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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. A punishment would be a fence jumping dog, being initially zapped by an electric fence. A correction, for unwanted learnt behaviour depends on the dog. We had friends over last night, after returning from Christmas lunch. My dog were hanging about as I fed and watered the humans. One friend said, you are always training your dogs. This comment set me back a little, until he went on to say, when I command I command once, and due to training, the dogs know only one command will be given. They know their off times by simply observing me. I see too many people say no to their dogs, and if their dogs do not respond appropriately say no again, in a LOUDER voice. I frown, some screeeeeech. Some continue to no no no. That being said, I cocked my head in thought, while on my first US trip. I stayed with a TOP retrieving kennel, where 100 dogs were been trained at $700 per month, on an average of 6 years. Big money!!! The dogs were well trained, as retrievers, but would they come when airing (toiletting), before being allowed to jump into each training truck.....no way, until the gates were opened. Here in Australia, we tend to want to generalise EVERY command at every opportunity.
  2. Merry Christmas everyone. Thank heavens a year before the next one. Happy holidays, to those off work.
  3. Again, I am reminded of the line - ask two trainers and you may receive 2 different opinions. 3 trainers, 3 opinons. 4 trainers, 4 opinons etc etc etc. I judge by my dogs responses and results (and our success at training which hopefully shows in trials). Whatever the reward, (lure or bribe??-another topic one day perhaps??) as long as 100% focus and control are maintained - we and our dogs are winners.
  4. May I just add, one good correction -if the command/cue has been learnt and proofed, is worth a million nagging requests. I could not imagine pet dog trainers, being able to apply the above, in front of of most loving mummy owners. And lets face it, if all dogs had no problems, there would be little need for experienced trainers or behaviourists.
  5. Outstanding!!!!!! Training is fluid, consistency.........yes yes yes.
  6. You are a (welcomed) stranger. Care to disclose your experience, or if not, what you had for breakfast? LOL.
  7. I am lazy so another link, which may help. Kayla, from your post above, I would be also a little concerned that multiple commands/cues are being ignored. How long have the two extra's been in residence? http://www.sfspca.org/behavior/dog_library/barking.pdf
  8. This thread reminds of the pros and cons on the use of human children methods of discipline. We are never going to agree. Human psychology is not an exact science. Interesting all the same. I feel there is less fallout using as many positives, especially in novice hands.
  9. Dogs play tug together from the time they are a month old, it's perfectly natural. I think it can lead to problems. If unsupervised. Normally one dog wins, (nearly) every time. Bad bad bad, IMHO. I still don't think "winning" is the point of tug for dogs. But each to their own. Fair enough. As one of my favourite trainers stated " Do whatever you think works best. If something is not working over a period of time, try something else. Trust what you see - in your dog, as they are your best teachers."
  10. I obviously cheated, by adding a link. I do think someone videoing you with the dog is a great help, to review afterwards, regarding technique, timing etc. Humbling too sometimes, LOL.
  11. Dogs play tug together from the time they are a month old, it's perfectly natural. I think it can lead to problems. If unsupervised. Normally one dog wins, (nearly) every time. Bad bad bad, IMHO.
  12. A link that may help? BTW, be careful of what type of "toy" is used. Rope toys for example, with a hard tug dog, have been known to dislodge teeth. I know from experience.....eck. http://www.sfspca.org/behavior/dog_library/tug.pdf
  13. Why do you think she focuses on you at obedience but not at off lead parks? Will she recall to you, under all distractions?
  14. Simply this dog sounds untrained and has learnt fun, solo (without you). Training takes time, knowledge and consistency. It is fun fun fun too.
  15. Hey not fair, pulling at my heart strings, adding a labrador as an example. Point taken though. Often friends ask how can I stand a certain labrador of mine, who is very active. They in time realises he does settle and has an off switch.
  16. Ta, CJ. So and so, had to number two today while swimming back from a retrieve. Did he stop, no, just left floaters. Hey currently watching JA's basic's DVD, wanna lend? Gee wizz, they use the check cord, in drills I had forgotten. Interesting.
  17. She did occasionally, but now we have the new pavers I don't want her doing it there at all! I may just have to get her on dry food 100% of the time so it's easier to clean up! Control where she toilets. For some probable totally useless information LOL, dog food manufacturers, when quality controlling etc a new line, monitor size, shape and firmness of excrement - aiming for consistency. What a subject!!!! Oh well, its Friday.
  18. I did apologise for changing the topic. Lets face it, the subject (abet not directly related to the RSPCA suggested methods) and has many dedicated threads. Initially I simply enquired if any posters had personally rescued a dog from the organisation. Cut me, I bleed.
  19. Please explain, and sorry for going off topic. Regarding assessments, I should imagine, unless the RSPCA had endless funds, perfect testing is impossible? Out of establishment etc?
  20. That's what its all about. Mind you take experience when to do so.
  21. Sure, but unless we live or spend significant time, with the dogs....we really have no idea. The RSPCA, seems to me, takes the safe option and politically correct, methods. From my experience rescue dogs from private breeders and individuals, have more ++++++++behaviour problems, than those rescued from the RSPCA.
  22. Is it possible to build a temporary fence around the new pavers? New pavers cool. I need new carpet, ........and lino too. LOL. Did your dog used to toilet in the area where the new pavers were laid?
  23. So their testing standards by your experience, are sound?
  24. Hey CJ, did you simplify training initially also? Did your problematic dog pee on the way to a retrieve or on the way back?
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