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Everything posted by kamukeli

  1. Misha your last post is brilliant and I couldnt agree with you more. I also love the GSD what a magnificent animal and I firmly believe that to truly love the breed you must also maintain the history of the breed and that is to keep them a dog that can both work and be shown and if not as you say do not breed them. If you go to the Scutzhund Australia website and hit the link to Global Friends of Schutzhund there is a petition to sign please get all friends and family to sign and email it in. Thanks.
  2. The first video is from Vienna they were going through exactly the same political propoganda as we are here and well good news came in today from our friends in Europe......... "ANNOUNCEMENT" Bless Vienna's politicians for making the effort to become fully informed first hand and not autocratically imposing unfair legislation on the wonderful sport of Schutzhund! Its time for the ANKC, GSDCA & our politicians to wake up and see the multiple benefits provided by the soundly accredited, mainstream hobby the sport of SchH/IPO represents. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of Mr. Robert Markschlaeger, ÖKV Leistungsreferent (The Secretary of the Austrian Kennel Club's working dog section), I am pleased to inform you that today, the 24.3.2010 at 9.30 in the morning, he was informed by a phone call from Mrs Sima, Minister for Environment, that Working Dog Sport in accordance with the ÖPO/IPO run by the Austraian Kennel Club (FCI) in the section 1/2/3 in Part C, was not affected by the proposed "Dangerous Dog Legislation" in Vienna. For this important clarification, we wish to sincerely thank the Minister, Mrs. Sima, and all those who have in any form helped in this matter of great importance for Austrian dog sport. This matter is herewith brought to a sensible and happy end. In the aftermath, to look for someone to blame for bringing this matter up in the first place will not be productive. Now the much more important thing is to look to the future and to promote the working dog sport in the wider community, in order to give this beautiful sport the full credit it truly deserves. With friendly regards, Ing. Roman Rauner and Friends
  3. Love this one as well.. http://www.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DqtSYp...c3abbe877ae3c37
  4. Found this on facebook... found it interesting. Please support the Sport of Schutzhund in Australia by signing on as a member of the Global Friends of Schutzhund. Please fill out the attached (Word doc) form to register your support and then email it to [email protected] Or you can register your support as a Global Friend ...via the Schutzhund Australia website www.schutzhundaustralia.com Help Schutzhund Australia Inc. in its fight against a hostile, ongoing propaganda campaign and the anti-Schutzhund activities practiced over many years against our sport; chiefly instigated from within the leadership of the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia - an Organization whose Constitution claims to promote the "development and improvement of the German Shepherd Dog within Australia" but which does not see fit to mention as one of it's Objects the preservation and improvement of the breed's actual working abilities. Instead, this supposed protector of the German Shepherd Dog has engaged in nefarious anti-Schutzhund activities such as lobbying the Australian National Kennel Club to intervene to overturn a vote by their own membership to support the sport; as well as under-the-table lobbying of State Government agencies with an aim to create legislation targeting Australians engaging in the sport and introducing discrimatory laws against Australian-titled Schutzhund dogs - all actions which seek to depress the sport's ability to develop and grow its membership and our people's ability to meet and practice our sport freely without fear or favour, on an equal basis to other canine sports in our Australian states. We who truly love Schutzhund need to show that the sum of our Sport stands for much, much more than our smallest parts. This great international dog sport in our wonderful sport-loving country needs your support. We ask readers to please fill out and return the attached membership form to the address cited at the bottom of the document and please visit our Facebook website to leave your comments: Join other proud global members at http://www.facebook.com/pages/GLOBAL-FRIEN...84537797?ref=mf PLEASE SHARE THIS POST WITH ALL YOUR SPORTDOG FRIENDS!See MoreSchutzhund Australia www.schutzhundaustralia.com Schutzhund Australia Inc. (also trading as Working German Shepherds Australia Inc.) is foremost dedicated to Dogsport/Schutzhund/VPG/IPO as the International Sport for Working Dogs, developing Australian and New Zealand teams for high performance competition. ...
  5. Yep Erny I agree about the nay - sayers its funny in most European countries you cant even get a show title on a working breed until you have a Sch title because that proves your dog is of sound temperament and safe. Yet here in Aus we think we can reinvent the wheel..... makes no sense to me.
  6. Well I think not. Watch this clip it shows how they are equipment focused SPORT dogs. http://www.youtube.com/user/danielayko#p/a/u/0/1JpbsEkCc54
  7. Well put Oonga, I also think this is a perfect opertunity for people to learn how to get their dogs to heel in full focus and get the most out of drive training.Uta is a brilliant trainer and her trial record and success with Malinois on the WORLD stage speaks for itself.
  8. Hi all, It will be predominately a obedience seminar with the focus being on clicker training and all are welcome.
  9. Hi everyone, Just wanted to advise of a clicker seminar with World Champion Uta Bindels from Germany. The seminar will be held in Melbourne at Endevour Hills. For those interested follow the link http://www.eagleheightssportdog.org/pdf/SeminarMay.pdf[/url]
  10. I dont understand whats going on.....but in the rest of the world you cannot breed you working dog without first getting a minimum of Sch1 title.It is a temprement test or character assessment for breeding suitability and if you do not qualify you cannot register your litters. Maybe this is the reason they are trying to avoid it?
  11. She sure does and she is a lovely lady as well. WE partiticularly liked a dog she had called Rapter ( Rytmo des deux pottois ) and also Cali ( Calice du dantero) Cali was the first owner,handler,breeder,trainer dog or bitch to gain Fr3 in the States.
  12. Hi Kavik, The lady in that clip is Kadi from Du Dantero Kennels in California. You should check out her website it is fantastic. We were hopeing to import a Mal bitch from her a couple of years ago but unfortunately she didn't turn out. Love French I have a few DVD's and think it is a great Dog Sport.
  13. Shoemonster...We loved watching your girl Inca what an awesome little girl .....she is bloody fast. It was our first time and we will bring our whole tribe next time for sure.
  14. Thanks for posting this P. C we took our Malinois down and he had a ball. It was great to see all the dogs just having fun. Will definately come to the next one.
  15. Thanks Jeff .....thats clears it up and is good to know :p
  16. Nope, it is a Belgian. mmmm looks more like a mix aka dutch shepherd I would agree looks more like Dutch Shepherd although they are normally more brindle
  17. Have a look at this one Kavik they are KNPV dogs http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=OPXL33bufn0&...feature=related
  18. Hi Kavik, What a coincidence I have heard a rumour that there is a top Belgian ringsport trainer and a Belgian police K9 trainer handler that are highly regarded for their clicker work coming to Melbourne in Nov. It is not confirmed yet but when I know more I will post info.
  19. Dane is a member of Sch Aus not AUSC so it definately isn't JJ.
  20. Sorry forgot to add that I believe it is both because Sch dogs are able to indicate articles dropped buy the track layer. Therefore they must have the scent of the track layer to be able to distinguish the article.
  21. The reason why Schutzhund dogs look more accurate whilst tracking is because they are only following the scent of the crushed vegetation. They do not follow the scent from the person on the ground. Spot on about the crushed vegetation Jeff but IMO they are also following the scent of the dead skin a person drops while walking so it is a combination of the two.
  22. Maybe just a little nudge LOL Keep working on the focus and you will get it. A word of advice be carefull if you use a toy to hold it in different positions I made the mistake of holding it in my right hand up next to the right side of my face to consistently and I always threw it away to my right .This caused the boy to crowd me and surge around in front to much.I'm correcting this for his next trial lucky for me he forgives my poor handling.I'm getting happier by the week with his position just have to keep a handle on the drive.Finding the dog is easier to train than me.Hope my mistakes can help with your work. Good luck with it Kavic and I expect to a pic of focus healing from you soon.
  23. I started with food mainly just kicking back at home and rewarding the dog for eye contact.Just a glance at first then holding focus for longer periods.With obedience the dog does not get a command without focus.This comes slowly.With healing you start by holding their favourite toy up by your face and reward with the toy after a few steps in focus then you build on this until the toy can be hidden and brought out for reward at vairying intervals.This is a brief explaination correction and timeing also play a part.This is my boy in focus!
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