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Everything posted by Scottsmum

  1. Loving this thread. Thanks to everyone who has posted. it's so nice to put doggy faces to the names.
  2. Yay! I can see them @Miss Squish . Such hairballs!
  3. Not sure. Papillion Kisses liked one so.. maybe its just my phone
  4. Not replying to every one .. but they're all too cute!
  5. Lol. That looks. Ummmm... comfy.
  6. I had a guy when I lived in Western Sydney who only used water / steam. Prided himself on his crazy expensive machine - it was pretty amazing! he's get a full shopping bag of ikk (about half a fox terrier I think) from a clean looking carpet & you could walk on it in 10 minutes time. Sadly doesnt do it any more so can't pass details on
  7. I cried sending Scottie 3 hours with no Q. You'll be OK. Kia Kaha.
  8. Well, they're very cute little miscreants.
  9. Gorgeous - all of them. @Roova I love teefy photos @Rozzie how did i not even know Dom & Archie existed? @grizabella - just too sophisticated!
  10. I'd probably be back to the vets. Just to be safe.
  11. Too cute @LisaCC! Especially the top right!
  12. What? Pk no green bag or parcel in sight?
  13. They're really lovely Suz. Those smiles! I bet they were loving that cart ride! Yep. ;) I know You should know me well enough by now to know I know that. ;)
  14. One of the worlds fussiest dogs here. He enjoys the VIP grain free kibble - but likes the orange flavour more than the purple one. We also feed a human grade chicken mince & occasionally pork or beef mince or chunks of meat if it's on sale plus an occasional chicken bone. Not too much red though as it's too rich for him. I also use the VIP dog roll if it's on special. Will be swapping to a senior dry when the current bag runs out. (note- his diet is far from balanced or ideal. He's old, has bad teeth, is crazy fussy, likes to bury food, is happy to not eat for days, unless he's had a xanax - then he'll eat anything in sight and he's on some medication which needs to be given on an empty stomach so we can't give him anything he's likely to dig up and eat later - in short - it works for us and is not the best model to replicate.)
  15. I kow exactly what you mean. I didn't have a camera when my last girl was a pup and even as an old lady I wasn't as tied to my phone or camera as I am today. The result is NO photos of her as a baby and not many of her full stop. She's beautiful T. I love the snowfaces so much. Scottie forgets he's supposed to be an old man too. Silly boy!
  16. A bit off topic but probably not worth a full thread on it's own. Some sniffy observations. I've been sitting two dogs lately. A few weeks ago for a long weekend & again this weekend - I was on notice for a family thing that was coming. I probably wont see them again now til the Queens Birthday weekend. Anyhow - these two dogs are pretty good - lets call them M1 and M2. M1 is a lab (maybe cross - he's a bit more red than I'm used to) and M2 is a Hunterway cross (according to my friend and the exposure I've had to two now) a breed known to be VERY vocal! M2 is a demon - She's full of attitude. She's got a bark which can shake you to your core and she pulls like a bloody train, she's just just unstoppable - she hurt my back and gave me rope burn the first time I sat/walked her (I was warned but you can never really be prepared). This time she also gave me a run for my money - to the point where I was dreading walking her after the first night as we saw a cat in the local scrub where I was taking them. Last time I sat her I tried to tired her out first with fetch but she can even bark with a full sized tennis ball in her mouth! This time I thought I'd try some sniffing activities first - aka scatter feeding them. So I fed their dry to them piece by piece at both meal times - taking about 30 minutes to get through the meal -as opposed to 2 seconds! Followed by their walk. I also divided up some of their wet this morning too and asked for a sit before throwing each piece in an opposite direction and letting them hunt it out in the grass or on one of their rugs. Other than the fact it took them a bit of time to cotton on to what I was doing (I tried a handful at first but they lost a lot of the dry - LOL) they seemed to really enjoy it - coming back to a sit when they were ready and anticipating the next bit. BUT... The best bit is - significantly reduced barking - really significantly reduced and a much nicer walk (for me and I hope them). They were still pulling a tiny bit - but i could pull them back with just my arm (not my whole back), and I didn't have to anchor M2 to me with a spare leash like I did last time. I also noticed they were so much more engaged with their surroundings - nose to the ground sniffing, following scent trails and more willing to engage with me when I said their name - not just on some hell bent mission to cover ground and "go somewhere"). Anyhow - like I said - not ground breaking but really interesting and such a valuable reminder on the importance and value of enrichment - even if it's something as simple as taking some extra time for a scatter feed. Edit to add: The owners are home tonight and asked me to just pop down and leave left over food - they'll feed when they get home around 9pm. I did offer to feed at a nicer hour but they declined so I said I'd take the dogs for a quick walk - as a freebie. Well the difference in them was huge - day and night! M2 was mouthy, barking at me for no reason. Neither would listen to me, no interest in doing as asked, pull, pull, pull the whole time. :/
  17. Here's my efforts (even though I feel like I share photos of Scottsman all the time) Early Feb (Summer really shafted up this year) And it's fuzzy but joyous - reunited after 4 days in the kennels. I think our dogs love us and I think he loves me as much as I love him.
  18. OK - I *think* this thread already exists but I can't seem to find it. I was thinking the other day after @persephone posted a photo of Smoke & @suziwong66 had a canine photobomber in another thread that we don't actually see all that much of the dogs of DOL. So - give me a photo update of the dogs in your life.
  19. There's a holistic vet in Balmain - I can't personally recommend her but might be worth a shot? http://www.balmainvillagevet.com.au/HolisticServices/tabid/22424/Default.aspx
  20. Um. Playing catch up. Wanted to look on the computer, not phone. So glad I did. Pilanesberg National park looks amazing. I particularly liked the dam photo. The casino is cool/strange/off in ways only casinos can be and even the botanical gardens look incredible.
  21. No reaction here - but I haven't fed any in a while.
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