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Everything posted by Scottsmum

  1. I don't have much advice. But I do wonder if it might just be that you're looking to do things which are just too rough for his sensitive disposition? Something that really helped Scottie and I bond was pet obedience classes. No pressure for him to actually do anything other than learn how to sit, stay and recall - and it turns out he knew how to sit. He's no good at stay, and 9/10 he'll recall But it helped me get some idea of what made him tick - not food, will work for cuddles. He totally shut down if he's reprimanded in any way. He's also a goof ball - jackpots are big showy overacted "hoorays!" with lots of pats and a tummy rub. We also do scent work which is very good for him as, besides being a goof ball, he's a soft, gentle and very sensitive soul. I was actually only chatting about scent work with some others from the class the other day and we were all saying that it's good for the dog because you have to put your trust in them 100%, they're the experts and you just have to let them take the lead. It's also just such an individual thing - there is no perfect search - one guy in my class is a complete pocket rocket, Scottie is slow and methodical, the class boxer likes to slobber on things and gets upset when he thinks other dogs are working more than he is. Or maybe he's just begging for you to figure out that he's a hound and he's always secretly wanted to chase things. Maybe other whippet owners will give you some tips. Good luck
  2. Lol. Those hounds do not look pleased
  3. Gosh they're cute babies Perse, they're really chunky little dogs aren't they?
  4. Absolutely. Guinea was always a red or a pink girl. Scottie is very firmly a black boy, but he does look smart in a bright blue. That said, his currently day to day collar is the space raiders one my fuzz yard which is multi coloured. http://www.mypetwarehouse.com.au/fuzzyard-collar-small-space-raiders-p-9369?gclid=Cj0KEQjwqNiwBRDnq93MioaqtKQBEiQAb7Ezn94IajrxDTM_7Hkx65ySFx9Dkn7XQ-CNO7eE__XczYsaApFZ8P8HAQ and does need updating - it's a bit worn and stinky now.
  5. From what I have read golden paste is OK long term. It's Turmeric supplements with like 95% curcumin extract which is not great long term.
  6. I've been looking at this myself recently. I'd really like to do something similar. I can say for sure that you can take the dogs on the interislander ferry - you've got 2 choices - book a kennel for them or leave them in the car for the duration of the trip. I'm not sure of the logistics of taking the camper on the ferry. Obviously, there are also off leash places where you can take your dog so if you can't find caravan parks or camping spots where they're welcome to roam a short walk to drive to a local off leash park wouldn't be out of the question. Also don't forget that you can look for air bnb places which would let you have them. If you google 'dog friendly accommodation NZ' you get a few results - I have no idea how good the info is but it's a start. I'll be watching the thread - keep us (me) updated on what you find!
  7. You can add it later if you need to - that is add some to your existing batch to hwlp with the smell
  8. My mum wants to know if its vintage?
  9. Some animals develop a smell - like they've been pee'd on. Scottie is one of them.
  10. It's pretty good but mine often comes out very solid (a bit more crumbly, but similar to the coconut oil in the first place) so I just take it and chase it down with luke warm water.
  11. My boy is one of the fussiest dogs on the planet and will happily eat this in a mince ball. I follow Doug English's recipe. http://www.turmericlife.com.au/turmeric-recipes-golden-paste/
  12. My understanding is that earth worms and intestinal worms are very different and it would be OK but there is a chemical load you need to consider, which I imagine it would be low. I do know, from previous work (my background is waste education) that there tends to be a trend to say "don't do ...x" because it's easier to put a blanket no on something. Give people an inch and they'll take a mile kind of attitude to waste management (and other things). That said - I do know dog poo compost on edible plants is a genuine NO - as the compost from a home system doesn't tend to get hot enough to kill pathogens and it has a high meat content. (Yes - I realise you said you don't put it on edible plants - I'm just saying)
  13. Sometimes we wait for it to cool down. Sometimes i let him go out (i walk him,not just open the gate!) And we just go as far as he likes. Same rule with rain ... i cant convince him its a bad idea so we go out ... usually as far as a corner or telegraph poke & go home.
  14. Oh. I hold my breath every time I open this thread. Lots of love to Mr Mac.
  15. Looking very grown up (and a bit scary too ;) )
  16. It's such a shock to the system when you have to pick things up off the kitchen floor for yourself :)
  17. I second that - we had a kennel which had countless floors until dad finally replaced the floor with marine ply. It outlasted the dogs after that & has been handed on to someone else in the family.
  18. I don't know I'd anyone else had said i it yet, but you do have to consider she'll bed modifications to get diet add she ages too.
  19. ??? https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/SheddingBlade.jpg They were still making these 15 years ago - are they really not able to be found anymore?
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