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Everything posted by Scottsmum

  1. I won't mention all the myna birds and pigeons he managed to catch and eat! ;) I call him my 7 year plus WIP (work in progress) -- we're still working hard but it's paying off! The absolute best where's the duck? moment was at our local dog park. He ran off with the duck and darted across the highway to maccas (I didn't know this at the time) and 5 minutes later he comes back without the duck. I just ask him "where's your duck?" and he zooms off and comes back seconds later with it in his mouth. All I'm thinking is thank goodness coz it's a $20 duck toy!! :laugh: Edit: he'd apparently left it in the carpark before heading to maccas. He's also not allowed off lead at this park any more because maccas is sadly now a frequent ritual. Oh dear :laugh:
  2. I'm just happy to have a dog who can, and will sit! On that note = I'd say it'd probably have to be "little" training. My last dog was untrained - a right horror of my own making (I was 15 when I got her, in the days before the internet and with little to no access to a library - I had no idea or really inclination anyhow) ...I doubt she'd have given two flips about me pointing to something and she sure as heck wouldn't have gone LOOKING for a toy. Maybe a slice of pizza - certainly not a toy. Scottie lives to please and I think with the right owner / trainer (and as a younger dog) he could have be taught anything. Very eager to please. It's funny - I think as "in tune pet owners" (or what ever you want to describe yourself as) we know our dogs (pets in general) are smart - but it still blows my mind when you read about them having different kinds of intelligence, or being left or right pawed and other cool quirks. Also - LOL at Zeus - spose it doesnt matter how you get there in the end as long as you get there. Lets be glad he's hunting a stuffed duck - not an ill person :)
  3. Great news. So happy to hear she's doing better. I hope you managed to get some relaxing done - I saw a photo on facebook. Ah. Maze. Ing!
  4. Dallies are awesome. Naturally :laugh: Need lots of exercise and mental stimulation. Shed like no tomorrow. Twice a year, 6 months in the Autumn and 6 months in the Spring. Very showy in the ring, built beautifully for agility but very few doing it because they are somewhat more difficult to train. Popularity in the show ring depends on the location - Victoria is very strong, for example. Not sure about NZ. You don't see many around really. I've only ever met two in day to day life. and at the shedding - both black and white furs too :) (or liver - ya know)... Bit lik Scottie - he drops like no ones business. My next dog will be a solid colour :)
  5. I have been thinking of that as well ... It just goes to show how explicitly clear you have to be. I know I'm guilty of not being specific enough at times. One assumes he realizes she/the dog can smell it... Yes but I guess against smell would be to point at the cup without the ball and see what happens. Would the dog follow the pointing or ignore based on their smell figuring out you're pointing to the wrong cup? My point is it's not quite correct to say "she has no idea where it is" come on - dogs noses are millions of times better than humans. She'd know where it was. As for pointing at a decoy - in my opinion I think it would depend on the dog and how well they're trained. No? Do you point and expect them to follow the point/indication? Do you ask "where's the ball"? (or give the search command) Scottie can do both - He often follows a point and we regularly play this game: & have done scent work - where I rely on him to tell me where the item/scent is - its one of the first things you learn in scent work - the dog is in charge -it's the one with the right equipment. but I'm not sure that he'd be OK with me giving him a decoy. I don't think he'd "get the point" of me giving him two options and then leading him to the false one - but also - it's not something I've invested time in doing...
  6. I have been thinking of that as well ... It just goes to show how explicitly clear you have to be. I know I'm guilty of not being specific enough at times. One assumes he realizes she/the dog can smell it...
  7. I would argue the statement at about 5.50 "there is no way she could have known where it [the ball] was" is false - she'd have been able to smell it - but she did go to it on command which was the point of the exercise.
  8. That's pretty cool! edit to say: I've been told about & read about parts of that but have not see the bits about Chaser
  9. I don't mind the cold - I've been feeling guilty about enjoying the unseasonably good weather ... but still ... brrrr
  10. Thanks for sharing & explaining. That waggling tail :thumbsup:
  11. It suddenly got cold, and wet, here yesterday. Cold over night, didnt warm up today either. This is all I've seen of the dog this evening. Better than constant requests to go out and play in the rain.
  12. I wondered if the medium or large podengos were available in this part of the world or just the Ping sized ones?
  13. *bearing in mind I've not lived with the following* I'm not saying any of these would be the right one - but I'm just thinking of what I'd look at it your list was mine - does that make sense? Ignoring your coat requirements Airedales seem like nice little dogs? http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/188259-airedale-terrier/ Foxhounds. I think they're beautiful dogs. Hard to come by in Aus. I've met one who was very very nervous but his owner told me that was not typical of the breed. (there's a litter planned for next year according to the DOL page) TSD - What about a Dally?
  14. Ok. OK. Sometimes he's a gross boy DOG he he he
  15. Coffee splurk moment here LOL. Glad it make you Just makes me want to He's such a gross boy sometimes.
  16. Started the vivitonin last night. He was pretty stoned for the rest of the evening. I hope he perks up a bit - if not will speak to the vet about dropping the Ami down a bit - but he was also pretty zonked for the first little while on Ami too. He's being a complete sook today. Not entirely sure whats up. Back door is shut. It's bloody cold and rainy - I think he wants to go out and potter in the yard / in the rain. But I'm not up for a wet dog today. Plus a neighbours two cats have been coming in - which is fine but I'm not up for annoying kittys either and I don't want to encourage them. One is black and slept in his crate util I turfed him out yesterday. Black cat in a covered crate = hard to see! I hate the thought of scottie trying to get into bed and being met with a face full of cat - would shock them both and only end badly - who'd come off worse - I don't know. It' only a little cat..But I'm not up for finding out for having a negative experience in the crate. Have realised that the next (small) challenge will be swapping from free feeding to a more structured offering. At my laziest I usually give him his daily allocation of dry in the morning and 1/2 his meat allocation. Then he grazes on it as he likes - with it usually all being gone by the next morning. Sometimes if he hasn't eaten enough dry during the day I don't give him over half of meat for dinner - or if I give him a bone I also don't give him extra for dinner but the vivitonin needs to be given 30 mins before food on an empty stomach. So I taken his left overs away over the last few nights. No midnight snacks here anymore - Should have seen him wolf down his food this morning. LOL! The second part of that challenge will be ridding the yard of secret stashes of food - as I've said - he loves to bury treats and other things. He often goes out and digs up something if he's a bit peckish. And possibly not feeding frozen - defrosting his meat the night before - he tends to be more likely to bury frozen meat. He cant / hasn't mastered the art of burying fresh mince :) brrr....
  17. I kind of got that impression :) There has never once been a mention of homes :D
  18. I wondered the other day too. I assumed that Mystery will stay with her dad (Marcus) & Mr Fat's fate will depend on if he can stop growing & meet standard or is he already over/out? Sorry - saw your answer - had the tab open/ refresh / all that jazz - you know.
  19. Fingers and paws crossed it all goes well. Lots of love to you both.
  20. Not food driven enough. Snuffle mat was a fail, kong is a fail. He'd happily go days without food. Little poo. We do play this: It's a good game. (We met Peta through nosework)
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