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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. If stuck, you can use my place. 7 ks from Berwick. I have some very dusty, but in good condition, jumps in the garage. A set time would help, from a personal view, so I can organise my training around the group.
  2. Intertesting thread to ponder, on this once again warm day. I do not compete in agility, but can see your point regarding body awareness, as Australian retrieving trials are held normally (nearly always) in the significant cover which include fallen trees, sometimes steep banks, and long swims, which may be dangerous and the "straightest" to the retrieve/s either on seen retrieves or hidden are training and physical requirements. As a result I have found puppies and young dogs find their feet. As I like fast dogs, a few somersaults in their quest, has me holding my breath. I think I am very proactive with health care as well, having my dogs checked at various canine health centres, from time to time, to keep them in top form. Warming up and stretching helps too, which takes time, but well worth it. I thought I was on a particularly good streak regarding my 4 labs health wise. Then last week, one of my labs, ripped a toe nail bed while training. Healing up nicely.
  3. How dogs learn is so much fun!!!!! Now......to throw a spanner in the works, how many reps. does it take for a dog to learn an unwanted behaviour? Recently I had the pleasure of a very experienced US visitor who had trained many retrieving champions. We had many a discussion on the above. Poll: (1) more than a wanted behaviour (2) less than a wanted behaviour (3) the same amount of reps. Edited: Brother, I wish I checked my typing before submitting.
  4. Hi, owner/mother of lovely Nelson. Bringer of cold pizza, which I enjoyed at a trial one mid morning. Indirect pressure. Bejesus girl, ............the amount of time it took me to understand indirect pressure. Send me your Email, and I have a description, even I easily understood.
  5. Hi LL, After a long day at work, I have to tell you that you're one lucky gal, you make me so envious That I too could give up work and spend my days dog training. Well I guess there's only another 30 odd years until I retire I am not spoilt, ...........I am ruined. Mind you, life was not a bed of roses when my grandmother and mother were sick and since have passed away. Life is very precious.
  6. Illinois. yeh can ask him, i will pm you my email address so i remember. Have a great time Jeff. Thanks for the offer. I am sure you will be busy enough. All the same, repeated failures, nowadays, concern me. But, that is just me. Still like his DVDs regardless. And I play in retriever games.
  7. I had to check in before driving to training. Thanks for all the replies. How dogs learn is completely fascinating to me. And whywhy why certain drills/exercises and methods work.
  8. Excellent point. This may not mean incorrect, inconsistent, poor timed pressure/corrections. It could also be simply confusing a dog. Just like us, I think mental stress can be worse than physical.
  9. Tangwyn????????, You called me by my "normal" name. UM????? No idea who are you. You did not happen to have a lovely Golden by the name of Nelson?
  10. Jeff, Schutzhund nationals......next month??????? Where? BTW, who cares about Ivan's do, as in hair LOL. Could you ask him, after I reviewed one of his tapes today, why he in some instances, gives dogs repeated opportunity, to make the same mistake. Other than that I think his tapes are great.
  11. Maybe I need to review it again also. I laughing call him crazy Ivan, as he jumps out. Crazy Ivan is good - reminds me of one of favourite movies...........The hunt for Red October.
  12. Obviously you have Ivan's tape. Why do you think he (and others) jump about?
  13. Slow weekend, except for training the dog for me. Lovely!!!!!!!!!! My poor husband has to work tomorrow. Good, he is out of my hair. Edited: Oh brother, I am tired.........dogs.....not dog. I find being the DOL very relaxing. Probably my posts are boring :rolleyes: Oh well, I have fun.
  14. I think I am a patient owner trainer. Years ago, I admit due to ignorance I could feel my temperature rising, when my dog did not perform a correct response. I probably corrected, when I should have been correcting myself. Thank heavens my first dog, started my insanity, as she loved to work at anything and recovered with no issues. Answering honestly, :rolleyes: , do you loose your temper while training? Do you quit, return home and ponder how to improve your training methods?
  15. Take the toys away. Satisfaction is achieved under our terms. Also when ending training, making sure the dog is still keen to work, (experience with timing helps us all in this regard), initiate rewards, but do not release such. Have the dog begging for more. Sorry if you already know this. Regardless, end training on a good note, type of thing. Thanks PAX and TBs for your responses.
  16. Hang about!!!! Erny........placing the reward in front of the dog, working within the dogs critical distance. Sorry my method is too many, chained sequences.
  17. CTD, Interesting response, with Tia closing her eyes. I must ponder the reason for this. I can feel a headache coming on, as a consequence of pondering!!!
  18. Erny, If you are thinking, about what I do????? Like have a pile of known/seen rewards, as in retrieving articles in my case, while I work on basic obedience, yes......................they are released to retrieve for excellent responses. Distance between the area of obedience and the pile, is interesting also. Are are skipping down the same path?
  19. Yes, making the article dead. No value. BTW, just to add, the tape was an Ivan Balbanov production. Never could work out why he jumps about as much. LOL.
  20. Ummmmmmmm. Erny!!! My dogs tend to forge a little as they know, the fun, is in ahead of them (retrieving). All the same obedience is obedience.
  21. Indi dog, HINT time LOL. If either of the two clubs have attendees who compete in trials, check out the trainers, whose dogs look good. Try to join in those trainers classes. If you see particular trainers who dogs do not perform consistently and with style, dodge them. If warranted try to have a few private lessons with a great trainer. Whatever you do, do not bore your dog. Have time out, sit down with your dog, as normally classes are halted during question time. Have fun.
  22. Thanks Erny. It may help others who read the posts?
  23. Looking at your cleavage........good grief, no way. As per always, I was focused on Moses. People ask me did I see that guy (good looking with big shoulders apparently) with his dog, and I reply what guy.
  24. Sorry Erny, As you have seen my Yo, who had a very busy (or rather extremely busy)mouth, when delivering a retrieving article, when he first arrived back. I have worked alot on curing this, as I thought hard mouth may become a problem. Strangly at trials birds are no problem. But I am nowdays phobic regarding mouth problems, bearing in mind Stamps past, which seems to have resolved. I used an Orlee ball at first, but moved to a tug rope toy, with Yo. With outing (releasing) the tug rope toy, I stop all movement, by laying the toy against one of the legs. ie like one of the Schutzhund tapes.
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