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Everything posted by Scottsmum

  1. Ps. Thanks for hanging in til the end @persephone, @PossumCorner & @Roova
  2. Gorgeous Roova. As for the image - its something to do with the link.... which I'll struggle to explain. I think you have to have the images in an album ???
  3. Can't quite believe we're here. 52: One of Scotties favorite walking spots, the lagoon. Always full of ducks & other waterbirds. If you look very closely there's actually a family of swans, including 3 Cygnets in there.
  4. Not really ok in my book. Not something Id want for my dog, but to each their own.
  5. Yeh. Sorry. Wasn't dismissing because they're from a different country. Apologies to to poster if I caused offense.
  6. It's either spam/troll or someone posting about their own dog. There is / was another thread too.
  7. Great news DDD (except well, for the Orla update)
  8. Pretty sure I sent you a recommendation a few months ago. Not crazy close, but a good stop gap til you can find someone closer
  9. Inner health plus. From memory (sure ill be corrected if wrong) you can't over dose - so one capsule. You can also get protexin - which is an animal product. Dose for it on the packet.
  10. My girl took every opportunity to raid the bin right up until the day she died if we were silly enough to leave it within her stumpy little reach.
  11. Never mind. It's not there anymore
  12. Thanks Roova. We think so too.
  13. Thanks Perse. I think you're right & we've been lucky on the knitting. Lots of incredibly talented knitters & one particularly prolific knitter who's quickly improving
  14. 51: It's a kaleidoscope of colour around here some days. And definitely chilly enough (in late December ) to be bundled up in wooly hand knits from various family members.
  15. Thsnks T. Yup. My only exception to that rule was occasionally I'd take Scottie - with the owners permission & if they were a good match. Occasionally we'd go to a "better" oark for walks. Sometimes just for a change of scene. More often to walk in the shade in summer. But I agree with you 100%. Its not a fast way to make cash. I never really did enough - but I couldn't see a way to make a living with the model i had. Especially when the local competition picks up sll ger walks in a van & takes themhome to free run in her paddock. That said, I fail to see how you'd forget a client was in your car. Again, sadly think you're right on being in a rush to get out & party.
  16. I lost a client once, back when I dog walked, because I refused to do off leash.
  17. Scottie was only 10ish kg. We coped sharing a freezer with him & buying weekly. Probably not the most economical way to do it, but suited us.
  18. This is a great resource https://www.balanced-canine.com/nutrition
  19. If it's just a mil maybe in a mince ball?
  20. I'm so sorry to read this. She was so fortunate to spend her last few months living with you.
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