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Posts posted by paddles

  1. Paddles I'm sure the others will answer too but rewarding out of position is generally a side-effect of using toys rather than food. So for eg. the dog heels nicely, you mark and release, and the dog leaps out and gets a game of tug.

    I reward mostly with food but use both tug and ball as a higher value reward (ball being the ultimate). Problem being (especially with tug) if you always release in front of you the dog will usually work slightly too far forward out of anticipation. I am extra conscious therefore to mix it up with the ball and throw it away from where the dog is anticipating, with tug it's harder but if I kind of spin on the spot after release it helps keep 'em guessing :)

    ah, I get it now.. I mainly use food, so he tends to reward in position I guess, unless I'm practicing coming into position? in which case I throw the food?

  2. I think I'm missing something here... when you all talk about rewarding in position? you mean, when the dog is where you want him to be? ie heel? (beside leg) so for instance (talking about milo) I spent a long time teaching him to come into heel (I lift my hand, say heel, and he swings in so that his head is between my hand and leg. this was done with food, over small incriments. I have to a lesser extent done the same thing with flash.. so from what some of you are saying, you don't reward this behaviour (anymore? ever?) with milo, this is something that periodically is done as a training exercise on it's own, but as a rule, a signal that we are going to begin heelwork training. Can I ask you, Huski, Wobbly to break down a bit what you mean?

    On a positive note, all people with short dogs... I could call this boob hand, not pocket hand, which really isn't comfortable, and if I forget to change before I go out, the slobber down the side of my breast gets some weird looks...

  3. Haha I just watched you again, he's just so cute! XD

    One of the reasons I think you're so way ahead on me in this is that Flash is good at verbal cues, it seems like your physical movement doesn't override the verbal cues to the same extent as I have with Jarrah. SOmething for me to aspire to here!

    Wobbly, when you truly want to have a giggle.. watch this...

  4. I just went out this morning to play with Flash and hopefully video a little heeling, I spent some time playing fetch (want to hear something funny? flash picked up the magnetic ball by the rope, and the ball swung and caught on his collar... he was trying to "drop the ball" but of course it stayed on his collar...

    so... when my husband came out to video... this was an example of what we got... we had done a practice run prior, and of course he worked for that...


    now keep in mind, he had been happily playing fetch with this ball 2 seconds before, he had been coming into heel to get the ball thrown....

  5. I was told to start with long soft treats (like strips of frankfurter) and you slowly feed it to the dog with your right hand, teaching them that having the left hand cupping the cheek is good. she then switches to having a ball in her armpit, which she drops to reward. (I'll worry about what I'll do there later.) (this is the girl who showed me, not Denise)

    with a smaller dog? start on knees?? teach to target a fly swatter? and use the swatter as the "hand" ? the hand is eventually ment to be a guide? not a "grab"???? I tried last night.... hmm, not brilliant, but we got a dozen steps, and a sit? I'll get video today, and post it. (hopefully)

  6. Last few days I have been concentrating on focus (I am starting at the very beginning here XD) which is mostly using toys rather than food, so more for established behaviours. But also, to keep things interesting for us we do mix it with teaching behaviours for food, today i will work on a pocket/cup hand. I am not sure if "pocket hand" is common terminology, so this you tube clip explains.

    Harder with a shorter dog!

    I was recently shown this method (from beginning? of the training. I like the look and it might fix some of my issues.. I'm going to give it a go... who else is going to give this a go? maybe we can try "together" and talk about our progress in a new thread? I'll start a thread now, so reply in that?

  7. I've tried both clubs and private trainers, some are good, some are bad, distance is an issue, as well as cost. Steve from K9 pro is awesome at fixing issues (and that's from one phone consult) I'm saving to do another consult. and have plans to go over. I also ask friends/internet, and find I get heaps of suggestions that way. you do have to listen/look/think, then see if you can apply it to your situation. I'm going to be trying a new "heeling" method, and need to step back again on basic moves (I was quite disappointed when I realised that milo won't drop on a purely verbal command....)I r

    so, to sum up, in my opinion, if you have a particular issue, I recommend K9pro, (or another private trainer) but if you want to do regular obedience classes, then you need to look at various obedience clubs...

  8. Paddles ...Ouch alright !! Yes I may be going to quick for him. Oh poor Sonny :( I can see he is like, I am trying but I just don't get it..

    I am trying to reteach heeling. I had him walking up the hallway against the wall but he kept popping in front or out of position after 1 or 2 steps.

    He wasn't happy, very frustrated unfortunately.

    I think Huski is right, maybe start with heel positioning, bring him into position, reward, release, bring back in...??? hmmmm, more of do as I say, not as I do???

    I went looking for a link to a you tube clip I've seen... but waiting for our download to roll over.... sigh

  9. I just had a go at teaching milo to drop a "hanky" into the clothes basket... poor milo, was freaking, he picked up the object and bought it to me... come on mum... unfortunately he managed to drag a foot down my stomach... OUCH try giving stella a chewy? step back a step... he's showing anxiety.. he wants to please, but can't get the idea? step back again... what exactly are you trying to get him to do? can you step back even further?? (ie, if it's stay, swing in front of him (nose to knee) reward, return?? heeling, one step, with focus, sit, reward??

  10. you have my sympathy, as I'm also just out of hospital, maybe, your dog is picking up that you are not well? and trying you out?? I took milo for a short walk yesterday, and he worked beautifully, so the 3 weeks off, have helped him. if you are going back to basics so to speak, maybe you need to have complete peace?? ie don't have the other dogs around?? step back, have a look at what you are doing (and as you've seen with me, sometimes if you can video your work, you will see where you are going wrong??

  11. I've seen distance work done with a long line, hooked around a pole? so you can control the dog coming to wards you??? they learn they can't come towards you, then start offering behaviours... hmmm, have a look again at k9 pro's triangle of temptation... I think that's where I read it.

  12. next weekend at knowsley, I may or may not be there, look for gsp's or ask for Heidi. (i'm planning on going, but having surgery, so might not be able)

    I was thinking of coming for a look with one of the kids but i think the weather is going to be bad.

    Will it be posted on the club website if it is cancelled?

    it won't be cancelled. unless there is a sudden unexplained bush fire... rain, hail, shine, out they go.

  13. You're rewarding at the front of your body, with your right hand. Try rewarding with your left hand, where you want him. He's following your hands. Even with my 'good' heeling dog I keep my hand on my left hip to show where to stay.

    I'm shocking for rewarding with my right hand too ;)

    Thanks, After I watched the video, I did wonder if that was the issue... I've been called on it before... will try... I also have to practice a "new" release word... After the release word thread, I think I'll change from "ok' to "freedom"

  14. Hi all, we're working really hard on our focus while heeling, but I'm beginning to find that he's coming forward too far, and swinging his body sidewards while still moving forward, what is the best way to prevent this becoming an issue? he's hand targeting fairly well, and I generally try to "carry" my hands at my belly, this is still working in no/low distraction.

    A really poor example, but just a quick one to show where I'm coming from hopefully.


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