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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. Hey, at least no one thought (or at least typed), why she is offering to do this. As we all know it is rare for a near stranger or total stranger to have the opportunity to run another persons dog, especially if they may have no idea what the trials and competitions consist of. If the dog goes out, so be it. He was won at Novice level, so he is willing and able.
  2. Normally I run (OK in most cases drive LOL), like an idiot between stakes - Restricted and All Age, with four labs. On Sunday 4th May, there is a single day trial, only one of the year. The stakes are Novice and Restricted. I have one lab entered in Novice, who has placed in Restricted, but still eligible to compete in the lower stake. As I wish to concentrate on watching and competing in Restriced, anyone care to run/handle, and probably have a lot of fun, in Novice. ANKC membership required. Also further possible good news, vetting in an hour later than normal, 8 to 8.30am. You are more than welcome to travel with me from Berwick, or meet at the trial site, near Geelong. It would probably be a good idea to practice first, getting to know each other, but this particular dog is pretty good with other handlers.
  3. I went to a very interesting lecture at the WSAVA conference last year that discussed dominance as a "myth". Sarah Heath was very engaging and the lecture was particularly interesting. The general notes are here: http://www.vin.com/proceedings/Proceedings...3&O=Generic. It does not suggest that dominance does not exist, rather that dominance is relative to particular situations and relationships. Rappie, I remember you posting the "Proceedings" link, after you attended months ago. Spent one whole night, reading and going back to past notes. Thanks again for the reminder.
  4. Why do you think this has happened in the last 3 years?
  5. I kept 3 pups from a litter once. Nearly killed me, walking each separately, every day. Did not visit any doggie areas, walked on concrete paths, and stayed away from any faeces. I used a light check chain as well, due to one slipping a leather collar (in a busy street). Mind you, it was for safety, not training.
  6. Are you sure you are not being..........um........too mummy? Most women are, including me. Sit means sit. Stay means stay. Only you and highly regarded people/trainers who know your dog can really make suggestions. I would start being a bit firmer, IF APPLICABLE.
  7. Luke, BTW, just a thought. The large training facility I visited, for 6 weeks, had 3 full time professional trainers. The dogs basically spent their whole working lives at the kennel. Owners paid $650 per month, and a few had dogs with other pros. Entering and competing fees were about $400 per month. Not cheap!!!!!!! Generally the dogs were not allowed much freedom until well through basics, at about 18 months of age, as training was a very high standard.
  8. I think we all agree, better than a bored and lethargic looking dog.
  9. Is your current dog nervy/spooky? Well socialised? What breed?
  10. What's good training? Frankly no one is perfect. Heck sometimes we do not know what we are thinking, how do we expect our dogs to learn as perfectly as possible. Cosmolo, the header of this topic confused me at first. The use of THEN, Yes bad training usually leads to no training, as some owners give up, and the dogs suffer.
  11. My males are focused when working. Mind you I would have to watch them like a hawk, if toiletting near off leash heat bitches were about, particularly if in peak heat. When I travelled to a large training facility, where there were over 60 labradors in training, males dogs were trained with in heat bitches,as some "bitch" vetting is sometimes suspect during their competitions. When in full heat, the bitches were kept in runs, in another area. Had to laugh the other day, one of my boys, who has visited the vet on 3 occasions for semen to be frozen........on his last visit, as soon as he entered the same vet consult room........he embarassed me.
  12. Sorry for the delay in replying, been away AGAIN, dog training. My runs, have a roof, (safe trees for shades nearby), old gum removed for safety sake), heavy duty wiring, shadecloth, on a concrete base (poured/leveled with slight angle/tilt for run off if hosing required (bore water in our case), semi rough finish, power and fresh water, and each has a kennel (with old blankets in winter). They measure 3.7 by 2.7. They sound grand, but are in fact ex large potting sheds.
  13. A B C - all excellent points. Are they entire, different sexes? I pen two of my youngsters at night, when leaving them for periods of time, or when visitors who - may not be aware of how gates need closing. From time to time one may have an upset stomach, rare - all the same, it is good to know who may be feeling not quite right, by results in the enclosures.
  14. Dogs learn best at obedience clubs. All puppy classes are great. My dog is not biddible. My dog will not bite. But I do train my dog for an hour........once a week. My dog loves me, and would not happy living anywhere else. My dog is just being friendly. My dog is well trained (when at home). My dog is deaf sometimes.
  15. Wondering if anyone else has taken Steve's advice as anally as me?. Short frequent training sessions. Yesterday I broke up training so well, I must have caught every rain shower. Rained about 10 times off and on yesterday.
  16. Wondering, to make up........what? Cavaliers are so cute. A friend has 17. Great little group. So "lap" able!!! (Compared to my labs, that is)
  17. Are you absolutely sure you had previously good focus and are confident when around strange dogs? Being around trusted non reactive dogs I should imagine needs to be concentrated on.
  18. Ummmmmmm......does this link help? http://www.lackland.af.mil/shared/media/do...-061211-005.pdf
  19. Fiddlydee. You deserve a good reward (I hesitate to add: Just like our dogs).
  20. The facility was an OASIS. Staff and owners were terrific, so accommodating making everyone feel welcome, nothing was too much trouble. To Trish, the event organiser, your constant smile and diligence was appreciated. You were awesome. The conference facilities - Wow. A credit to all. From the initial refreshments, upon registration to the last good bye which included breaks (to revitalise tired human brains), morning tea, lunch, drinks to afternoon tea, terrific. Steve was an great presenter, motivational and patient. I thought there were one or two, too many videos. Perhaps the time may have been better utilized for an extended question and answer segment? I think a second day practical training could have been fantastic. That being said, covering pups to finished is an impossible dream. The attendees were varied in experience and passions. Nevertheless Mr Austin covered his years of experience within the available time frame exceptional well. From a personal view of view I loved his CLARITY break down. Knowing what we want the end result to be. Pondering after (and hopefully during LOL) each training session, how we, as trainers, owners, competitors can improve. Each of us, as mentioned, had varied passions, the art of training is knowing when to move on and when to simplify our requirements, if our dogs show confusion or incorrect response. A Sunday well spent. Hopefully through my training, my dogs continue to learn. As Mr Austin suggested buy Pamela Reid's book. Awesome little book. Train smarter, for short periods of time, keep the dog keen. Reward/reinforce quickly. Using every opportunity, as our dogs are around us (including at home), to train. One command, one cue, stop nagging. Think like our dogs. Do not try to train tired dogs. How many allow their dogs to run about before training etc? Well, off I go........I need to train one of mine to stop wanting to go go go, before being released to retrieve. Naughty dog? No no no no naughty owner/trainer!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for all the training reminders!!!!!!!!
  21. (1) Is Chelsea generally fearful shy anxious? (2) Past experience? (3) Training? Are you an anxious owner?
  22. Calling it, as in plural? As described, I would call this nagging the dog- bad - ie. dogs learn to ignore 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th command?. Without focus, we as dog handlers/trainers have nothing. Dog training clubs, don't we love them??????????
  23. Touche! Under different circumstances I probably would have been one of those annoying little kids that kept asking "But why?" BTW curious that you mention Ivan Balabanov....does his work cover some of this stuff? Hey, I am an adult and still ask BUT WHY............but very little nowdays. ROM, I was with a group of dog trainers and breeders over the weekend, one of whom, whose passion is with Malonios. This particular fellow has travelled the world. We worked our dogs and finally as USUAL as dog people tend to do LOL, discussed training (for hours!!). I have the Ivan tapes, even though I am a retriever trial based person. My ears pricked when the guy mentioned Balabanov, as the operant king. So many topics were covered into the night and next morning. As I am house bound today, I might slip Ivan's DVD on, the watch him more closely.
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