards/misc/raiseup.html
  11. May we have an update on Lane? Good news hopefully!!!!
  12. In this case, I would be .......................screaming like a banshee.
  13. Added: I created (lots) less drive with the ball this afternoon. Better.
  14. In a big way. A question please. Peppa. She is going well in training. Luckily she is relaxed in her off time, otherwise she will turn grey fast. Her trembling during training is still a concern. I know it is not poor nerves. Should I break her focus by petting/stroking before sending?
  15. Wyvernblade, Sorry to read of your dog. I would swap vet practices.......but they are only human, I suppose. I can well imagine your distress. The second vet, more than the first (after all how often do we hear some professionals performing unnecessary procedures/tests, and we may complain), should have been more aware and performed maybe some basic tests. Nevertheless did the chiropractor palpate and feel/see the swollen spleen. Good luck with your darling!!!! Keep us informed.
  16. As the current puppy owner, you might need to keep the pup until the full extent of its problems are known.
  17. Where does pup sleep?. I like mine beside my bed - in a crate,so they can "notify" me of needing to toilet. Sometimes undigested food can pass, depending on the diet, fed,making it more attractive to pups. Obviously not to us LOL. Possibly feeding her less at night, may help.
  18. From what I have been told, most do not completely self correct. http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?cl...6&articleid=361
  19. I like looking backwards, having a goal. What are your plans with the pup? Pet?
  20. Hope I make sense. Friends recently left after happpy hour. I do my utmost, for example, to perfect one command, say sit. The old chaining sequence, if you will. They receive rewards - further drive/toy etc. When teaching another command, the second the dog becomes confused, I pause and ask for the already taught command as a confidence builder. Then reintroduce teaching another command. Naturally with a prey item it is real easy as their focus is on your hand. My dogs LOVE my hands.
  21. Eeeck. I used to have private lessions with Lea Cogley, years ago, when I was keen on obedience trials. I travel overseas and been known to import a professional trainer from time to time. Another coming at the end of the year. Been told I am fool to spread the secrets but as long as the attendees learn a better way to train, I am happy. Watching dogs overseas, who compete similar concepts (retrieving trials) to us, in Australia is real eye opener. The professional trainers who train from day break to sun down deserve every cent they earn. They are very honest with the dogs quality too. I was very impressed. Teach teach teach teach.
  22. Visiting circuses as a child and watching the lion acts inspired me. As a young girl, when the hoola hoop craze, I set alight my hoop and my cocker spaniel happily jumped through until the hoop melted (and set me on fire). I enjoyed horses (until I fell off once too often when older) and have always loved dogs. I nagged and nagged and nagged for the first family dog. She taught me a lot. My dogs try so hard to understand my requirements, the training is up to me. Luckily my husband supports me in every way.I still nag LOL.
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