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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. CTD, Fun youtube. Pushups, WOW. Impressive on your part also. I do a pushup every day too, getting out of bed.
  2. We all know puppies have a low attention span. Customs and quarantine dogs etc are worked for short intervals and then rested. Just for interest, I thought it worthwhile I ask, how often do you train and for how long? Starting with young puppies? Do you crate or isolate before and after training?
  3. Erny, Shy but not frightened? Just to clarify, for want of something to do........timid, nervous, low drive.? Just to help, possibly, are the owners loud or being mummy like, soft and the dog playing to such?
  4. Well.......we have many smart dogs and obviously very good trainers on DOL.
  5. There you go IN CASE I THROW THE TOY. Mind you it is natural for a kelpie, especially from working lines to herd. Every friend I know has had a kelpie from a working farm, I have no idea on show lines. DO NOT THROW the toy, encourage close contact with you. Further simple obedience close to you, petting, brushing, various drives.......anything.........to encourage her close.
  6. After an excellent morning training, even though I slept in, I call a foul, :rolleyes: Erny and others at least, could understand a fundamental/basic question. WITHOUT FEEDING MEALS AS TREATS??? ie a 6-8 week old puppy has smallish meals, and when I trained using food as rewards (lures for a youngster), the treats WERE part of their daily calorie intact. It will be years before I start another puppy (having 4 labs currently in training), I would not/never use food. Well maybe NEVER, but rarely. We have discussed various rewards ( and secondary reinforcers ) many times in the past, but certainly a worthwhile topic and question.
  7. Mrs M. Golly I turn into a pumpkin sooner than I thought. These questions, give me a headache. Depending on which dog I am training at a particular time and the different requirements, my methods alter to suit.
  8. Move the food about? Create frustration, in food drive, by delaying the reward? Heck, I need a scotch now.
  9. Try to use the best motivator for your dog. Do not change the highest reward. Check out, past threads regarding focus.
  10. Looking like an oddball..........well I like the unusual. watching cars going round a race track, to me, is as boring as grass growing. Mind you, I would like to see a little green grass nowdays. The cracks in some of the open paddocks, I train in, worry me greatly.
  11. Unpatient? That sounds good, better than inpatient, as in hospital. Mind you, I do think a little therapy, may help me from time to time.
  12. Leopuppy, I thought Jeff's question was related to the use of dry kibble? Not other motivators, rewards etc. O, Jeff,please clarify? Brother, I think, a drink is in order. A nice wine perhaps?
  13. O, Jeff. Come now, spit it out. Men!!!!!! They like to keep, us poor women, on tender hooks. But just who is reeling, who in? The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse, gets the cheese. What a different Saturday night. Still bliss.
  14. Did you ask for the behaviour, after a time delay, to check response?
  15. Swinging the dog. Heck I would be more concerned about my back and my labradors are fighting fit at the moment. Some think they are too thin. Strange, in the out (release), during training, they did not make the article dead (no movement), before reinitiating drive.
  16. Jeff, Why do you not like cheese? Affecting scenting ability for 48 hours?
  17. TD, three? Gundogs are a blessing. Quite impressed with GSPs actually.
  18. You were right also. Sorry Mrs. M. It is so blissful. Dogs and husband fast asleep. Gone are the big Saturday nights out and about. LOL.
  19. Damm Jeff, with one of my labradors, you got it in one estimate, including distance. He learns very quickly. Highly motivated with excellent focus. The other took thrice as long. But he has a little poor history. But improving.
  20. I have to admit, owing labradors, I am no expert in aggression either. All the same, I have only ever met, one dog, I feared. Leadership, control, training and exercise. The cook book response!!!! Pity we are not making a cake.
  21. Ummmmmmm...........as I own labradors, who when I used to motivate and reward for basic obedience, using food................changing to dry kibble would be no problem. All the same, I feed Eagle Pack, and with baby pups, I would soak the kibble slightly, as the chewing delay would not be a factor.
  22. Couldn't the owner exercise the dog as much as possible, and purchase (or find a loan crate ie from the local vet), until your assessment?. Dogs sleep alot, when tired. Also training, mentally stimulates and tires a dog. Good luck. How old is the dog?
  23. A group of friends and I, were recently discussing canine training. Required repetition figures were thrown about, in teaching a single command. How many repetitions do you feel are required before a dog learns a single wanted behaviour? As my labs are used solely for retriever trials, nowadays, where the drop is not required, I thought I would conduct my own experiment, on my two youngsters. Interesting result.
  24. I'm confused lablover - what was this post referring to? The OP? Just a general post.
  25. Yes........but.............IT DEPENDS. After all, dogs - regardless of age, sit, drop, stand, rest (stay), etc on their own naturally. Tricks and higher standards when controlled/channelled by us, is simply an extension.
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