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I was just telling what the vet said but..ok, so i'll just ignore what a QUALIFIED vet says and take advice from someone on a internet forum shall I???? Sorry mate but I have no idea who you are. I just had a pervo test done 5 days after a vaccination and it was negative
Well we went to the vet this morning, had parvo and corona virus test, both negative...yayyyy (oh and FYI, vet said you cant get a false positive from vaccinations for parvo, other diseases yes but not parvo). Vet said he probably has picked up a parasite tho, probably from eating cat poo....grrrrrr (bloody neighbours cats), so $116 worth of medication later....only time will tell i guess. Going back in 2 days to see how it going. Anyway I'll keep u all posted
Yr welcome benz and good on you. As long as it is a good quality wormer you are using, I would suggest you drop back dosing to monthly now at least for another couple of months, then just every 3 months is fine. You don't want to be bombarding his system unnecessarily. And if you definitely don't find any worms in his faeces, definitely don't worm him until he is over this issue :) ... and give him a big kiss from me.... and may we have some piccies please??? :D Tried putting up pics but no joy i'm afraid....not very tech savvy :) Thanks again for your posts. Worm tablets are from vet and yes its been 2 weeks since his last one and vet said next one due in 2 weeks, so a month, then every month till he's 6 months then every 3 months vet says. He's back to being his usual playfull self today although still not happy with me for some reason. Never thouht i'd be excited about seeing a solid poo...lol
Yep your probably right, he loves dirt, cat poo, sticks, plants, insects, etc etc etc. he seems to be eating ok now and his poo seems better. Thanks for your post
Good news i think, he seems to be much better today. I am hopeing it was just something he ate. I will still take him to vet tomorrow to be on the safe side. Thanks again to everyone for their advise and a kind ear.
Hey thanks again
Hey thanks for that Starkeyre....trust me I will be keeping a VERY close eye on him. FYI, it shouldnt be worms, been wormed every 2 weeks since birth. I will get him to the vet in the morning if he's still showing symptoms.
Thanks Sandra, hope your right. Ive owned Rotties before but this is my first pup so being a bit of a worry wort. He has been digging in some dirt that was brought on to property a year ago...so ya never know i guess. Really appreciate everyones advise.
Thanks, didnt know about the dirt. Isnt that what all the vaccinations have been for?....all on time
Oh, and I cant get to vet until monday, I live out of town. Dont own a thermometer to take temp unfortunatly. His temp was normal on wednesday at vet. i just gave him some boiled chicken breast and he ate it all. No vomiting.
Thanks for the quick responce guys....Parvo? where would he have picked it up from? never leaves the house/yard
Last 2 days my Rottie has gone to the toilet as normal, relatively normal/solid poo, then a hour or so later he tries again only to have a clear, translucent jelly type discharge, not large quantity but very strange looking, then an hour or so after that he has a nasty "squirt". Nothing out of the ordinary has happened except he had his last puppy shot on Wednesday. Has been off his food and seems very lethargic. He lives on Eukanuba Large Breed puppy food with a chicken neck or wing occasionally. Any ideas? Will go back to vet on Monday if its still happening.