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Everything posted by Lablover

  1. No idea but will find out eventually. Travelling away from home may delay response. Gee in NSW you have a double rise and a blind, IN A WORKING TEST!!! Why not simply compete in retrieving trials? Please tell me the working test judges do not elect blind pick up first LOL(not that would be legal on a double rise in retrieving trials)
  2. Gundog working tests are always ?? held in conjunction with the various gundog breed shows/obedience trials etc. They are more alike obedience standards than retriving trials. If you do not gain a reply I could ask for you when I next speak to a WA friend. Let me know. Or if you a member of the WA body, contact them. Thanks, I'll keep an eye/ear out I'd just be keen to watch one for now! At least for now, just in case you do not know the rules, thought I would add this link.
  3. It is fun...apart from the problem dog who suffers from poor water entries (on hidden retrieves not marks). My journal has some ideas on that!!!
  4. Tomorrow morning I will video him....as I am sure due to his past experiences, he will revert to his poorer than ideal behavior. I will retape through the day. Might be interesting.........though probably NOT to anyone else LOL.
  5. Not " they "THANK GOODNESS, one........he. This dog was sent to the US to see if he could make it, in their retriever games, but returned due to poor responses to pressure/correction/compulsion/negative reinforcement/punishment - whatever you want to call it LOL. I used to blame his stress levels to his American experiences, but in truth, he does have panic responses. I used to nearly bite off my tongue, to stop frustration with him. Frankly as he has had problems, he has taught me....a lot. The bad dogs do teach more than the good!!! Interesting, he has not picked up his food bowl once today. Significance??? Back to our normal program tomorrow. Retrieving training. Ummmm...maybe one more day pondering how to marry up clicker to retrieving requirements. Should be so easy LOL.
  6. Of course you are not sure LOL, as I am trying desperately to think of the right questions to ask. Hopeless me. OK...I will try again. Do you find drive or clicker training easier to condition/teach CALMNESS? Ok well I'm a total novice when it comes to training so I am only speaking about my dog - but I would get better focus in training when training in drive. I think this better focus and increased eagerness to comply with my command helps Daisy learn better. If she's not training in drive it is much easier for her to get distracted and go into drive just by scenting so the ability to train well is decreased. Great. My dogs do not tend to become distracted when working. Mind you their control at long distances can be suspect!!!
  7. Or BTW, this particular dog has shown good results in obtaining calmness, using the clicker. What other questions would everyone ask Uta (since the next day thoughts/ponderings?
  8. OK, got it, she attaches no value. My dogs have no toys for example, but one particular lab if stressed will obsessively chase his food bowl. FOR HOURS!!! Interesting. Thankyou.
  9. Nekhbet, Thanks for the reponse. Maybe he needs a jock strap!!! I am continuing my journal. Does anyone remember my question, regarding her response to puppies picking up articles before the clicker trained retrieve? I admit her reply confused me. Edited: Spelling.
  10. Googled Temple Grandin. Suffers from Autism. Focuses on cattle. Interesting. Cattle certainly spook with new stimuli. Stress causes poor meat quality. Sound research as cattle products are widely used!! My long suffering husband was involved in cattle matting. No dogs in process yards, used any longer due to stress. I gained paddock access to a turn out paddock (the farmer does not live on the property) due to conditioning the stock to stress, via dogs and my presence. Friends sell us beef who are humanely culled in their paddocks. The resultant meat, (abet after bleeding and hanging) certainly seems to taste better.
  11. Of course you are not sure LOL, as I am trying desperately to think of the right questions to ask. Hopeless me. OK...I will try again. Do you find drive or clicker training easier to condition/teach CALMNESS?
  12. Sorry in the learning/teaching phase. Oh gawd, I am hopeless explaining myself!! Um....err....um.....do you try to settle/calm a high drive dog?
  13. Obedience training at a club or in your back yard? Breeds prone to hip and/or elbow dysplasia worry me. Any other symptoms, physically or mentally?
  14. (1) 100% drive/excitement (2) 90% drive/excitement (3) 80% drive/excitement Less?
  15. The perfect dog: (1) The behaviour always occurs immediately upon presentation of the conditioned stimulus. (2) The behaviour never occurs in the absence of the stimulus (during training or work session) (3) The behaviour never occurs in response to some other stimulus (4) No other behaviour occurs in response to this stimulus Worth thinking about for the perfect dog?
  16. Some older folk...an example being me (too stubborn to learn!).. still cannot reply to individual sentences...forgive me. Nekhbet, Are you referring to the lead being on the dog (controlled situations), her views of socialisation and neutralisation? Left over food on the grounds? Have you been to other clicker seminars? Who does everyone feel the best in Australia? My dogs are so full of food today. Checked a couple of clicker sites (research and all LOL), and should have been feeding much less. No dinner tonight for my 4 competition dogs. Re your Mastiff......does he sit quickly ever. I mean no insult PLEASE, but do you forgive his non perfect "fast sit" structure?
  17. My new clickers are causing brain wasting. That is my excuse, for the moment..... BTW, on Saturday night long suffering husband belittled my new toys/tools. Last night, with further thought, through the day, changed his mind. We are real interesting discussions. Wish I had a young dog to try afresh. Bit cheaty with older trained dogs. But fun.....really!!! Very surprised!!!!! but delighted. Starting a heache..trying to think of NEW things to train. Spatula already been out, even the kettle to target. What else can I train that is NEW???? Clicking four dogs. My poor ears. Wondering if I am moving too quickly already....with rate of reinforcement. Oh well...trust what I see I suppose. The long and short of it, I like the way many chances of training are achieved. Drive training is good but does take extra time.
  18. Thanks. Since their conference in Australia, I have purchased all their CDS. They are simply awesome!!!!
  19. My new clickers are causing brain wasting. That is my excuse, for the moment..... BTW, on Saturday night long suffering husband belittled my new toys/tools. Last night, with further thought, through the day, changed his mind. We are real interesting discussions. Wish I had a young dog to try afresh. Bit cheaty with older trained dogs. But fun.....really!!! Very surprised!!!!! but delighted. Clicking four dogs. My poor ears. Wondering if I am moving too quickly already....with rate of reinforcement. Oh well...trust what I see I suppose. The long and short of it, I like the way many chances of training are achieved. Drive training is good but does take extra time.
  20. O no...........I thought HR was Boyd!!!!!!!! O brother sorry.
  21. Gundog working tests are always ?? held in conjunction with the various gundog breed shows/obedience trials etc. They are more alike obedience standards than retriving trials. If you do not gain a reply I could ask for you when I next speak to a WA friend. Let me know. Or if you a member of the WA body, contact them.
  22. Ding ding ding...finally know you are are. HR, question please. You mentioned during Uta seminar, the IWDBA agreement from reseach, that pups who showed fear of floor changes....did not change with further development. What about pups who are reared with different floor changes? What other mental tests, do you think are worthwhile? Love to reattend their conference in Belgium next month.
  23. Started to write in my journal. Not complete (obviously LOL). Great to catch up with old and make new friends. Greatly enjoyed speaking also, to the first Australian to compete in Schutzhund overeas under our flag!!! Awesome. Seminar by Uta Bindels 2nd and 3rd May 2009 Upon arrival, we checked in and were given names tags. Great function room, nicely set up and apart from a couple of minor DVD player issues, mechanically great. Morning and afternoon tea, free tea and and coffee. LUNCH. Did I mention lunch, wonderful menu choice. Club members did a great job, feeding, watering and welcoming. Uta is from Germany, is slightly built, in her 30s?, and competes in (various ?) Schutzhund competitions. Her English was very good. She made use of a Dictionary, when translation difficulties arose important for key words. Her teaching skills were great, orderly and concise. Very patient and willing to listen and answer any question, without ego. Naturally due to distance, she did not bring her own dogs, but video during the 2 days, showed her young to adult examples, including during competition. The competition neck position worried me from a health point of view, but as tests are held on flat ground and are of relatively short duration. The Saturday morning session included operant and classical conditioning. blah blah blah blah blah Conclusion: (1) Once again reminded to train in small steps. Build success. (2) We as trainers need to reinforce correct/wanted responses. Very difficult for learner trainers. If the trainer does not know the correct response, ie good sit position, how are they are teach. (3) negative reinforcement
  24. Not the first time our dogs can be a little off at training, but during competition behave. Or vice-versa - I have a perfect example of VV dog. Yank!!! A real high desire boy. Some call him insane, I just call him keen.
  25. Laffi, Specialised dog equipment has an agent in NSW. Feel free to PM or Email me for their information. Order a few bumpers, as they are known to wander. BTW, there is a trial in Marulan (sp) in a few weeks. No idea how far that would be from Jannali. I am thinking of entering. What's another week away from home. My poor long suffering husband.
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