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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. It depends. If the dog was female and visiting, for mating, I MAY forgive a stud urine marker (depending on the history and training)...........as long as they did not pee on me. One on my dogs has peed on me, but I "forgave" him as he was not focused. In my humble opinion, he simply had a full bladder. Proven .......with past situations.
  2. Loosing his aggression? Not trustful off lead? You are not fit?
  3. Having not read all the threads.... I think we have to remember why obedience trials became popular after the WWII. Obedience trials were simply ............originally for pure bred dogs and their possible breeding merit. Whatever our endeavour as owners, obedience is important.
  4. I remember a seminar, where Custom dogs were show cased. The trainers rewarded, in my opinion, too frequently, seemingly for the dog simply breathing. In hindsight the dogs were YOUNGSTERS and in the TEACHING phase.
  5. Small worldie..indeedie. Hey you can pratice before and during Easter with another WA trialer.
  6. If you are in a beginners or other early class, this is a pretty difficult "stay" on "target" exercises for novice owners. Did the instructor suggest very low distractions?
  7. She rang me at 8am this morning. She made mention she had gone away for the weekend, and again on Monday. Sending Email booking sheet this evening when she catches up. Edited: Spelling!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Correction. Fine but cue for known commands) ...correct and reward - all very quickly. The best trainers I have seen are those who give excellent feed back to a dog. Do you agree?
  9. When is he frantic/in a tantrum? I think keeping a diary is worthwhile.
  10. Thanks, left Theresa a telephone message. Been having fun with a young labrador for the last 48 hours, who has been "trained?!!" using compulsion methods. My word, has she turned around with quick well timed positive reinforcements.
  11. Monelite, could you open the link/flyer? New computers! Eeeck. Good note - so fast!!
  12. Does he know any obedience commands. Sit? Sit and reward. He will learn jumping has less value.
  13. Favour please. We have a computer set up over the weekend while I was away. I cannot open links yet (some new programs), could someone let me know the contact number and name.
  14. No trials on that weekend. Woo hooooo!!! Endeavour Hills......so close EXTRA woo hoo. Clicker training. OK. Whatever....it teaches to watch/judge responses of our dogs. Timing and consistency is so important........positive reinforcement/ negative reinforcement. Some say 2 second rule applies, some say 1/2 second. The proof is what WE see. Watch our dogs.
  15. He has let me down on occasion, but that is AOK. I had two choices, wash him from trials or keep trying. Since I have accepted his intermittent mouth problem, and I have not shown any nervousness at trials, he has been fine. I did eventually reward with food BTW. Started back at basics, sitting in the lounge night after night. Sorry to disrupt the thread.
  16. Tell me about it, subject of my faeces, oops I mean thesis. I can imagine. Sometimes I wonder if this line covers most. Simply put, animals (or anything with more than two brain cells) behave for one of two reasons: to acquire desirable outcomes or to avoid undesirable outcomes.
  17. I was not fishing, just having fun. Changing his behaviour- intermittent mouth problems has taught me more than I can say, to the benefit of all my dogs. Balancing training. Your teaching of drives, and in my case changing them. Priceless. Life's good.
  18. I have! A particular song comes to mind: Whippet whippet goooooooood. See you at Easter.
  19. Let's look at the choices, depending on your availabilty and their observer criteria. (1) Guide dogs for the visually impaired. (2) Customs. (3) Police dogs and their wide range of requirements. (4) Search and Rescue - Gotta to the SARDA!!!!! (5) Retrieving/field trials (6) Pound dogs.. rejects, for whatever reason.
  20. Whatever I tell him to do I think he's got Easter and the following week off work - so he will probably sleep in with the cats over the w/e and we will go to some Comedy Festival gigs later in the week In that case, join us. Us girls gonna have fun.
  21. Hey, I accidently ordered six 19 inch collars, from the US. All too short for my dogs. Reflecto collars have a highly reflective strip sewn between two layers of material. The inlaid design protects reflective material from wear and tear. Reflects up to 600 ft or more with 360 degree reflection. Perfect for airing at night. What size is Ziggy? They are black - reflective strip is orange. Free to good home!!! Sounds great for those pitch black early starts at the beach in Winter No idea what size he is but will check it out......definitely worth a bottle of vino. Do you still have visitors? Visitors, sure. On a bad note, 4 fires were recently lit by nut cases. Sure makes me edgy. Dogs are fine. Hey what are you doing for Easter. You can run Yo again. Staying at my parents in law country house, not far from the trial site. Gorgeous house.....that is.......if you like large old style country homes. No men allowed, us girls gotta have fun away. Friend from WA staying and competing and another from Victoria. Wine on the wrap around verandah - opposite a park for walkies - PERFECT!!!!!! That sounds awesome I'd love to run Yo again - we should tee up another training session soon (for me not him ) OH just said that it's a shame I don't like large old style country homes Problem is I won't want to leave! Stay safe LL. Bloody idiots should be strung up Whats your other half doing at Easter?
  22. Thats cool. From a personal point of view, I am not terribly interested in a dominant dog. I have to admit, when first reading the thead, the poster seemed to confuse training and dominance. Communication difficulties between us...to say nothing between us and our dogs withstanding. To the original poster what game/trial to you compete with your dogs. At the last very least, we may have a criteria.
  23. Hey, I accidently ordered six 19 inch collars, from the US. All too short for my dogs. Reflecto collars have a highly reflective strip sewn between two layers of material. The inlaid design protects reflective material from wear and tear. Reflects up to 600 ft or more with 360 degree reflection. Perfect for airing at night. What size is Ziggy? They are black - reflective strip is orange. Free to good home!!! Sounds great for those pitch black early starts at the beach in Winter No idea what size he is but will check it out......definitely worth a bottle of vino. Do you still have visitors? Visitors, sure. On a bad note, 4 fires were recently lit by nut cases. Sure makes me edgy. Dogs are fine. Hey what are you doing for Easter. You can run Yo again. Staying at my parents in law country house, not far from the trial site. Gorgeous house.....that is.......if you like large old style country homes. No men allowed, us girls gotta have fun away. Friend from WA staying and competing and another from Victoria. Wine on the wrap around verandah - opposite a park for walkies - PERFECT!!!!!!
  24. Hey, I accidently ordered six 19 inch collars, from the US. All too short for my dogs. Reflecto collars have a highly reflective strip sewn between two layers of material. The inlaid design protects reflective material from wear and tear. Reflects up to 600 ft or more with 360 degree reflection. Perfect for airing at night. What size is Ziggy? They are black - reflective strip is orange. Free to good home!!!
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