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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. I am sitting here, thinking about a reply to a thread, when a meter reader was frightened by my dogs chasing him. For such well behaved dogs I admit I felt terribly guilty, even though my dogs sat on command. Another incident, was when I was training Peppa. After training, and walking out to the pile of bumpers/dummies I have left, with all my dogs running about, a rabbit flushed and before I knew it, Peppa was on a busy railway line. A third incident, was with Yank, at K9's/SARDOG seminar when Yank escaped and visited another dog, who could have had serious aggression problems. It may be interesting to hear of our mistakes (and learn from them), rather than our dogs, LOL.
  2. K9 force, I have been pondering again, especially with my young dogs, in this case yes and OK. Instead of the fetch command, maybe I should simply use OK on marks. The sequence for blinds I still think should have a different voice cue?
  3. But don't your dogs drive away the gas man :rolleyes: ;) :D :p No, that was the electric meter reader. Its not my dogs fault, he started running when he saw the dogs. Should not have been wearing strange clothing or a helmet either. I did apologise,(as I was expecting a friend over,) but he kept shouting at me - you set your dogs on me, you set your dogs on me. As if my dogs would bite. In his dreams!!! I felt terrible. Poor man did seem frightened. He has visited again, and we have made our peace.
  4. Sounds like my house, especially if I delayed for early morning training. I admit though, when Yank has brought me articles around the house (like 40 books one morning), I rewarded him so he thinks it is an OK behaviour. After training, he is more settled. With my other dogs the habit of constantly finding their own motivation did recede with time. Exercise, exercise, training, training, helps. I love the active naughty YOUNG ones.
  5. Herr H, Um........I think you took me the wrong way. I actually think the NDTF seems the best course to do. I am thinking about it in the future. Back to study after all these years.......eeck.
  6. Man, that is a big dog!!!! I cannot call him cute, as it does not suit his size, what about beautiful? Now about those other toys around?
  7. Herr H, I have to admit. I think/hope/pray I am a good trainer, BUT have no experience with aggressive dogs for example.
  8. Erny, Take away chicken, chips and salad tonight. Come over!!!
  9. Husband first, then dog But, but, but............I have an excuse. My husband prefers take away. He is a fuss pot, when it comes to meals, obviously not as fussy when it comes to his wife selection. PLEASE believe me!!!!!!! Also the gas delivery man does not come until tomorrow, LOL.
  10. Erny, Thanks for the update. Drinks whenever you have some free time!!!!!. Is Kal on any pain medication? Yank is going well. Buggers recalls are a little too fast. Need more control at the end "bit". I am still limping, after a week.
  11. How long is a piece of string???? It may be worthwhile starting another thread on this topic.
  12. I think pet licensing is taking pet ownership too far. Isn't there discounts with councils on a trained dog and/or VCA (in our state) registration. Maybe dog trainers are lacking. There is no way a large class can have enough attention from a solo trainer. Every person and their dog attending may have different goals. Any teacher, trainer or lecturer who can motive a class is doing real well, in my book. I still feel people are after a quick fix. Anyone for take away tonight? LOL. My dogs come first before cooking a meal for my husband LOL. I have strange priorities.
  13. Goodness this sounds like a terrible disease. Affecteds >23%? Percentage of carriers? Autosomal recessive? Eeeck.
  14. Erny, I was wondering how Kal has been going over the last few days|?
  15. I been going for 4 hours, this time around. They must be desperate, they asked me to become an instructor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I can answer you question from today, as I rejoined an obedience club, whooooo hooooooo. From someone who into retriever training/trials I even amazed myself. I must have looked a treat with my pegged ball on the string, LOL. I paid $55.00 which included the VCA member discount of $10. I felt a little odd driving home, as I should not have accepted the discount. I will donate it next week.
  17. Just for interest, did Eddie have KC vaccination or nasal coverage?
  18. There you go, KC. A tired dog, is a goooooooood dog. Most times anyway, LOL.
  19. Boredom? Has he had less exercise lately?
  20. Interesting question. One of my labs was attacked, from memory, at about 16 weeks of age, while I was training with a high level Danish trainer. I bent down to calm my youngster and the trainer, nearly slapped my hands. The dog in question never had aggression issues, UNLESS SHE SAW the attackee. She never forgot that particular dog.
  21. Glad to read Kal's seizures seem to be under control. You actually made my night!!!! The nose problem is odd. Hopefully we will hear good news in this regard shortly.
  22. So I understood. The bottom line, if one of my dogs attacked another dog, I would give serious consideration to its life span. I adore my dogs, but............................... I do not wish to start another thread, but the owner needs his head read.
  23. Thanks, I have read the thread. Sorry for your dog HG. Some of the replies upset me greatly. I know when I train in public areas, I try to keep an eye out, but truth be known, I become so focused on the dog work, sometimes I do not hear or see possible danger. Another reason why I train most on private land.
  24. Isn't it bliss!!!!!!!!!!!! This morning, I had a little late start, due to a telephone call. The dogs had already seen the training triggers - white jacket put on, whistle around neck, and our orlee ball was in situ in a pocket. While on the phone and distracted Yank bought me 40 books, one bottle of shampoo and a newspaper from the kitchen floor. This evening, he is fast asleep. Perfect, really.
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