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Everything posted by Nige

  1. I'll look into a more suitable fly repellant for her, we are abit wary about possible skin disorders or poisoning from them if used for along time.......which would probably be our luck! And give the auto sprayer and traps a try to see if it keeps them down. We always do keep the poo under control, especially now we make the extra effort. If we don't get an improvement, we will have to get a behaviouralist in. We have a 1 year old and Nalah is never aggressive towards her, pretty much the complete opposite. We've seen her watching and following her crawling around outside, keeping an eye on her!
  2. Hi guys We have a 5 yr Female (spayed) Rhodesian Ridgeback. She has had 2 major surgeries on her knees in the last 4 years and after each operation she spent 10-14 weeks in a cage so she could heal. After each healing time, we noticed a difference in her behaviour, she is aggressive towards other dogs, the postman and after being bitten by a horse fly earlier in the summer, she has now developed a big anxiety towards flies. She won't even sit down let alone relax when out side now, paces between our front and back doors with her tail between her legs and is basically a mess, yesterday I saw her run at our 6ft gate and try knock it open! Just to try and get away. These are normal house flies, not big dirty blowies or horse flies. We are trying some natural oil fly repellant mixture, and will put fly traps and an auto spray outside our alfresco area to try help the problem. We are prepared to try some sort of prosaic, but are not really keen to use it as a long term cure, mainly as it's not curing the problem, more masking it. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
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