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Everything posted by DianeMcA

  1. Does the super boost powder build up their immune system? Cause after reading Dr Symes attachment , you can destroy their good gut flora with too much worming and and that leaves them open to allergies and where do I get calandular flowers and what strength do I use
  2. Yes mowed the other day and it got worse, he doesn't lick feet when not red, I washed him today in locally made goats milk soap with Teetree his feet are red but he wasn't licking them when I left home, I put nothing else on his feet no cream after
  3. Yes the wandering jew I'm sure is a big part of it but when I went to Melbourne for 8 days it got bad again , but he may have walked in it before we left, I do have a really good front yard fenced off , think I'll have to take him for walks in town on a lead and concrete paths
  4. his 7 week one , then 12 and 16 week I think that's how it went,his next one wis 12 mths after the last , whatever is the protocol , I too questioned the vet when I took him for the 16 week one if it could have made him itchy as I am very paranoid about stuffing their immune system up , of course she said no, I even god just nosodes with one of my dogs and when I got the other dogs vaccinated they only had their puppy ones and then a 12 month booster, if the vaccine has messed up his immune system , will it ever be able to be fixed ?
  5. He started off with red itchy feet licking and chewing them, I had him on Black hawk gor puppies and raw meat, mainly chicken I would pulverise so he got all the bone as well and I would give him necks and occasional carcus , sometimes I would do rice and carrot and meat off cuts , 1st took him to the vet just before Christmas he was bit over 7mths old, she did a scraping (no mites) she put him in cortisone 30 mg1x day then weaned off , he weighed 30 kilos and I questioned her to the high dose she 1 mg per kilo, it got better , but came back after finished the course, the course lasted about 3 weeks , I then took him to a homeopathic vet his toes were redand hair was coming off the red angry skin went between toes under pad on back of the feet and about 8cm up the back of his leg above the paw, I had been washing his legs in diluted pine tarsal and putting sudo cream (zinc based) over his legs and feet as well, also tried finding in ACV and putting oats in a stocking and squeezing all the while milky stuff over his legs and belly which occasionally got red rash on as well, anyway the vet in Feb did another scraping (nothing) and put him back on cortisone 7.5 -2x day for 3 days then 7.5 1xday 3 days, then 7.5 every second day for 3 days put him on vets all natural but for Adults, said he would be ok on that. And kangaroo mince, VC 1 teaspoon a day acidophilus 1/2 tspn 3x day omega oil 3,6 and 9 and some metagenics tab for inflammation and antioxidant called oxygen something, I would mix the Vitamins ect in their ing with cottage cheese and yoghurt , he was getting human grade kangaroo and V all N , the cortisone worked again but red itchy skin came back when finished I went to Melbourne March 15th thought change in scenery would help, but no it came back , called my vet back home he faxed through script for more cortisone , told me to stop V ALL Natural and juice sweet pot carrot pumpkin and beans mix together with kangaroo did this for 2 weeks he is loosing weight, no fat in meat , cortisone finished 2 days ago feet red and angry he is licking them and I hot Aveno cream and cure rash cream , have been lathering that on he has lost 4 kg on this diet and he is no better off , I think it is contact allergy , dermatologist testing and vaccine is almost $1,000 I rang the breeder today she has been breeding 35 yrs had her dogs on vountry kibble and turkey or chicken mince and never an allergy she told me these new expensive feeds have too much stuff in them and can do more harm , and to put him back on a simple diet , I am tempted cause nothing else diet wise has made a difference , I we have wandering jew here , but I didn't see it in Melbourne , hope you all get a clearer picture now, I was too busy and just peeved off when I quickly wrote this morning , I washed Rslph in Teetree shampoo before I left his feet are red but he's not biting them , I've left him at home I'm at the races my horse is about to race I have5 dogs 1 is 16 raised on cheap biscuits can food end fresh never bed. To thd vets for illness she's also a crossbred so maybe I was too fussy with Ralph
  6. My 10 mth old GSP is driving me nuts with allergies who do I believe in regards to the best treatment for him ,raw food? Special dogs biscuits? Cortisone ,$1,000 dermatology testing? creams and washes ? Do frustrating !!!
  7. I think my GSP has mites and my 2 shihtzus and I am itching as well, have had him to the vet twice done scrapings, treating for allergies ,changed food, still the same ,but when you said soaked with frontline, what did you mean ? you get the drops for neck ? is that it ? I used Advocate , my vet recommended, I use to always use frontline and no fleas here for ages, I am at my wits end with this skin thing, really its been going on for months, thinking its also plant related (wandering Jew) but have tried to get rid of all that
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