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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. I have been wondering. Told you all I need a life!! Do you think canine medications particularly those which could help aggression issues, are not thought as worthwhile, as with humans, simply due to their use, not being studied intensively. Wish dogs could talk. Just imagine what the problem dogs would say to the various psych therapists.
  2. oceanassi, I have been trying to think of someone who competes in retrieving and tracking trials. At least in Victoria. Nope cannot think of anyone!!!!. As you have already mentioned, you plan to go and observe. Have fun. IMHO retrieving trials are the most difficult of the canine sport games available.
  3. Thanks Leopuppy I must admit I feel really good Tired but Good as you do when you have achieved something you have been working on Tracey Tracey, glad I caught this thread. Lovely to read of your success, congrats. Great photos too. Loved the intensity of good dogs, in my limited observation.
  4. Interesting. Looks a bit odd, and may I add, a little bit funny, when all five were sitting in front, licking their chomps or at the very least, their tongues were giving moving in their mouths.
  5. An example being, say with Yo. He dislikes the vacuum cleaner, but had it on, and did a simple retrieve down the hallway with the cleaner laid out. Ignored the noise/cleaner and retrieved with joy.
  6. When they are licking they are thinking???????? Interesting. So one time out of 10, they are not - thinking. Interesting.
  7. I must buy a book. Nervousness, excitement, trembling as the "praise" word means fun is coming. No idea, just pondering, while having fun in the house. Dogs can teach us so much, by simple observation. Still trying to work my lot out. How I would love to able to read their minds.
  8. I love watching my dogs interact in a pack. I often video my dogs at training, at least I did especially when the younger ones started training. Anyway I have a question on this poor weather day in my part of Australia. When I voice praise my dogs for good behaviour, they lick their lips 9 times out of 10. Why?
  9. I cannot help wondering due to most breeds being from show stock, if this is one of the reasons why (any) corrections are not considered worthwhile? For example golden retrievers, who IMHO, are a much softer dog than a labrador - I am generalising.
  10. What a strange class. Goooooooooooooooood luck. A good example of expecting a dog to do, what it has not been taught.
  11. ShellyBeggs, Sounds more like the dog needs more training also?
  12. While reading this thread, I wonder if dogs could suicide what the numbers would be? Poor darlings who are fearful.
  13. Oh my goodness. You DON'T share him? Ooops. :p .......................................... No - only joking. ;) As long as you fed him, while on loan. He does not have much food drive.
  14. Goodness, I do not care about going off topic. Apart from my husband, I share everything.
  15. Poor Cesar, has anyone actually met this fellow? I have no read his book or watched his show. I certainly agree with Totally Wild, what you see on videos etc, is not the full picture, which lets face it, would be impossible.
  16. No, I was focussing more on this: A shut down in the face of repeated inescapable stress (can be physical or mental) = learned helplessness. I've seen it in the odd obedience dog at the higher levels.. I don't know what to do, the consquences of doing the wrong thing aren't positive .. so I won't do anything at all. Do you think your dog truly understands what it is that you are asking her to do? In the US at least, not sure about Canada, but in retrieving breeds, learned helplessness if diagnosed correctly is calling clamming. Virtually impossible to fix. Poor dogs!!! I do not think, as I read it, the poster has this problem with the dog. By the sounds of it, the dog seems completely unmotivated to retrieve. There is no shame in this, but forcing a dog that does not have the right instincts is, a form of cruelty. All the same, how old is this dog? Has it been mentioned?
  17. BCNTC, My experience with force methods has primilarily been from limited visiting, the US. From what I saw, IF a dog failed to pick up a bumper from the ground and HAD been force fetched, the trainer would very quickly, ear pinch. The dog if pressure had been taught correctly, and had been proofed, in avoidance methods, the dog knew how to stop the correction/pressure. I certainly do think translation between our countries is a problem. I had no idea what a bulldog retrieve was until my visit, as the two are so different between AKC hunt tests and field trials. It was fun. But frank the use of force methods has never turned me on.
  18. Interested to hear how you are getting on. Those who have treated seriously aggressive (to humans and animals) dogs, has a total cure ever occurred?
  19. Alpha, Can I ask, very popular with who?
  20. I admit I am lost and confused with this thread. When Leck fails to pick up a bumper from the ground, what do you do? What did you do during walking fetch for example? In your initial post, you typed that she did retrieve from the ground.
  21. Hi Julie, There's nothing boring about you or your labs!! You're an innovative thinker, responsible for the introduction of a number of training techniques and training aids to this country. Yank maybe many things, but for certain one of them isn't boring!! He's definitely an "edge of the seat" type of dog.
  22. Snake Valley small world. I have a cottage booked there, due the state championship and national being in the area, later this year. In fact, stayed at Cape Clear a couple of weeks ago, while again trialling.
  23. I hope she is with you for years and years too. Remember the number one rule, or is its number two rule, LOL, make sure you are in the position to change previously poor responses-whatever method of enforcement you use. Start short distances. Who cares if you begin again at one foot away?
  24. Hope your dog does not throw the knives at you. Where in the sticks are you? There are a few ways to achieve a calm mouth.
  25. Obviously a wonderful successful trip. HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxx from Julie and the boring labs.
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