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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. Dogs learn basically nothing in a kennel - in their run. 3 weeks, most sound nerved dogs take a fair amount of time to settle. Check out quarantine stations, if you ever find a person importing. Perfect example. Did they detail "treatment"?
  2. Yep come to Canberra and run a few here, then Ziggy can come and play with his sister!! Excellent idea. SD can include professional handling availability in the future. Now, what should her hourly rate be?
  3. [Poodlefan gazes into crystal ball] Spotted D I see a Labrador in your future.. :D Naughty PF You want to tell my landlord? Yo and Ziggy got on so well last week, LL is lucky she went home with 2 dogs! They certainly did. Damm SD, I would appreciate your help again, I have 3 labs in All Age now, so poor Yo will be so lonely at home, as I must concentrate on only one stake. Running from stake to stake is killing me and not helping the dogs at all. ha ha. Yo (sniff sniff sniff) will be fine at home, so don't feel bad.
  4. Main wish was fulfilled, dogs had fun and so did we. How I wish I had a camera at hand, as I was watching SD, after the first run/test running up a steap incline with Yo. What a smile!!!!!!!!!! Thanks again SD for EVERYTHING. Yo, as you know munched a few old sheep bones which resulted in him vomiting. He had significant diarrhoea last night, but still with a possible healh issue, tried so hard.
  5. You are going to fit in MIGHTY fine SD. Retriever women are known not to be.......precious types.
  6. Keep trim. Sensible exercise. Firm bed. Warm conditions through day and night. Medication as required.
  7. My doo (hair) was ruined. But who cares, LOL. Lucky I did not bother to comb this morning.
  8. SD, Regarding the weather......after you left today, due to lecture committments, how I laughed, the skies opened. Still wet, but I am always wet. Enjoyed when the dogs shook excess water off me during our endless summer, now complaining. Never happy are we?
  9. Jules, how did you achieve success with the tunnel?
  10. ROM, What has leash pulling to do with aggression, bearing in mind sled dog are hard wired to pull? What satisfaction/reward do they achieve by doing so? Oppps...changed the subject, but remain interested.
  11. Hey, its Friday, so a relaxing weekend, ahead. I laughed till I cried, when I watched Bob Bailey DVD........dogs have been learning for years........more often than not.........we do not stretch their minds. Some say, we are only using 20% of their ability. That being said, instinct is marvellous.......ever seen how quickly pups find mums nipple.
  12. I find it strange........I have one of his books, abet dated, which I found (or at least reminded myself - which is good) a couple of gems. Totally confused with his recent published advice, as it is contradictive.
  13. For all of you who are awaiting the notes from Steve Austin, I have sent him a couple of reminder emails regarding this. Steve travels quite frequently so we can only hope that he finds the time to send these out. I'll keep reminding him each fortnight or so. :D Thanks again for your help. You deserve a raise.
  14. ......for a Dally Having had no experience owning a Dally, no idea really. Good dogs are ..........good dogs!!!!!
  15. Spotted Devil, I am humbled by your first impressions, certainly happy they were favourable. Delighted how you have dedicated your valuable time to retriever "practice" training and the trial. With your past and current University studies, apart from your practical experience in other areas, I hope in some small way, you can have fun with retrieving training and trialling. Naturally looking forward to tomorrow, hopefully no rain again. But......trust me, when we have some spare time driving to the trial on Sunday, I will be asking you questions, bearing in mind your formal canine theory education. Look out!!! We were a little focused on "my" training yesterday, nevertheless, when the opportunity arose I did sneak and look at Zig. Impressive obedience. Very nice focus.
  16. Hi Lablover can you tell me the name of the book, was it Excel-Erated Learning? Yes, yes, yes. I have some of the seminar DVD and CDs also, which I adore. And I do not adore lightly LOL.
  17. I am enquiring if any DOL attendee has received the Power Point presentation, as I was delaying sending copies of the video I took to 3 people who asked.
  18. Actually - whoever you chose to help you, someone who understand fear; stress; anxiety; and training. Doesn't have to be a competitor person. Could be, if that person also has an understanding and knowledge of behaviour. In your case, I think the latter is the most important at this stage. Sure......to be sure. But an experienced etc competitor/trainer has many opportunities to view the dog and owner, during training, ie group heeling where other dogs are close, which not only includes the "stay" requirement.
  19. That's why retrieving training is so much fun. Hope you enjoyed the training day?
  20. Will do on both counts! We are going to have fun. Spotted devil, can keep any prizes. Gee, hope my dog goes well. To the interstaters, if you travel down to Victoria, and there is a retrieving trial on let me know. Annie, What shame. On your next trip you can run all 4 of them!!! .
  21. How dogs react to new or conceived new stimulus, can be due to temperament, past experiences etc.
  22. No Kavik, Have not read it, but by the sounds of it.....seems similar to a book I am happy to loan you. How To Speak Dog by Stanley Coren.
  23. Lablover, I am a sucker for my dog but no way!!! I have tried being firmer but in this instance it creates total mental collapse. This dog has major mental blowouts, really! It can happen from something like a stay. It can happen from overexcitement. It can happen from lots of distraction. It is not good to watch and a temperament fault I don't like to see in a dog. Otherwise she is a fantastic working dog. She is no angel at all and I will correct her and firmly too, if she is out of order. But in this instance, it is shocking lack of nerve. One little incident.... not even that stressful to most dogs but she has a major blowout in the head! I have had to turn into Einstein to train this dog, it gives me the pip sometimes but hey, I have learnt so much and love her to bits anyways so all good Good for you, keep on loving her. Hope she continues to improve, especially as you like competing. Ask for an experienced highly regarded SUCCESSFUL proven competitor/trainer to watch both of you. Again good luck.
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