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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. Sure I have seen or rather HEARD low drive barkers. Or when handlers walk the course and their dogs vocalise then amble around. EECK!
  2. I have tried for non rewarding. I have tried for non rewarding. I have tried with non rewarding. I WILL TRY AGAIN ! HA! She is doing my head in!
  3. Yes we loose points at retrieving trials. The last American field trial trainer and an USA vet who also was part of a training seminar, suggested as you, and Megan (thanks too, very much appreciated), that I ignore her. (They also stated she was the highest drive in Australia) I think she is a nutter myself. (I can say that as I bred her!). I had experienced highly regarded search and rescue friends observe us, they suggested I quicken my sends. Only problem is with triples, the dog has to learn to not bark or any vocalisation between retrieves. Blinds also, we have 12 article circles, say one as each number of a clock. I have to be slow so she focuses on the selected/right retrieve.
  4. My problem barker is not a barker in other situations. Her sire and dam did not bark. Mind you they were both high drive, her sire especially. Nature V nuture? I wonder!! Anyway, is Nitro a vocal type generally? Was Nitro sire and/or dam vocal?
  5. Love the speed and enthusiasm! Thanks if mine did not have speed or enthusiasm they would be on someone else's couch. Mind you too much desire (please see barking thread) can cause me...headaches LOL.
  6. I have a 2 year old field bred Labrador. Extremely high drive. I would guess one of the highest in this country. She barks. She barks before I send her for a retrieve. She barks just before she picks up the article in her mouth. She barks just as she has picked up the article. I have only been to a couple of agility trials, watched youtubes or spoken to agility lovers. I have heard barking during agility, most at guess, before being released to start the course (hope my terminology is correct). How do you try to decrease barking? Do you consider barking more frequently found in young agility dogs, or caused by excitement or frustration. Thanks!
  7. Me and my stupid questions! When training especially young dogs, would it help the dog, if the handler wore white long sleeve tops say with different colour pants. In retrieving circles we wear white tops as the dogs can see us easily, especially at a distance and if cover/trees behind us. Nevertheless in short drills we still wear white for clarity.
  8. JRG warning, retriever trialling is addictive. Better than chocolate, some say. Go on GO!!
  9. Thanks Kavik, Deltacharlie and others, enjoyed this thread. I breed field Labradors. Some of mine have gone to agility homes. This is one of my retrieving trial dogs, but thought you may enjoy a tiny example of her jumping ability. Hope not boring!
  10. Thanks Kavik, Deltacharlie and others, enjoyed this thread. I breed field Labradors. Some of mine have gone to agility homes. This is one of my retrieving trial dogs, but thought you may enjoy a tiny example of her jumping ability. Hope not boring!
  11. Is there a great divide between working and show bred border collies?
  12. I am onto my 12th frozen. Only one breeding as not resulted in puppies. This particular bitch has gone on to be suspect with further "seasons". I use Stuart Mason. TCI. Six were maidens.
  13. My dog!!! Until sold to the Australian Government, as I only keep bitches nowadays as I import semen from overseas. I use no Australian studs.
  14. I cock my head in confusion when some people suggest working line labradors are hyper. Compared to what breed or are they comparing to show bred labradors?
  15. The winner at Westminster is fat. It is what it is. I prefer working field labradors. I breed them, with some say great success.
  16. Couple more thoughts. I would concentrate on easier water retrieves. If you have access to splashy water not just deep swimming watee. Tease the dog big time before retrieving...try nit to stop or pause sequence...not too muc obedience. Mind you nice dam..easily checked for any snakes.
  17. I imagine depends on pedigree....genetics and environment.
  18. Go Megan..if a computer dud like me can find and post youtubes..i have faith in you.
  19. Few suggestions 1. If it all possible have a human thrower concentrate on land before water....or if you like to include water do a few retrieves on land first especially with a weii, a bred who feels the cold. A warmmed up dog., has a better chance to think of water as a positive. Use a vest when water is not warm. 2. Having a human thrower with some spare dummies, can keep throwing after the dog as been sent. The bumper or other retrieving articles must be easy to find...football field or other with no cover. 3. Do not start doubles until handling skills are taught. 4. Have fun...always be aware of attitude, focus and drive.
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