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Everything posted by Eagles14

  1. Carlos has one ear standing up already - it was only taped for a couple of days. He doesn't mind the taping but my other kelpie, Ella keeps taking it off the other ear...chewing is supposed to help build up the cartilage as well - so by rights they should be well up by now...lol. I'll persevere for a little bit longer and see how he goes.
  2. It's so cute how floppy ears stand up in the wind - like little sails ⛵️
  3. I read an article by a vet that said it's not uncommon for the ears to go down again a couple of times - especially whilst teething and after desexing, but they'll usually go up again by 20 weeks. Another article said they should go up between 26 and 30 weeks. At the end of the day if taping doesn't work I'll still love Carlos asuch ad I love Ella, but taping is not frightening or distressing him so Ill give it a go for a week or two. I found it's less annoying for him to tape the hairy side only and I've put a cotton tip under a wide strip of fabric tape about 2cm in from the outer edge of the ear - like a splint. It has to be redone every day but the ears are staying up better already. I'd add a photo but I dont know how????
  4. I have a 20 wk old red and tan kelpie Carlos, and I've just started taping his ears - they've gone up a few times but they flop down after a few days. My 4 and a half yr old black n tan Ella was practically born with pricked ears - and she's the rescue puppy - Carlos is meant to be of good breeding! He gets a little annoyed with the tape but I just distract him with cuddles and play until he forgets it's there. I think the younger you did it the less this would be a problem, but they recommend waiting til 20 weeks. Watch this space I guess.
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