New to this site...found it researching BSL laws and hoping to contribute in any way possible.
Yes I have a mature 'red nose' who I was lucky enough to rescue prior to the knee jerk legislation introduced into Victoria.
Luckily I reside in a suburb of Melbourne where the local authorities have not be over jealous in enforcing this ridiculous law, he lives very happily.....and for those who come across a 'problem' I'll share an experience....
Was visiting my elderly father in Tassie a couple of years ago and a enforcement officer approached my elderly father who was in the front (fenced) yard with 'Shovel'
This 'human' was immediately aggressive about the presence of a pitbull and seemed that he was going to take immediate action. Thankfully Dad stated that he was my
Dog and registered in Victoria...and just visiting. Dude lost interest and disappeared really fast....
Shovel is the first, but not last pitbull that I will have the pleasure of looking after. Previously been a responsible owner of a number of other breeds throughout my lifetime, I have found him to be the most balanced dog, much like the others I have known.
Never give up. Read about the shadow ministers proposal changes to BSL legistration in Victoria....what next?