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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. I order my leads and collar from the US. Jus recently placed an order, and unfortunately already shipped, so cannot offer to include yours. http://www.dogsafield.com/Aboutus.asp
  2. Just Midol, what do you "DO" with your dogs?
  3. That is it, in a nutshell. If one (and owner, trainer and/or handler) desires to win or bred the best possible dog. Every so often we can see a young or inexperienced dog, who displays awesome drive (good temperament blah blah blah) but nowdays it is becoming rare, not only due to my chosen bred, labradors, as hunting - in Australia - is becoming more restricted (not only to drought). On a good point, countries overseas have no such broad restrictions and importing genetic material via semen or breeding stock remain available. Erny, just to add.....guide dog trainers use punishment.
  4. BTW, are your entering the Easter trial this year?
  5. Tangwyn, I am going to sneak in the latest news in your thread. Did you hear? Did you hear? Did you hear? Can you tell I am so excited. Victoria has a duck season this year!!!!! Awesome.
  6. As long as the dog and owner are happy. Tis all that matters.
  7. I am having computer problems, due to newly installed graphics so some posts are not the best, has your vet discounted (the various forms of) mange? Our problem girl had severe atopic dermatitis. Her symptoms itchiness and hair loss became a concern about about 12 weeks of age (around her anus and eyes) slowly becoming significant - HORRIBLE. O the treatments we tried. As you need a diagnosis, it may be best asking for a referral to a canine skin specialist.
  8. Just thought I would add, experience and observing our dogs, tells us when our dogs become tired physically or mentally. The secret is, to stop training, before the signs. Keep 'em keen and try to end note. Makes us happy too.
  9. Then perhaps you've never seen a Pointer point at 8 weeks of age then Pointers were never bred to retrieve, they were only ever bred to find and point game My brother in law had a marvellous pointer. He trained her solely for water fowl retrieving. She was a hoot to observe and left us, with many marvellous camping and hunting tales. Had a fairly good warm water attitude.
  10. Trish and Bud, hopefully a diagnosis can be made. When our current oldie was displaying spinal problems, a year or so ago, I asked for a CT scan referral. The vet simply looked at me, and gently added......whatever the diagnosis her treatment would not change. I certainly doubt surgery would have been an option. Good luck again and keep us all informed.
  11. Heard through friends who import, breed, trial and (show) compete their Weimaraners, that great care needs to be taken regarding purchasing from Germany. Is there any truth in temperament/aggression problems? No idea on deer hunting in NZ. I should imagine they do, NZ is awesome for bird hunting ----and fishing.
  12. 13 weeks old and itchy!!! Very young and from your description noted since purchase. I would ring the breeder and ask if any litter mates or extended pedigree were displaying/ or had allergy problems/symptoms. I had the dubious honour of having the most allergic labrador seen at the canine specialist center.
  13. Sounds great. Admitting you have moved on............instead of someone training for 30 years and repeating each year's same mistakes.
  14. How wonderful Bud ate his dinner. I remember when a pup of mine suffered a twisted bowel, surgery was performed and I nearly performed hand stands when he open his bowels. Are Bud's eyes focusing? Could he have suffered a stroke? Edited: Remembered his bleeding. Secondary to another condition. Cancer?
  15. Golly, I see dogs every time I am out in the public. Most pet owners prefer them, or complain when their dogs cause "problems", such as garden damage, dirt tracks caused by the dogs running around the fenced yards, chewing, digging etc. Working dogs need a job/outlet. Yeah but I always wonder if they really have no drive or whether it just hasn't been explored with them. I was thinking more about dogs people had worked (or tried to) in drive. Sort of wondering on a more philosophical level what might then motivate them?? Sorry not trying to hijack the thread, just interested. My focus is on working labradors, so my view is channelled on such. It is very difficult to answer your question unless you know the particular dog and owner, and the owners criteria or endeavour. Teaching corrrections/negative reinforcement used to and still does work.....somehow I think as Australia concentrates on show lines, we have lost a certain degree of hardness. Many obedience trainers, state it only takes 6 weeks to train a CD or other basic requirement with a dog who enjoys good health.
  16. Erny, good for you. Spotted devil, as you are know I positive train as much as possible. I think I have good to excellent timing etc etc etc. But.......from time to time, my dogs, (like human beings) simply display lack of effort. I feel from time to time LACK OF EFFORT needs other reinforcements. Depending on the dog and concept/drill or simple exercise I am training......strong or mild corrections may be applied. In retrieving circles we expect our dogs to be free on marks/seen retrieves....and on blinds under our control. It certainly takes balanced training.
  17. Leg lifting when training???? Interesting your comment, reminded me......in retrieving training, this may be seen as as form LACK OF EFFORT/obedience trainers call it shut down/delay tactics, versus the teaching phase when more positive is required.
  18. Feeding a diet I think is more important with supplements. Warming up/stretching exercises, care when jumping from vehicles, sharp fast turns?, bedding. Genetics also.
  19. Kelpie-i, what medications have Bud been on? Was he discharged with further drugs? How are his teeth, if on dry soaking and feeding warm may encourage? At our old dears stage of life, I am all for pain relief medications.
  20. Thought I would add, in my experience, German Short Haired Pointers, from show stock generally have not lost the degree of working ability to the extent of other gundog breeds.
  21. BTW Kelpie-i, the 15 year old whose name was Adder, who passed away 2 years ago, used to intermittent scare me as she slept so soundly, not only because of her diminished hearing ability. She slept inside, and a few hours before her passing, I heard her whimper more loudly than usual. She woke up as I stroked her and seemed fine. I found her outside our back door when organising long suffering husband for work. She was a no fuss dog all her life. She left us the same way.
  22. Laffi, 9 and 10 out of 10 for drive? Cool. Erny, 10 out of 10 for drive? Also cool. Erny, what are your plans for your pup? Any trialling?
  23. My husband does not train our dogs, so they may ignore him. So if we are out and about and the very few times he gives commands, if instant response is not achieved, I take over. That being said, come means come!!!!!!!! IMHO, the most important command for owners who allow their dogs freedom.
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