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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. Good idea. I would not call the Ranger. Too much ill feeling in this world of ours as it is. PAX, look on the bright side, at least you can see it................. Nothing worse than poo on footwear.
  2. That is what I do. We have a nearly 14 year old lab who suffers from arthritis. She has acute pain episodes at times which requires pain relief also. Has anyone simply added Mussel extact tablets from the chemist. I do not begrudge spending money at my vets, as their mark ups are not that huge (and lets face it animal medications are not covered by government subsidizes), all the same, a few dollars extra in our pockets sometimes helps. They are supposed to be natural products, I am home testing how my girl gets on. Thought are welcomed. Glad I found this thread. Glyde was only passed mid last year for dog use. $90.00 or more?? By crickey. I will contact my trusted vet next week also for his views as I need another check visit.
  3. The next morning, my husband accidently shut the back door. What a mess I found. O well, that life with dogs and carpet. Today I was doing a bit of weeding. I had cleaned out the largish fish pond in front of our house. Yank noted fish swimming about. I turned my head, pretending to ignore him, so he jumped in. Yo of course joined him.
  4. I don't think it's the reward schedule as that is variable. She needs a lot of practice around distractions and unfortunately, when I was converting/ editing it, the sound vanished.... but almost every time she looks away is because of a sound elsewhere . She looks gorgeous. BTW, I will be humming the song all night now. BTW, I had legs like yours......years ago!!!!!!! LOL. Impressed with the video, nice and steady. Mine are disgraceful in comparison.
  5. Cheap, I reckon. ;) I paid US $3,500. Thank goodness the pup did not end up a dud.
  6. Bob Bailey uses chicken, now someone else lambs. Wonder how they would go with males, especially some old boilers or uppity rams.
  7. A baby too. That is a very good reason. Apparently only in Brisbane, Jesomil.
  8. Listen to SARDOG, she is too humble to talk about oustanding wins, in a past life, before S & R became her focus. Hey, do you ever change the reward hand, or mode of giving the food ie behind your back?. Kinta seems, almost, she looses focus when she knows it is not reward time or schedule (she looses concentration). She looks lovely. I like the song, but switched off the sound.
  9. Yes!!!!!!!!! That would be totally magnificent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not the weekend before Easter, please LOL. I am prepared to drive (am I really typing driving!!), but flying would be easier especially at non holiday periods.
  10. Wonder what he would have thought about dedicated retrieving dogs? I would honestly not enter the Easter trial, but a friend and her Golden Retriever, are flying over from WA, staying for 10 days to train and to compete in this trial. It is "that" highly regarded. Many interstaters make the trip. Any other weekend, apart from the Australian National, I would be there!!!!!
  11. Kavik, aaaaaaand, what's your excuse not to attend?
  12. I'm still upset, LOL. Had the cheque book out to pay for myself and one of my labs, when I realised the seminar was during Easter, when a 3 day retrieving event it held. I thought about not entering the Easter trial even today, as I feel this seminar would be great, but but but..............!!!!! Damm.
  13. Border Collie Club of Victoria has a herding trial 1st and 2nd March at KCC park PM me and I will send you there flyer. Good dates, so far for me. Thankyou. Will PM. Last trial I saw was over a decade or so ago, before ANKC trials began.
  14. Can I ask a question or two, please? This pup is 10 weeks old-correct? Did its litter mates leave at the presumed 8 weeks of age? Was it handled by humans, left to play with a litter mate? Any further history on the pup before it arrived?
  15. This morning I noticed a small diarrhoea, during my twice a day lawn scoop. Having five labradors, naturally I did not know who had an upset gut. Trained four, and all seemed fine, so assumed our nearly 14 year old girl was the culprit. While posting on DOL, I went outside to hang up some laundry and my 5 year old lab bitch, shoved roughly past me at the back door. She is normally very well mannered and waits until released as I open the door. She was the one with the problem. Smart dog!!!! Another thought as I pass the time. I realised something today, I hit, a couple of my dogs. From time to time we simply perform drill work, water cheating, tight entry and re entry angles and such. Due to a long standing habit, I praise, when some might not think the behavior warrants. I do not praise for my dogs simply breathing. I try to save my praise for good new learning responses. Anyway, I thought a couple of mine, performed very well today, so I slapped them on their sides while verbally acknowledging my/our achievement. They enjoyed it and so did I. If a hearing impaired person, had observed us, I am sure they would have thought I was been abusive. Off to check my soft stool girl. Any stories, to share?
  16. Is she actually asleep when she wees?
  17. Little story. When I decided to import an US working line labrador (not for public stud - just in case anyone thinks I am trying to advertise), I asked so many questions, starting with the nerves of the dogs in past generations. As my import has over 50 years of working (not a dollop of show) successful lines behind him - his sire is still the record producer. All the same, I had seen duds, on my travels, from different dams. Some say, he could have been bred with a goat, and good pups could have resulted. Everyone has opinions. I type this reply, as extremely knowledgeable trainers, breeders and owners strongly suggested I stay away from some lines which produced poor trainability, spookiness, high strung, nervous or flighty off spring. Many would simply describe such as poor nerves. Some lines were known as kennel pacers (to the degree of feet bleeding), self mutilation, incessant barking, and other bordom fall out etc. One old 1950's stud in particular, threw such progeny. His brothers and sisters did not. So my question FINALLY!! is, has the sire of your dog produced "nerve" problems in other litters?
  18. No idea, I just presumed they would follow the US example.
  19. Suzie's looks a darling. Planning on a show career and/or, obedience etc?
  20. See above, LL. I edited as you posted. :rolleyes: Thankyou. Noted, fewer speakers in Australia over 3 days, than in USA conference. Is the Australian one worth attending, or better off to buy the DVDs later?
  21. It will be around September. Erny, their web site says October. Any idea where?
  22. A friend (thankyou), lent me a DVD series of a recent USA APDT conference. Interesting!!! Very varied opinions. Wondering if anyone knew where the Australian conference was being planned for 2008?
  23. I continue add to my training log. I was going to post a short version of force retrieve, but as it has so many up in arms, I hesitate to do so.
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