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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. Tonymc, What do you do with your dogs? Do you compete?
  2. NW, The books I ordered - BTW - changed to Amazon, included one you had lent me. Actually I ordered three of the same, to give to friends, who had flipped through and liked the content. You have me interested though, which book were you after but found elsewhere? Pax should charge for the loan outs. Thanks again PAX. All of us should set up a loan library. Amazon did not have one of the books I ordered, but I followed their link to another supplier. Cheap book something like US $5.00. Postage US $13.50!!! So much for bargains. LOL.
  3. As a new dog owner, pre puppy school, can be educational more for the owner than the puppy. Smaller groups, with same age/size pups is best. Telephone vets in your area. Berwick Obedience, for more formal lessons, is an option.
  4. Goodness, I cannot remember. Full break? She is lying beside my feet, 13 years of age. She started this insanity. I owe her so much. A couple of weeks ago, she came with me to the Vic market. An artist pencilled a sketch of her. $20. Professional framing $180.00. Poor husband. I am do not normally like dog stuff (ornaments etc) in the house, apart from the dogs of course.
  5. I do not know if my thoughts have any input to this thread but as I am housebound today........here I go. I think once you have had a succesful dog which required very high drive, in my case to compete in retrieving trials, who breezed through obedience training....you learn to go backwards. By this you know the level you want to achieve, so choosing a litter from proven performers becomes important. I can see a certain degree of potential greatness....when the pups are young. They either have it, or don't. That special spark. Goey types, inquisitive, bounce back from new experiences, active, outgoing, and ready to work. With a 12 week old puppy, who eyes are maturing.....watching a football game with great intensity and when I cue them and give a reward.......they switch concentration to me. With eagerness and vigor. Channelling desire is wonderful. I remember seeing working baby kelpies, outside a sheep pen. Same look!!! Intense.
  6. Ray Coppinger's book covers this topic very well. Fills many chapters.
  7. PAX, I am more than happy to spend the $$$, but as you made the offer for a loan, how could I refuse? I would not have added my query, except for the short video link, which showed a bird in training. On this subject, how much of the series devotes to dog training? I have tons AND TONS of videos, DVDS, and books. Most related to retriever (trial) training, but a few which might interest you regarding obedience training.
  8. I need to order a few books for myself and friends. I use dogwise. I noticed a DVD series by Bob Bailey which looks interesting on the site. US $99.00 Before I finalise my order - which I might leave until tomorrow - rather than place 2 orders, I was wondering if anyone had Mr Bailey series? http://www.dogwise.com/itemdetails.cfm?ID=DTB893
  9. Here you go...............Mind you the exchange rate is pretty good at the moment. http://zen4k9s.com/programs.html
  10. Another thread which has me completely confused. I must be tired again. I agree with Anissa, an avoidance/correction tool unless the dog has been trained to avoid or perform a required response, have been scientifically proven they do not teach. Please explain further, so I can sleep tonight.
  11. K9: have you in the past thrown the toy or ball for him to chase? Not this one, this toy he has only ever had during drive training. he does get balls thrown for him, but he knows the difference between them and the drive toy. Plus when he's getting balls thrown for him he doesn't get the command of "let's go". I have clicker & marker trained him. I use 'Yes' as the marker word and he knows the clicker too. I teach him the command first with the clicker and marker word, make sure he has it down pat, then I consider it's usefulness in the drive training to see if it's going to be useful or not. Sorry about the delay in my reply, I only have sporatic access to the internet, basically when I'm working late and it's quiet or at my OH's brother's place. I think you are changing the 'match' (game) rules too soon. You have a naturallly herding bred dog? But just in case I am wrong what bred is your dog? I am sorry I have not replied.............gee......um........I am more of a practical person, when training, not theory. As a result I find it very difficult to imagine what you and your dog are doing. I wish I could help explain what I do, but at every given second, once focus is achieved, then control etc my tactics change, with each of my dogs. Heck, I have a hard time explaining the difference of a correction and punishment for example.
  12. Good for you for buying a book. Pity my dogs cannot read. O.......the pictures of your rats!!!!!!!!
  13. My word.........I am not that impressed with a dog running that far, but.............you. 7-8kms on Saturdays and Sundays!!! Is Elsa on lead? When does she normally spin, obviously not while running next to you, except if you have suffered falls as a result? You inspire me to rejoin the local gym. Heck, I feel like practicing by running to the letter box.
  14. Hope someone has passed on the details to you. Just in case a dog friendly place, has not been found yet.......Ripley Park about 20 minutes from Geelong is very dog friendly. It has two self contained cottages, with two bedrooms each. Fencing around each cottage. Meals can be delivered as well. Their evening meals are totally wonderful.
  15. You mention you are correcting him? How? Dogs do what works for them. Do not reward the dog for incorrect choices. They are great problem solvers. Teach gentle etc. At 5 months your dog has already learnt bad habits (according to your/our criteria). You need to change the sequence. Simple, eh????
  16. Didn't you get dizzy?? :p Are the spinners kenneled for long periods of time, so a self rewarding habit has been formed?
  17. How about police dogs in certain parts of the world, who are conditioned to vibrating collars, on recalls for example, so the "naughty" people cannot hear vocal cues.
  18. From a retrieving point of view I would go and have gone with the best in their field, BY PROVEN RESULTS. These guys train 20 dogs a day for years. They show what clients (and their) dogs are capable of. Mind you......they do wash dogs they do not reach their standards, which at times I thought too early. So, show me.........what the trainers dogs do, when the tail gate comes down. Those trainers are the ones I prefer.
  19. K9: have you in the past thrown the toy or ball for him to chase? Not this one, this toy he has only ever had during drive training. he does get balls thrown for him, but he knows the difference between them and the drive toy. Plus when he's getting balls thrown for him he doesn't get the command of "let's go". I have clicker & marker trained him. I use 'Yes' as the marker word and he knows the clicker too. I teach him the command first with the clicker and marker word, make sure he has it down pat, then I consider it's usefulness in the drive training to see if it's going to be useful or not. Sorry about the delay in my reply, I only have sporatic access to the internet, basically when I'm working late and it's quiet or at my OH's brother's place. I think you are changing the 'match' (game) rules too soon. You have a naturallly herding bred dog? But just in case I am wrong what bred is your dog?
  20. I would but I have lent them both out to a friend. Besides, all the drills are my favourite! :p Tangwyn, for interest, do you have the drill book by Carol Cassity. On each page it asks not for it to be photocopied. Wanna lend? Hi LL, No, I don't have it. My book collection is, unfortunately, limited to what I can find on Amazon. Would absolutely love to know what secrets lie within Where's my rock, How about I mail the book to Tangwyn first, as you do not have a pup yet, and she sends it, to you, after she has finished? As it is a "keeper" it might be best simply to order the book through the writer. She is very nice!!! No handling charges. Just the shipping costs. From memory the book itself is US $20.00. Our exchange rate is impressive at the moment. That is, if you are buying from the US at least!!!
  21. I had no idea of this dog's history and for how long he had issues, but he was aggressive to other dogs. As he was the only dog I had at the time, I spent many hours, getting him out and about.
  22. I may be too stubborn to learn how to multi quote, but I can find links quickly. http://www.dvmnews.com/dvm/article/article...l.jsp?id=408432
  23. I agree. Mind you, I have never been placed in that situation. In my late teens, I rescued a dog, who had terrible anxiety. He settled well and was eventually rehomed to a friend.
  24. I would but I have lent them both out to a friend. Besides, all the drills are my favourite! Tangwyn, for interest, do you have the drill book by Carol Cassity. On each page it asks not for it to be photocopied. Wanna lend?
  25. Is the "drills for blinds" the same as "for blind retrieves"? I am very intrigued what it means. Yes, the same thing. Hidden retrieves. The dog leaves the handler side, on a taught direction, in the straightest route to the retrieve. Stops and take (arm) casts as directed. Training includes what is called handling factors, like wind, terrain, water, ignoring previously seen sighted birds (which the dog is not allowed to retrieve until the blind is brought back). Dogs are naturally inclined to return to previous success areas, as in where the marks have been retrieved so good handling ability is required. Training includes handling past, what is called suction as a result. Its fun.
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