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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. LOL, Myszka, aahhhhhhhh dogs train us so well, I should imagine gaining their satisfaction feels like, a good wine, chocolate or seeeeeeeeeexxxxxxxxx.
  2. Thanks all I appreciate your comments. From a personal point of view, I was very interested reading of the dogs with high drive, which are a pain to live with sometimes. I have a youngster at 14 months of age, who had a terrible teeth chatter which was resolved, but man oh man, he is EVER an active dog. I often wonder if he were kennelled when not being trained, what he would be like. In the house he is rather over the top. Mind you, I did encourage him by praising him when he brought me presents, so made a rod from my own back, so to speak.
  3. Another question: Would you buy another breed the next time?
  4. I have been wondering as I read some threads. Those who bought puppies with a particular interest in mind, apart from: (1) learning how to train for the end "dream" result (2) choosing a good breeder? have you found your dog suitable to your requirements, from a training succes point of view. Health/injury can muddy the waters, so I will simplify and keep to this subject. Does your dog have sound nerves and good drive?
  5. MJ & Erny, Success was achieved with the other side of the audio tape, after a 5 minute or so delay. The tape is good. I really like it!!!!! Common "sense" testing, which sometimes as we all know is not too common. I will send it to you, after I play it again. Actually I have played it a few times (today while training), but it moves on so quickly, and I am slow. Edited: Frankly I am very very very glad I bought it. Surprised really!!!! As I originally was only going to buy the two books. Threw it is as an extra.
  6. Houston we have a problem. At the end of side one, the commentator advises to change sides, unfortunately the other side is blank. Not happy.
  7. Get over here!!! Dinner is about to be served. Honestly, very very very interesting tape.
  8. This tape is spinning me out Erny. I LIKE IT. Makes sense. I have to admit I am excited, as I have been so disappointed in other "cook book" tapes, videos and books. Only problem is the tape keeps stopping. Defect in our player or the tape??? Might have to go outside and test it, in one of our vehicles. Meatballs. Andrew loves meatballs. Brother!!! How boring, LOL.
  9. Sorry for the delay, cooking dinner for Andrew tonight. A special event - I am such a bad wife, LOL. I will Email you both. VERY interesting tape. Edited:BTW, the tape is an "old fashioned" sound tape. Lucky our unit still has this option!!!
  10. Well, the books and tape arrived at the post office yesterday. Good quick service!!! While returning from training, I picked the books up. Currently listening to the puppy tape. Seems good but the volume keeps changing. My poor ears!!!
  11. OK. I have a handy $800.00 spare as it seems I am not attending Mrs UK Spice (or is it a herb) seminar.
  12. Bridgiecat, I cannot help wondering also if the obedience instructor in a group situation has the time to explain ie the Shirley Chong method. I had a look at her method (including the use of the clicker), and it certainly seems a long drawn out process, with the dog still, I suppose for want of a better word - GUESSING what the handler requires the dog to do with --------the damm object. Opening a dog mouth from puppyhood helps in checking teeth etc so with the right base, I feel it is no big deal to insert a bumper/dummy etc and praise for correct responses. Sometimes the simple way is the best, LOL.
  13. From now on, I am going to call you fussy Erny!!!! The weather is warming up, we can bathe in dams. I love bush camping, but also like a shower. Local caravan parks normally allow, at a very reasonable cost, use of their bathroom facilities. Sounds as though VT is a good choice. Brother, we are spoilt girls. LOL.
  14. Does Boyd do workshops/seminars, outside NDTF? Sounds like an interesting guy!!!!!
  15. Now, now, now........thinking cap on. Myself and two other girls are planning to go camping together (somewhere in country Victoria) and leaving our other halves at home, in about two weeks. They are helping throw/and train, with me. Where to go???????
  16. Winterpaws, Nooooooooo. But, when I looked at the photos in the relevant section on DOL, I could not help noticing a nice piece of water, suitable for one or two drills. Cannot help wondering if the farm, wonderfully clever MJ and Jade organised would allow retriever training on the property. LOL. Staying at the pub would suit me. I LOVE COUNTRY hotels.
  17. Shekhina, When you take him to unknown areas, with levels of distraction (suitable for his level), start to leave him at short distances. REALLY watch his body, especially his face, he may be stressing. Look closely and see if he is licking his lips, panting or showing other signs. But then again, he may just be naughty LOL, and is testing you. Dogs do what works for them!!!!
  18. tmc, I do not know if I am the only one, but I can access the links but they do not play. Anyone else having this problem?
  19. I have to admit as so many repetitive drills are required, I have reverted to food rewards also. I still use a prey item (when time permits for example) and intermix intermittently the rewards.
  20. Oh my. These two photos were taken during boring (intermediate) drill work. Bit embarrassed actually that you want more. Next week.
  21. Thanks guys. I am going to try my hardest to motive the handlers and thus their dogs.
  22. Lane. http://forums.dogzonline.com.au/index.php?...c=66583&hl=
  23. This is a little example of what I do. Mind you, the person (Lainee) handling Peppa is not me. I am taller LOL LOL Just to explain a little, Lainee has sent Peppa on a blind (hidden retrieve) in water. There was a little island in the centre of this dam which Peppa was not allowed to beach on. The guy in the photo had thrown a mark and there was another blind further to the left. Anyway, a little example of what we enjoy.
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