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Posts posted by Lablover

  1. Will the Federal and State Government canine breeding programs have exemptions? Do they already in ACT?

    'Exemptions' are not not going to save anyone. They are temporary at best.

    Exemptions don't prevent people doing the wrong thing.

    If you promote a standardized environment as the only 'correct' method of breeding and raising dogs, any one taking advantage of exemption will not be doing the the right thing. Sooner or later it will be noticed. You have changed the expectation.

    Only being held to COMMON expectation reduces the incidence of failure.

    There is nothing common to our expectations ATM > Our expectation depend on what 'group' you are aligned with. Those aren't favorable to groups you aren't aligned with. So outsiders won't look for the benefits of a group that doesn't do anything for them personaly, they will hold that group responsible for its lowest common denominator.

    If you won't be part of what people share in common, you won't meet common expectations.

    The K.Cs are not aligned with 'dog breeders' and owners. They are aligned with Pedigrees.

    The Difference of K.Cs could be accepted as part of diversity in practice.

    But if they won't practice an acceptance of diversity themselves, they will be rejected or destroy their own purpose.

    This process gains momentum and theres not much time left. Expectations are almost destroyed.

    Police, Guide dogs for the visually disabled, Customs breeding centre?

    Meeting at Bulla tomorrow night will be interesting.

  2. My first litter of pups who needed supplementary feeding had me tube feeding every two hours one puppy, the others took the bottle... most of the times.

    Day and night. I was/am a woman possessed. How innocent when I left my vet initially with one container of milk replacement.

    Any other ideas on a large litter?

    Below is our bottle box/plastic container. Saving me time. I can sleep for longer periods, as feeding 11 took over 2 to 3 hours.

    I like the container idea as when pups are full they drop off to sleep, and I can stimulate them to toilet in lots of 4, instead of one which requires frequent hand washing on my part. Safe as the pups cannot roll off tablets etc. Easily washed with disinfectant,

    What do you think? Please share. Looking forward to weaning I tell ya!

    • Like 2
  3. I don't think there are enough field Labradors in Australia to justify being a separate breed.

    If I were in the market for another lab i would like one from adderslot who breed American working lines. There are few in dog sports homes that I have met and they are great dogs. Perhaps not suitable for an average backyard dog but then I don't believe labs thrive In that sort of environment no matter what the breeding. They are really a breed that thrive when they have a job to do- hence their versatility and use as many different types of working dogs. The structure and temperament may vary slightly depending on the specific job they were bred for but all definitely recognizable as labs.

    Thanks. Must meet you one day.

  4. Hi all.

    I am getting my long awaited for lab puppy in a couple of weeks . Naturally I have sort of became totally obsessed with the breed ,different training techniques Ect . What I can sort of expect . Many times it's mentioned different 'types of labradors ' the working lines and the show bred lines and a mixture in between . I am a bit befuddled how some very different pedigree dogs that come under the same breed standard can look and act so different yet still be considered the same .

    For example the rough and smooth collies only difference in length of coat , yet on dogzonline they are listed as different breeds and not showed together .

    Yet there is currently a puppy listing in labradors who say their working field labradors are not suitable as family pets , yet a listing just underneath say they breed labradors that make wonderful family pets which are show types .

    Is in the main object with breeding is for consistency and to improve the breed? Yet it seems some labrador breeders have different objectives .

    Why are some breed types divided due to more benign reasons (like coat length ) or size (three types of poodles ) yet a more significant difference like energy levels and drive plus a totally different appearance in body shape (field labs tend to be leaner , leggier and thinner faces ) don't get divided .

    It would certainly make people finding a suitable lab for their needs easier .

    I have been on some usa lab forums and there it's even more confusing . They call their working labs 'American labradors ' and there deffinetly seems to be bigger challenges for them finding a suitable pup .

    Any opinions ?

    Congratulations on your new puppy. What are your plans for your puppy. Why did you pick a Labrador RETRIEVER?

    You mention a current advertisement on Dogzonline, which I believe is mine. Adderslot litter?

    In Europe and America, they are differentiated by field and show. I do not know of one successful field bitch owner in either UK or US who would breed to a non working/field stud dog. The thought would not enter their minds. Diluting working traits.....o the horror! Buyers know of the differences overseas, not so much for obvious reasons in Australia.

    I do not breed for the pet market. Not that they do not make great pets, they do. Would simply be a waste of working field genes. I breed for working traits and most pet owners have a bias towards what they have seen/know.

    I do not use any Australian stud in my breeding program. My choice, my "selection". My money.

    There are extremes both pros and cons on both sides. They are all Labradors, but different!

  5. This is a subject that has been on my mind for a while for a variety of reasons.

    How important to you is your breed's original purpose? Have you researched it? For those for whom there are specific dog sports (eg, retrieving and field trials for gundogs, earthdog for terriers) - have you tried your dog out in these sports?

    Finally, have you ever tried to train your dog to work against his or her breed's original function, and what were your reasons?

  6. That is absolutely gorgeous TSD. Even the cat wants to have a go :rofl:

    Lablover I am certain that is what the Rotty version would look like at about 6 weeks old, if not sooner :rofl:

    I bet! I tend to use the puppy toy frame only when the pups are inside. My example above was on a hot stinking day. My pups generally as they mature like to roam around my backyard which is 1/2 acre with lots of different surfaces and tunnels etc. Plus they play tug with each other (my old clothes).

  7. Teresa MacPherson is not unknown in Australia!

    Only last year Teresa MacPherson (Chair of FEMA Canine) and another U S A highly skilled FEMA (U S A ) Urban Search and Rescue instructor Deborah Burnett) delivered SARDA - Search and Rescue Australia Inc. first Canine Search Specialist course in Victoria.

    Field bred labradors are bred for very different traits than show/bench.

  8. Interesting conversation because voice (either barking or whining) is an elimination/major fault in spaniel field trials and no one would breed from a dog that gives tongue.

    Fair question, as the breeder, of my barker, I have pondered myself. So many traits I am breeding for, in my programme, drive, nerves, health.

    Watched the Crufts agility finals. Thanks so much to everyone who replied, seems barking is accepted as I noted dogs in the Crufts youtubes barking and achieving remarkable focus. JRG, including a field bred a spaniel in the final.

    Some working requirements require their dogs to bark, say search and rescue when locating a victim (rather than passive alert - sit to drugs etc.

    All OK. I will add video, as my problem youngster is still barking!! Mainly at the start of training.

    Sorry for delay in responding to this thread. I appreciate all the reponses.

  9. Break down the exercise. You do not engage until quiet. You finish the exercise if she barks and start again. Teach that barking = failed exercise. It will make it stop.

    It can be a byproduct of frustration. In some persuits you want it, in others you dont.

    Sometimes with Nitro it is certainly due to frustration.

    I know the vocalisation makes me frustrated!

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