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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. BTW, BCNTC, where in Canada do you live? The Canadian amateur national retrieving trial championship begins this weekend. A couple of Australians are attending. Lucky devils. So damm lucky and competition is all on one site, owned by the gundog club, no driving on the other side of the road for them following day to day competition.
  2. My dogs probably swim every day, even in colder weather. Silly dogs, when I am cold myself, but they like to cool down. Mind you, I move quickly as they shake. When we had the swimming pool I threw endless fun retrieves. My 13 year old still swims every opportunity she has. Again, silly dogs. During winter, she suffers the worst. Medications, treatments and in the house (preferably flat sleeping spot) when not out and about. I wish I had not thrown all those fun retrieves. I wish she would try not to retrieve nowadays or jump up continuously when watching training. When I am away for overnight training, she goes to my brother-in-laws place, as otherwise she sits by the front gate (no cover) and waits for my husband's return.
  3. You are all mad and bad AND sex crazed. On the other hand, I am mad and bad only!!! I have been thinking today (shows I really really really need a life besides thinking about my dogs), about item 7. Corrections should be the same intensity of the dogs action. On first reading this I thought OK.......I like that, reverse of purely positive training with jackpotting etc. Upon further contemplation he he, this afternoon, I do not agree. Dogs learn very well to work through low corrections, naggin if you will. Back to pondering and being bad and mad.
  4. I am confused, a normal state of mind!!! At dog schools, there is little chacge to teach perfect obedience. They are, after all teaching the owners, in some would say, very difficult circumstances. Most attendees have no plan to go onto obedience trials etc. That being said/typed, I think it would be good that the instructors single out those (who hopefully will be be too nervous or insulted), that their dogs could sit straighter. Many pups have a sloppy sits also. Moving right along...............I personally think, as I have stated previously, endless heeling, sitting, dropping blah blah, where multiple non perfect behaviours are being rewarded, is not the best course of action. Short perfection with multiple breaks. Dogs are all so different. Say with a lab, food might keep this focus for 30 reps, with another type of breed, they would be bored to death/distracted.
  5. Just another couple of thoughts. With having labradors, which whelp large litters, I have never had a singleton. Then again, there are breeds which routinely whelp small litters. I have had come across a couple of singleton pups (frozen semen from older studs for example) who have achieved greatness in the US, so obviously it can be done. Sorry I cannot be more detailed but frankly I was more interested in training. What are the pups current living arrangements (over a 24 hour period)? Is the current caregiver able to give one on one time through the day? Is in solitary in a kennel/run? And does it spend excessive time the older dogs?
  6. Thanks for the reply Magnum. I also have accidently hurt my dogs from time to time, stand on their toes, hit them with objects, and have fallen on them. Again good luck.
  7. Your dog sounds as though she is not birdy and has suspect drive. Overall not a good prospect. Sorry. For interest though, how does she perform at obedience training?
  8. Me too, again. Can I ask a probable silly question here, apart from heeling, what do you all think is the advantage of a prong?
  9. Girls, girls, girls, settle down. ha ha. I would train with Mr (or Mrs) Frankenstein if I thought they could help.
  10. As I have been reading the threads on DOL, I have also been surfing the net. Anyway, came across this site. Mind you, it is a site promoting cross breeding. Thought you may be interested in someone who had attended one of his seminars. I have never met the man, but he does seem to have success in Hollywood. http://www.goldendoodles.com/Health/dogwhispered.htm
  11. linky please Me too. Apparently there was a conference once (in Europe???), in which a speaker spoke of damage caused by correction collars, regardless of their sensitive or mindless use. This in time became FACT. Edited: Sorry bad spelling/grammer day, again.
  12. A friend of mine in the US, won the first ever dock jumping competition. Have the video as well. Anyway, I own a 13 year old labrador, who is very arthritic. I do feel one of the reasons for such, as due to us owning an inground at one time. I hang my head in shame with the amount of fun silly retrieves I sent her for.
  13. Naughty dog. Further training is required, then proofing with distractions. One step at a time.
  14. Does this pup display other signs of being, not quite right?
  15. Cannot help thinking as I read this thread, that dogs learn to read our body language very well. After all it is their way of communication between themselves and US. As a result whatever we "say", bearing in mind vocal cues are the last to be learnt by a dog, hand signals etc are understand by our canine friends first. Teaching new vocal commands as a result is certainly easier than changing our body and hand cues.
  16. O, I assumed correctly. Be careful of fancy websites?????.
  17. No, but due to one worded responses (except for SARDOG's link), am interested, now. LOL.
  18. The end of a beautiful friendship, perhaps????????????? Remember generally men can only think of one thing at a time. Have patience - they may see the light regarding having the dog evaluated. In the meantime, as the road to love can be rocky - take a crate over with a large bone, when visiting.
  19. Magnum, Good luck. For interest, are your problem dog's siblings, nervous types?
  20. 2 months of ear pinching and the dog will not pick up from the ground, after receiving professional advice? Wow. Something is not right here. Tell us more.
  21. Good old fashioned heeling stick or heck, a fly swatter can be used as correction tools.
  22. If she is distracted (not sure if I am sure what you mean - at lure coursing), having a good recall, whatever the tool - voice, whistle ---any sound, has to be taught and proofed. Remember dogs (that are not hearing impaired), do not stop hearing, they simply stop listening.
  23. Anyone that wants a lend of a copy, feel free to contact me. Mind you.....the authors have not proven success in the retriever "games" apart from a junior hunter and working certificate. That being said, I am all for positive methods, as much as possible.
  24. I have shot for people without a gun licence. As long as the dog is lined up correctly, I see no problem. I do not know your sight limitations (rough ground - mine you, I fell down a hole last Sunday on a walk up - dog number one, and I have normal AGED sight!!), delivery), and look forward to meeting you one day. Go for it.
  25. And being alert with fast dogs, who have released from training. With it being Friday, and remembering my terror, I think a drink is in order.
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