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Everything posted by Sash

  1. My whippet was eating chicken wings (and possibly bones too - but they only mentioned chicken wings specifically) prior to me picking him up at 8 weeks old.
  2. Guessing 'previous' should be 'precious'?
  3. Can't comment on where they stand but I'd be seriously concerned about a dog that is big enough to do that over a 5.5 foot high fence and has such poor bite inhibition. Time to call in a professional trainer, asap!
  4. Two is probably my current limit, purely because of the size of house and backyard we have (500sqm block) and because I love to have them inside the house with me (too much mess with more) and I like to be able to easily take them out with me (smallish car = more than two dogs? No thanks!). If I end up moving out of the suburbs however... I could definitely see myself have 4 or so dogs.
  5. My first dog was a beautiful black kelpie called Jackson that my family owned while I was growing up. First dog that has just belonged to me as an adult is Astro, my currently 12 week old whippet. :)
  6. I just have reoccurring reminders set up on my Google calendars so they pop up on the computer and on my phone as they're due. I also tend to do everything in the first few days of the month so the end of one month is always a prompt to make sure I haven't run out of anything in time for the next treatment.
  7. What a stupid thing to do with a bunch of animals not used to each other... I feel sorry for the stressed out goat and for the dogs or people that might have been gored if the goat did panic.
  8. While I feel immensely sorry for the original posters dog and it really angers me when people have out of control or aggressive dogs in public (or in general really), I don't really like how people seem to describe every dog involved in an attack as a pitbull. A "pitbull" (according to bystanders) bit another dog at our dog park a few weeks ago... it was a Staffy cross in reality. Just further perpetuates the stereotypes about breeds and seems to shift blame to the dog's breed rather than it's lousy owner who doesn't socialise, train or take responsibility for their pet. Most people I know couldn't get http://www.pickthepit.com/ when I showed them (or assumed 3/4 of the dogs were pitbulls). Just my $0.02 though.
  9. What a great ad. The more I see of dogs, the more I love them.
  10. Agreed! I hate those phrases and they conjure up images of poorly socialised, small white fluffies with spoiled brat tendencies and the people who own them. I love my dogs like crazy and they're part of the family for sure, but they're not children and humanising them is weird to me.
  11. What is wrong with some people! Sick world we live in when people do that sort of thing. Where abouts does your friend live in Brisbane? Just so people can be extra cautious around there.
  12. The ironing board invokes sheer terror from my pup, but when being folded or unfolded.
  13. So sorry to hear this, it brought a tear to my eye. Hope you find comfort in friends, family and your other dogs whilst remembering her wonderful life. xo
  14. She's a real beauty. Sending healing thoughts her way. Looks like she's had a such wonderful life so far with you.
  15. So sorry to hear this. Thinking of you and your lovely whippet.
  16. They're amazing. But at the prices! I wouldn't spend that on a necklace for myself, let alone a dog collar!
  17. Oh magical crate, thank you for preventing me from having to share my pillow all night and for your magical house training powers!
  18. Chicken wings would be fine. My whippet puppy (10 weeks old and about 3.8kg) loves them, greedily crunches them up and has been eating them since we got him at 8 weeks without any issues. Our dogs also get lamb spare ribs with the excess fat trimmed off occasionally as a treat.
  19. Agreed about young Whippets (one is doing zoomies in my backyard right now :laugh: ), but an adult Whippet could fit the bill nicely I think.
  20. I can't add anything about puppies and cats becoming friends as we don't have cats, but it only took about 48 hours for our 17 month old miniature poodle cross and 8.5 week old whippet to become the best of friends. I attribute this mostly to the fact that they're both fairly young plus Monty is a very gentle but super playful and Astro being a puppy always wants to play so they were destined to get along.
  21. What about a whippet or a greyhound?
  22. Tiny pieces of roast/bbq chicken mostly. Sometimes I save little bit of whatever meat we've cooked for dinner and chop it into little cubes or strips to stop them getting bored.
  23. I feel your pain, so many people with the attitude that "oh my dog is somehow special so leash rules don't apply to me", I love hearing about them being fined by rangers. Also cannot believe the people who go to off leash dog areas but have zero control over their dog and absolutely no ability to recall it if needed. Around Kedron Brook at Gordon Park in Brisbane has been crawling with this lately. I wouldn't dream of taking any dog of mine to an off leash area unless it's obedience and training was at a point where I knew I could reliably recall it if needed.
  24. So hard to get a picture of him moving cause he's so speedy!
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