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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. There we go, we need a competition between trainers and their own dogs. May the games begin. What criteria and behaviour should we judge? Come back Mark, after all, when the tail gate comes down..................
  2. Some posters are very naughty. LOL. Overseas suggestions please. Does anyone else wonder, how trainers will be educating their dogs in 100 years, when we are pushing up daisies?
  3. I cannot help myself, what other behaviour, besides recall are you working on?
  4. Thanks again Jeff and JeffnCel. Look forward to hearing what topics he will cover.
  5. Dog normally chew from boredom, frustration or anxiety.
  6. Thanks very much for your advice Jeff. JeffnCel, I feel a little awkward, going over your head???, so I might wait till your club meeting. I am sure I will look totally silly if the seminar/workshop is focused on Schutzhund etc. But too old to worry about feeling foolish nowadays.
  7. As we know Australia has some great trainers. But if you were to invite an overseas trainer to train with personally and/or to hold a seminar/workshop who would he/she be? As a side question has anyone heard of an English obedience trainer, Sylvia Bishop? No one would know any of my preferences, as they retriever based especially regarding drills.
  8. As she bends down to this human and dog aggressive canine, where is her head and neck? Has she grabbed it more than once? I bet if the dog has serious problems, it will learn new tricks.
  9. Thanks for the club members work. Organising overseas trainers is no fun - been there- done that - spent $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. (Charging toooooo little). Lucky I have an excellent!!!!! husband.
  10. My word, that was a close call. If the workshop/seminar had not been during Easter, I would have already paid and booked fights/accommodation for myself and a dog. Is there an an early registration list for a working spot at the next event?
  11. Not being pro or con for the particular item, have you contacted overseas trainers where the "item" has been debated?
  12. I would clean up her recall, expecting consistent 10's. When starting baby puppies, for retrieving trialling, recall training (creating good habits) is greatly stressed. Even with the best breeding as they are retrievers after all. No use throwing birds or objects and the pups run away to chew or eat. Down the hall way stuff with great praise and/or rewards.
  13. No shame in that. Pour yourself a nice drink, find some shade if needed and think. Lucky we have many trees on our property for me to sit under!!!! Have a friend video you and your dog separately and together, and watch it carefully. Over and over and over again.
  14. Do you leave her on a sit or stand on the other side of the jump, and call her. Split the exercise, so to speak, concentrating only on the return?
  15. I use a top with large pockets also. White in my case, so the dogs can see my arm/body casting at distances. I do agree the use of treat bags cues the dogs that rewards will be forthcoming and when not worn on our person, the dogs know quick smart. Edited: Spelling!!
  16. I think taking her without the border being about is certainly a good idea, especially if it or anything makes her fearful. Is she nervy in other situations and/or.......simpy generally? Is she confident with you being her protector and leader? Do you practice at home with no distractions and make retrieving a game. Games are fun for us and more importantly for the dog. Start with shorter retrieves.
  17. Deelee2, On a scale of 1 to 10, (10 being best), what is the standard of your dogs recall, without retrieving or when distracted?
  18. NSW is a bit far from husband to drive to work near Melbourne. Wanting to move to Nagambie or Seymour area, must have lots of dams, be on Lake Nagambie, or Goulburn ------- water water water. No doubt snakes will be a concern especially during summer. Looked at couple of properties.............my word, the close gardens, rockeries would be the first to go, around the house. Snakes eeeeeeeck.
  19. After posting my thread I remembered human studies on the use of Glucosamine Chondroitin. The usual - half adults given the supplement, half placebo. From my (poor) memory very few change of symptoms were achieved. I continue to supplement regardless as I feel no harm is occurring and maybe?? with canines there are better results??? We can only observe and know our own dogs. Trying to keep the old girl slim, including exercise. She greatly enjoys swimming. Glucosamine Sulfate is preferred over Glucosamine HCl etc etc. Good for growing dogs. My solo home study with Green Gipped mussel is continuing. How is everyone else progressing?
  20. Move. There you go. I am currently nagging (gently hinting) long suffering for us to move further out. For the dogs training of course.
  21. Good to read. Is there is any pieces? May need to trim. Otherwise if bleeding stops, you will be amazed how quick the dogs recover.
  22. Greatly looking forward to hear if change of dates is possible.
  23. Ask them to buy a pooper scooper for you to use. Marvellous inventions I reckon.
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