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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. Poor man. Had to "supply" again I suppose.
  2. ISH, When I saw the first lot of photos, I thought, WOW ......looking good. The next have me laughing hysterically. I will tell a secret, one of my labs, has never had an unfocused day until............ yesterday. We were nearly racing to the vet, as the dog was no uninterested!!! Today back to normal. It's a mystery.
  3. HG, I, like many others, I am sure, would like to hear how Scout is progressing.
  4. Drive blocks pain. A survival trait. Can you otherwise imagine the rotten survival rate when wolf gets a little knock while he's trying to take down prey? Hey, I understood you, with the first reply. Sorry its Friday night. Happy hour is on. Still amazing!!!!!!!!!! I accidently hurt my dogs from time to time.
  5. she will go outside empty herself and if she is stired up a lot in play she will do a little puddle. Might be a nervous trick. I only have her for 2 weeks.. she isnt toilet trained fully as well. Not only in the house, lets say I come back from work and she sees me she gets excited heaps even before I get to the gate and I can see her squat for a split second. Could be weak nerves/stress. For few days in the beginning she'd pee in the crate as soon as Id put her in there, when she was going into histerics about being locked up. She doesnt do it any more. I have been told that her dam would do a simmilar thing, when she was excited she often pee a little. She grew out of it with time. I try to remember with youngsters that virtually everything is their lives is new. There is so much going on, with them learning through, sight, hearing, smell, touch, I therefore try to simplify their requirements, which IMHO, keeps stress levels down.
  6. K9 a photo. Um.......oh........err.........oh..........um............??? What I found interesting, just in case if anyone is interested, when a dog is in drive, their pain level thresholds are amazing. They virtually feel no pain. I have accidently stood on a tail, foot and had no idea that " the lump" under my foot was part of my dogs body. Eeeck.
  7. Get your face confused with the ball, did he? No, he simply dropped too quickly for me. My fault entirely. Gee it hurt, but I ignored the pain and kept my attitude the same. It was difficult.
  8. Husband first, then dog But, but, but............I have an excuse. My husband prefers take away. He is a fuss pot, when it comes to meals, obviously not as fussy when it comes to his wife selection. PLEASE believe me!!!!!!! Also the gas delivery man does not come until tomorrow, LOL. You should have your toys taken away from you for that naughty behaviour Herr R, You shamed me, so I have cooked dinner for the THIRD TIME on consecutive nights. LOL. Forget the toys, can I have a medal?
  9. Hey, just noticed this thread. Good on you.
  10. Works a treat. Do not be complacent like me, who had her face a little too close ONCE.
  11. Just to add, it sounds like my dogs are robotic (those who have seen my dogs hopefully do not agree). I want to add they are pains in the bum sometimes. For instance they follow me like shadows, Stamp has ruined a couch (my fault), Peppa has shredded the lining off my Troup Carriers roof (my fault), are allowed on the lounge and in our beds. They have an on and off switch. As I gaze downwards, all are fast asleep. Such angels!!!
  12. Peeing the house when excited? Just wondering, do you fuss her alot, stir her up, very high voice?. Crate, crate, crate, crate. Nervous peeing? UTI??? Sure, some pee in young excitement and they more often than not, settle, but I look at all angles, just in case, health/poor nerves/stress may be the underlying problem.
  13. Yes he does. As I said, we're new to this and this may be a bad thing. I'm not trying to win obedience titles though, just have companions who will walk nicely on a lead. Both dogs prefer to play with me than with each other though so I don't think it's a problem.. Sounds OK. Good on you. The thing is, we have to realise, say we train for an hour a day, what are the dogs "learning" in the other 23 hours.
  14. Gillian, I had to read the neuralisation thread more than once. Regarding obedience, I rejoined a club last Saturday, the dogs went really well. But..................the trainer suggested play time. I refused especially with Stamp, as the ball was one thing, that he values very highly.
  15. Hey, your garden is nice. Mine is OK because I crate or pen youngsters. Otherwise been there, done that, trying to keep a garden with dogs amusing/satisfying themselves. I love crates, and I love pens. So do my dogs. I value them highly so want to keep them as safe as possible (and red red ready to work). It amazed me when I gave up work, how much they actually do sleep. It used to bug me big time, when people would come retriever training, with tired unmotivated dogs. I found, nearly all had older dogs, which the youngsters played with.
  16. Bellaperson, Do not give up on Bella. Stamp and Peppa were gee about 2/nearly 3 when I started the extra drive building regime. Stamp had intermittent hard mouth for example and it cured him, something which other professional trainers around the world said impossible!!!!!! Peppa and a few of my other labs all were tested, for different responses. It was very..................interesting seeing the differences in each.
  17. As I crate youngsters, and am aware of toilet times, I ALWAYS go out with them to the garden. As they empty, I repeat toilet toilet toilet. The last thing I want is for a dog to empty in the midle of a retrieving trial, never more so, when they have been in water, which may cause the urge. Mine nowdays try so hard to toilet, on command, even when there is nothing there. Tricksters, LOL.
  18. Pen with no toys. With the chewers no bedding either. Remember, I do not work, so mine are only in their pens for short periods of time. I have to go out with human friends too sometimes LOL.
  19. Ooops a daisy, I meant to type short attention span (depending on age mainly), so that is why I probably "do" 5 drive building sessions a day. I do admit though, I have been known to take young pups with the big dogs to SAFE known farms, and they may do water, obstacle, and some running (eeeccckk) around. I do tend to train them last, I like causing them frustration (in a nice way of course) from them, as they observe the big dogs having fun. Otherwise they are crated in the house.
  20. Just a thought, if I may, some pups have a low attention span.
  21. Added: A friend of mine in the US, who is going well as a professional retriever trainer, mentioned to me today, "get your training wheels off girl, and force". BS!!! I thought. LOL.
  22. Com on guys and gals own up. I am in such a good mood, just picked up our 12 year old from the vet who had six lipomas removed. Sending one just in case, but the vets think it is a waste of time, but me being me, want to make sure. Oz is continuing to cope well in quarantine and while I visit. Yank is amazing. Stamp and Peppa are great. And husband wants take a way AGAIN tonight. I am blessed.
  23. Well, think on the bright side, at least he is athletic!!!! Catch him in the act.
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