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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. Especially interested to hear from owners/trainers, who expect their dogs to obey over long distances. (1) Which whistle do you use? (2) Over what distances? (3) Which factors (wind, cover, temperature)? (4) Your ability to "blow"? (5) Breed of dog?
  2. Change your hand signal, if you think confusion results. We are not sheep (are we???), who follow what obedience trainers routinely use as cues. Lift a leg, bend at a knee ( I am overstating of course)-but whatever........dogs read our bodies so well. Clear cues.
  3. The old age problem.......too many dogs, so little time. Ask your husband, bribe him with "treats" perhaps LOL, having Chopper in a crate beside your bed. Dogs do what works for them...........like us mere humans.
  4. Training is supposed to be fluid. That said, sometimes it is two "steps" forward, one step back. But a plan is a plan..........we know the plan, the dogs do not. Train the best we can.
  5. Try holding at your shoulder etc/rewarding with his favourite.........the footy. Only use the item when training.
  6. Sure, youngsters learn what they perceive as dangerous. I think the problem is generally we may not be able to set up a situation correctly, without negative fallout.
  7. No problem squeak - useful information all around. I'm happy to learn as much as I can too. For what it's worth he's barking less on sits and downs, but barking more than he was before I taught him - I guess it's just another one of the behaviors he's got to offer :-) I reckon in a week I'll have sorted out the barking 'not on command'. I'm not overly concerned - when I put the effort in, he's pretty maleable. Hey LukeW, This link may help (I could lend you the Bob Bailey DVDs if you like? - really really really good). Reminder the best trainers IMHO, are those who can give feedback (to the dogs) well, whether this is a god given gift or learnt, no idea LOL. http://www.clickerdogs.com/trainingreminders.htm
  8. Many people live far away from the best possible trainers. I would suggest, spending dollars and learning from the cream of the crop. Schutzhund is not........approved by the ANKC, and I would assume for this reason, a little behind closed doors.
  9. Stay means stay, as sit means sit in my household. It is nothing to do with retrieving trials really, simply it may help to save one of my dog's life one day. Does your dog shuffle as you test/generalise the command.....at EVERY opportunity?
  10. Well I was worried too, but then I googled 'golden retriever sit obedience' and 90% of them sit like that! For example: http://www.istockphoto.com/file_closeup/ob....php?id=3694707 Can you see how the back paws/legs are open? Sort of like: /\ How would you lure to teach her to tuck them? I tried yesterday and I didn't get her to sit tucked even once. However when I lured her into crawling her paws were open at the beginning but she was slowly learning to tuck them in. I think she never learned how to tuck them in (I never did enough obedience to worry about it, but now I need it for my agility project). ETA she was always quite sloppy Laffi, Have you had your dogs hips xrayed? I am aware of a puppy sit, when my labs are young, and really take no nevermind, if they pass Penn hip. If hips are not a concern, I may use one of my feet to gently "tuck" them in, to encourage good habits. Why are you worried?
  11. Lovely to catch up with K9force during your free time. Most important to keep in touch with past helpful friends.
  12. Further to past posts, a link you may enjoy. http://www.k9events.com/drives.htm
  13. Interesting. 24 hour service. Wonder if they are on par, price and service wise, as the after hours clinic in Hallam? I had a friend marry in their gardens recently.
  14. Your dog did not only only disobey a command/cue, it (in retrieving terms) bolted. You need to simplify training, look for good responses. Short training sessions. Watch your dog closely. Dogs do what works for them (just like us LOL).
  15. I agree. The naughty active somewhat silly/brave (which some would think as undesired), are the ones I prefer. They just need channelling.
  16. Thought is may be worthwhile to add the link. http://www.akcchf.org/news/index.cfm?article_id=248
  17. In your experience Tony, did you find these adult dogs were-- as puppies ......what some considered difficult? Hardwired to chase, active, fearless etc. Those are the ones obedience, retriever, customs, quarantine, S & R and alike, love.
  18. Hey, when I DOLing my husband was suggesting I drive for 5 hours to pick up another boat for a male fishing trip away. Sorry for the confusion, I accidently pushed enter. Glad you understood my intent regardless!!!!!
  19. Haven, I think you did not understand my intent. My response was obviously misunderstood. Dogs learn nothing in their run. The main concern I have, is consistency. A good educated trainer.........who concentrates on the dog and offers training opportunities MANY times per day. Afer all, as we all know, dogs learn best with short frequent sessions.
  20. Starting a passion, young is wonderful. Keeps the youngsters on track and busy,!!!!!!!! Wonderful!!!!!!! I remember when I was a teenager......abet many years ago, and was involved in dressage...... I thought friends going out to discos were crazy, when I HAD TO get up at 4.30am.
  21. ??? called KISS. Keep it simple stupid. That works best for me and my lot. RottieLover, May I add Dogs do what work for them. There are 4 kinds of consequence: (1) Positive reinforcement (2) Negative punishment (3) Positive punishment (4) Negative reinforement All thse consequences must be IMMEDIATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tatooed on my wrist. The good and bad consequences will end up being associated with other THINGS present at the momemnt of a consequence (thus generalise). Dogs are experts at reading the enviroment and our behaviour!!!!!!!! That's it. Happy training all. One behaviour at a time!!!!!!!!!!
  22. ??? called KISS. Keep it simple stupid. That works best for me and my lot.
  23. (a) One (b) Two © Three (d) More
  24. I nearly fell off my chair laughing. How true!
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