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Everything posted by Scottsmum

  1. Just gently and sensibly please and thank you! ;)
  2. Saw the dog chiro the other day - she was excellent and seems to have made a really positive impact on him. He's moving a lot more freely. So that's great. She's also given me some massages to do to help keep him a bit more limber and we'll see her again in 2 weeks when she's next in the region. She made similar observations about my vets, without even prompting. Which was re-assuring and not at the same time. Wish I'd called her first thing!
  3. Well the weather is clearing here. Hopefully you get nice clear weather for the next few days too. Sm
  4. https://www.facebook.com/tailsoftime/
  5. It's been a huge week here for us - busy time at work & uni - plus with the boy not being well walks are short & uninspired. But... We did go to the duck pond this week for a "walk" (we mainly sniffed poo & then Mummy carried Scottie back to the car). I could seriously watch ducks all day. I have fallen in love with them.
  6. Naw.... Very cute @bianca.a Puddy too - it's a standing statement that I think Perses pups are too cute!
  7. Canned food is changing too. **If you have questions, we have included information on how to submit them at the end of this post. - Meat has replaced broth as the #1 ingredient by weight. - Dog canned recipes now have a higher meat content at 92% Meat/Fish, Organs, Bone & New Zealand Green Mussel (on a dry matter basis). - Cat canned recipes now have a higher meat content at 93% Meat/Fish, Organs, Bone & New Zealand Green Mussel (on a dry matter basis). - A higher meat content means we are able to reduce the supplemental vitamins & minerals – but it is still a complete and balanced diet. - Removal of Agar Agar, TSPP, and Carrageenan from all recipes. - Our cans will continue to never include BPA. Addition of chickpea as a natural binder for the high meat content ingredients. -What can you expect with this? -Food may be slightly lighter in colour. -There will be less congealed broth on the surface. -Cans may contain a small amount of liquid broth. New can weights: -6 oz/ 170gm can will be replaced with 6.5 oz/ 185gm can. -13 oz/ 370gm can will be replaced with a 13.75 oz/ 390gm can. -3 oz/ 85gm can will remain the same. Your pets can expect to still enjoy the same great palatability & taste. The recipe modifications are minor; therefore, there is no need to slowly transition from old to new and improved recipes. **QUESTIONS? Please click the following link to go to our Contact Us page to submit your question: http://bit.ly/2lCXM8u
  8. Never! He's not that kind of boy!
  9. Well, I'm biased, but Sydney Dogs and Cats Home re-home the bestest dogs in all of Sydney. Not much that meets the criteria at the moment, but might be worth keeping an eye on their facebook page and website: http://sydneydogsandcatshome.org/adopt/
  10. That's awesome - I hope you can keep the momentum up and get the number you need nice and quickly.
  11. One of my shares said they were sharing to some raw feeding groups!
  12. I'm not exactly across it either. Fingers crossed you dont get too many outliers / nutters
  13. Hey @brightstar123 someone suggested you post a link on reddit. ???
  14. Yup. But Mal resource guards & stresses over them. Dear little anxious man. Not sure who would want to pinch a half chewed hoof, but Malkie doesn't want to find out!
  15. I've shared it to a big group who tends to have lots of cats - so expect a few in from the states. I hope @brightstar123 lets us know if she hits 8000 responses!
  16. http://www.pncatclub.co.nz/ http://www.nzcf.com/ - includes a list of upcoming shows - there's 8 in the next few weeks. oh, edited to add: I have shared around.
  17. Hrm....he's sideways. .. oh well...
  18. Lots of very active fb groups Local vets Via the admin email lists at Massey. Local pet / supply shops Local catteries Breed fancy pages Local breeders. Theres also an active cat community in Palmy - they hold regular shows Nz cat association (can't think of their initials) Local buy swap pages? As a side note i was looking up catownership in nz the otger day. Its a staggeringly high number!
  19. Yuck! Hope you write them & head office & let them know how backwards that is.
  20. I tried the freeze dried stuff ages ago (when we first had Scottie - he hated it.) but we got some on sale the other day (the small bag, the topper I think they call it) and he seems happy enough to eat it - just a sprinkle (1/4 cup max) with some of his other food. No comment on his fart levels - not bad enough to notice.
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