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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. I am training four of my labs at the moment. Every dog is trained separately. For a variety of reasons. As they bounce around a paddock together from time to time, there is no way, I would have separate commands, say for emergency situations.
  2. For interest Denis, What do you do with your dogs, your experience and so forth? Your theory seems very sound.
  3. Denis, I cannot seem to access your other articles, or the articles on the dogstuff site. Could you provide the relevant link?
  4. I do something with the dogs, training wise, every day. Whenever you have time off let me know and you are more than welcome to join the fun/insanity LOL.
  5. Yes for water concept training. Plus the snakes do not seem to be a problem. Actually as I sit here, I am pondering whether or not to drive there later today, just for a couple of more swims. LOL. I have a few great private properties as well.
  6. I like beginning dogs a little unsteady, as steading comes easily later. After last weekend when Yo and Yank ran in their first novice and Yank especially refused to leave the starting pegs (cheeky bugger - expecting more), after delivering, you may be better off with someone else LOL. Give me a ring and come training one day. You own and drive nowadays, so I will not be phobic about leaving you, while you wait for a lift.
  7. not me apart from the sheltie ive always looked at the more obscure obedience propects and risen to the challenge Obedience has different standards, some would say, it is easy. IMHO compared to retrieving trials, it is. Also if a dog does not have excellent prey drive, great water ethics, sound nerves, excellent memory and be able to mark/see birds well, it is in a way cruel to continue with high expectations.
  8. Thanks Myszka for posting Yank's picture. He is coming along very nicely. Thank heavens LOL.
  9. Id say this would be a come at your own risk type of an event. Simple, check with your insurance agent/broker.
  10. Just another quick thought, for very food orientated dogs, floating food can help.
  11. gusgem, I am not laughing at you and your dog, but with you. If I had a dollar for everyone who sees a labrador swimming and saying " all labradors love water and will swim all day ", I would be a rich woman. It is quite normal for a puppy or a dog not used to water to lower their back and hind legs and create a large splash. As I do my puppy type tests, I throw a toy purchased from the $2 shop, which has a yellow and pink tennis balls on each end. This helps the pups to more easily see the article as they are swimming than say a normal retrieving bumper. In my experience, - mind you I have debated this until the sheep come home, there are natural water dogs, those who simply will swim for the heck of it. Those are the ones I love!!! Anyway, the further you throw the retrieving article the better swimmer a dog becomes, as they flatten out in time. Good luck. The warm weather is a great time to train on cheating concepts (bank running etc). Mind you be careful where you access water, SNAKES ARE ABOUT!!!!!!!!!
  12. Also Myszka, Do not forget public liability insurance. Anyway injured in any way can sue YOU. Obviously much much cheaper, if it can be covered by an exciting club etc.
  13. Good luck Myszka. Organising seminars is a lot of work. Having organised overseas seminars in the past, and my next visitor arriving next month and holding seminars in Victoria, Western Australia and Queensland, I will be exhausted by the end.
  14. I agree. In my experience the more competitive owners also look at particular dog breeds (and pedigrees) which suit their endeavours.
  15. Myszka, I would not be terribly interested in a Schutzhund based seminar. All the same, what about Felix Ho? He is apparently now based in Europe but wasn't he one of the most successful Schutzhund based guys while living in Australia???
  16. Cranbourne? Victoria???? After hearing of past nationals, I would have greatly enjoyed observing. Damm. LOL.
  17. I am stuck at home waiting for a fellow to arrive to replace a cracked windscreen in my dog vehicle, so I watched your Utube. I have to admit my timing and technique is very different from yours. Interesting!!!! If my hair was looking better (to say nothing about the rest of me), I would video myself and send you, what I do. LOL.
  18. for now she runs up to me, I move the ball higher and higher and she uses me as a springboard to get to it. Mind you she never succeeded in grabbing it out of my hand. Gotta love her. Just as a note, so far I have not trained her to sit after the recall, the recall itself was the excercise, so I rewarded her for making it all the way to me. Im now at the next step of asking for more. Ok I think I need more focus work. I am confused Myszka, Does not the dog know power and strength do not gain the reward?
  19. Welllll I suppose that's what you get for controlling your dogs fun and good times. cheers M-J Yep, that's what its all about, - drive, control, focus. Yank and Yo are in their first retrieving trial this weekend. Eeeeeeeeeeck!!!! It is be an interesting, at say the least!!! I train, train, train, train and intermittently test (in training). Both have very good drive. Regarding their control.........well, that will be another matter in an extremely exciting situation. Both broke yesterday - meaning they went to retrieve, without a command!!!
  20. He is revolting I stand out of the way when he comes out of his crate throwing saliva everywhere. Yuck. Peppa his litter sister simply performs back flips. All my dogs drool before being sent to retrieve. The longer I keep them by my side, after voice and body cueing, the LONGER the drool. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. ;)
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