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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. Thanks all. I left a telephone message on Tuesday and emailed a couple of hours ago. Maybe the organiser is acting as a "pre seminar" tourist guide and is away from home? Not sure if I should take a dog or not. Oh well, dogs are so used to their crates.
  2. Good for you. Some bitches can have a poorer training attitude during their seasons. Mind you, some peak - working wise - a couple of weeks after their seasons. Makes sense that your friend with the entire male, used her as a distraction. Dogs are fun++++, when they are focused.
  3. I was wondering if anyone has received a receipt or confirmation?
  4. Scared phooey, you will be fine. You are very smart handler. 17th??? Berwick??? One year ago, aaaaah the memories, the Flatcoat Club's retrieving trial on the same day. Go Zig!!!
  5. Thanks for the description. Surprised your in season girl was allowed to compete/be evaluated? What day was she?
  6. TSD, I am going to do a Pauline Hanson...please explain? More games?? For what focus, momentum, proofing, generalising? Sorry LL - only just got home late last night. Busy you, as per usual. (BTW Yo won restricted last weekend).
  7. Congratulations. Could a kind soul, let the uninformed know what a BH test consists of. Spoke to a friend who currently competes in retrieving trials with her gundog, but she used to do Schutzhund when she had GSDs. Unfortunately we did not discuss BH requirements. Interested nevertheless.
  8. TSD, I am going to do a Pauline Hanson...please explain? More games?? For what focus, momentum, proofing, generalising?
  9. I tend to agree LL, I don't think there can be too much socialsation at all... after all there is a lot more to socialisation than a dog playing with another dog. I socialised Micha in the wrong way, not because he was socialisation too much, but the wrong way, with the wrong type of dogs, and I allowed the wrong behaviour to develop. I agree. My dogs could not care less, if other dogs are about, when they are turned/focused on their job/reward/desire.
  10. What happens when Kenny ignores your first cue/command?
  11. May I ask, why you are taking on a deaf dog?
  12. I often wonder, in novice hands, too much socialisation, is simply not enough control/obedience?
  13. I can imagine it works well!!! When I did tracking in SES, the dogs were completely flummoxed by suicides. A dead person smells completely different from a live one . . . not to mention that it doesn't move. Cadaver dogs are an different specialty and require different training. I would assume the same is true of snakes, and I would be cautious about training snake avoidance with roadkill. So if your SES trained dog, avoided an area, due to live snake or dead snake, what did you do?
  14. I add without malice or ego..........but does anyone else wonder - due to the example via the you tube, and its relatively basic example....the trainers "world" training ability/strength? Dogs training can be as simple or.......difficult as we make it.
  15. :p Good to see you have your priorities all sorted then Is that pool dog friendly as well? We are about 3 ks from Burnbankretreat, if anyone needs a bed.
  16. I train WITH EXTREME CAUTION near water and weed cover, during the warmer months, I check with property owners, relatively safe areas. Properties with cattle are great, as snakes feel their vibrations as they feed. Fortunately due to drought, they are more easily seen and in reality their numbers seem to be significantly lower as ie food resources have declined. Snakes generally are shy creatures but we all worry, due to their danger. We used to have a labrador when walking along bush trakes, who instantly came to heel and whine, if she sensed a snake.
  17. Hey SD, Long suffering husband running Yo this weekend. Not in novice on Saturday, as I am judging, but in restricted both days and novice on Sunday. Just returned from yet another trip away from home. Poooooooor long suffering, was home alone again.
  18. The Spotted Devil, You performed great with Yo. As SD noted the main problem with retrieiving trials, in restricted and All age, is the ability to work with the dog as a team, because distance is a factor and the various test requirements. I did not have time to observe SD but from all reports she is a natural. Calm, focused, smart and controlled. I have to mention, SD travelled from Melbourne to the border of NSW/Victoria to the Murray River to train for 2 days before the trial. Great effort and dedication. Thanks again SD. The dogs had fun and so did we. Mission accomplished.
  19. Currently away from home. Have a trial in Benalla area starting tomorrow. One of my labradors was noted to be favouring his right front leg this morning. Hoping for any vet suggestions in Benalla. Injury seems muscular. Thankyou.
  20. O good, an opportunity for a joke I heard recently. Have to add it. What is a Shihtzu? ------------ A zoo without animals. Owners need to buy a breed to dog who suits them, lifestyle, requirements.
  21. In my opinion the days of hard fought, dual show/retrieving or triple champions (field) have passed. Show and working/trial requirements and traits are too diverse. I find show bred labradors so short in leg, certainly not balanced. What I found extremely interesting were the pictures of the Salukis. Their straight shoulders, so different compared to many other working breeds. Off to train.
  22. Good for you. Currently staying near Albury. It is HOT here, compared to Melbourne.
  23. Hey, it will be fun to meet up. Sent cheque before leaving home a week ago. Currently up at the Murray River and its anabranch (sp) training. Husband starving at home. Gawd it is so hot up here. River is good for dogs. I swear my cellulite is melting.
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