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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. I may have missed a reply -Do you wish to buy an English field bred labrador? There are only a few breeders of 100% UK field labradors in Australia. LOVELY DOGS!!
  2. I want this job!! Big responsibility - selecting pups for Australian Government. Not sure I would like the job. Breeding is so less stressful NOT!! ha ha.
  3. O BTW, the kept the worst scored pup. She is a retrieving fool, high drive and great nerve. If tests, which are basically I suppose a snapshot opportunity, were 100% no organisation would have failures.
  4. What a completely wonderful thread. A subject dear to my heart....evaluating pedigrees, looking at individual dogs, and litter testing. I agree with so many other posters. I have dealt with some Australian breeding organisatons - both Federal and State, and have discussed this very subject. Mind you, given myself my might fine headaches - pondering! I had one organisation, as it so happens, just a couple of months ago, fly in and test a litter of eight available pups. The pups were individually tested (about half a hour), in a new/unknown area, tested by unknown trainers. The tests were basically similar to this link: http://www.bogartsdaddy.com/bouvier/BuyersGuide/Puppy_Aptitude_Test.htm
  5. Thanks for your help. Unfortunately I have already placed my order. Yours are at a great competitive price and I would have preferred to buy in country.
  6. Thankyou very much for suggestions and PM's. Ended up with Ms R suggestion. Just had fun purchasing scanner, leads, dummies, kongs and china cups. (Saved a fortune ha ha) Link: http://www.homesteadfarmsupplies.co.uk/-c-102.html
  7. I ordered a microchip scanner through my vet last week. Yesterday they advised it would be cheaper to order over the internet. Rather than bother my vets again, as they are so busy....any suggestions for sites to purchase over the internet? Thankyou.
  8. The last two, were late entries, into the world. Busy? Two litters 2 weeks apart.................I will be fine (gulp). Rubystar, all black, as will be the end of May litter. (They are so cute - must rush back into the kitchen to continue watching them)No training today. Um...maybe a couple of football field walking baseball for my other three and a friends dog staying for training.
  9. Yo/Pink pups - near repeat of Chief litter - born early this morning. ELEVEN. 3 boys 8 girls. ELEVEN!!!!
  10. Well done TSD and Em. Chief won All age Saturday. The dog whisperer, Russell, is on a roll.
  11. I am lucky Russell (he won the Australian national twice with another of mine- the litter mate is the sire of Chief) and other retriever triallers (one win all age, one RRD, and Funkie (4trials 1st2ndx 2 and a 4th) - and Australian Customs and Police,are achieving excellent results and have faith in my ability (time, travel to US, money and research) to have imported wonderful genetics from America. Good luck with little lab bitch too. Yank is with Gareth, he loves training him and trialling, as he was already planning on travelling to Western Australia. I have no plans to travel to WA with my older labs, Stamp and Peppa. With litters to whelp and my health not being 100%. I have "been out there with the dogs". Funkie (4 trials - 1st, two seconds and a fourth) is due to whelp at the end of the month. Might be an idea to PM, Email or phone. Especially if related to my health and its consequences.
  12. Sure is. There was a trial in South Australia over the weekend. Breeders brag!!!! Saturday: All Age was won by Adderslot Chief - RT CH title achieved, this being her second win. Today: Two finishers. Adderslot Chief and Adderslot Star Spangled Yank. Chief won again. Chief is SHE. 22 months old.
  13. What she said Congrats to all on fantastic results, of all sorts! Thanks all. Lovely to read the weekend trial and training stories. I had to scratch - back pain. Gundogs are fun dogs!!!!
  14. Fetchindawgs, Cannot find in thread, so have to brag for you and CONGRATE!!! Excellent news on your latest ALL AGE WIN during Easter!!!!!
  15. Oh congrats!!!!! Lab puppies Cluck cluck!!! Thanks, More puppy news TODAY. Funkie (labrador in my Avatar) had her ultrasound this afternoon and pronounced pregnant. American and Canadian Field Champion BUCK being the sire. (Semen I imported) Woooooo hoooooooooooooooo. PS Kicked another couple of goals today. Prince tickets purchased. And lastly saw oncologist.....75% of my type of cancer relapse within 2 years. I remain CURED. Wooo hoo Now am I serious????. Two litters only two weeks apart. Am I mad!!!???
  16. While googling American field labradors who are running in agility trials, I came across the site below: Do we have MACH in Australia? If so, is it a title and/or qualification? How it is achieved? http://fastlabs.limecreek.com/dog/lime-creeks-punkin-patootie
  17. Remember I am a field/working labrador lover....forgive me +++++ for this probably silly question. What is a MACH qualification or title? Do we have them in Australia? http://fastlabs.limecreek.com/dog/lime-creeks-punkin-patootie
  18. Thanks, it being years since I have actually observed an agility trial. That's what you get when you breed for working ability and traits. Hey, the second dog is sired by a dog I watched every morning for a month, when he was 12 months old. He went onto become an American field champion. Gosh he was athletic. Actually I have imported semen from his half brother. So obviously I liked him!!
  19. Not that we can change the past, a reason why she is an EX Champion show dog, may help. Did she "enjoy" the ring? Does she have a health issue ie hip or elbow, which causes pain. I would treat her like an 8 week old pup and have fun fun fun. Any chance of videoing the dog? Let us know how she gets on.
  20. Pink, the dam of my avatar was confirmed pregnant via ultrasound this morning. Yo is the sire. Should be "sweet" high desire pups. She then went onto hunt quail.....it being quail opening today. A very important date to some!!!
  21. Agility lovers: Can I ask your opinion on these two American field bred labradors?
  22. Not suitable for conditions. Their waders were THICK!!. Hunted mainly out of hides, with heaters (heaters mainly for the dogs). Long suffering and his Australian mate, were very impressed.
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