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Everything posted by Scottsmum

  1. He is gone. I held him in my arms as he drifted into the best sleep he'll ever have.
  2. Thanks all. We leave for the vet in 15 minutes. Im a mess.
  3. Great shots as usual CT. I particularly like wavy dog/wavy sand.
  4. Thanks guys. @harley I think "just a broken body" is easier to deal with (in my experience). Hugs to you. I know loosing H was super hard on you. Thanks to you too @tdierikx. It's not guilt as such. I do really believe euthanasia is one of the kindest gifts we can give our pets when its time. It's doubt & a broken heart at the thought of not having him around anymore. Its 8.30 here & he's still pacing. "The boys" have gone for a second morning walk to try & snap him out of it. thanks again guys
  5. Edit: He is gone. It was as peaceful and as calm as it could have been. Warning. Long & rambly. So I know only we can make this choice, but im so torn. Its 1am. We've been up since 12. Is it the 6th night this week weve been up with sundowners/ night terrors this week. Im so lost. I keep thinking its time to PTS and wondering if im making a hasty decision and wondering if Im simply keeping him here for me. In the harshest of light he's an old dog of unknown age, with fairly serious anxiety, dementia, a bad back & no hearing. This month (well Easter time) is the anniversary of when the ccd symptoms really showed themselves. And to be perfectly honest im close to my upper financial limits - he's costing me a fortune - all of my disposable income & then some. But then i feel terrible for adding money into the decision process Also ...coming into winter. Some nights he refuses to wee at bed time, then gets me up at 12 or 2 - then forgets why he's outside & i have to walk him around the yard til he goes.. He wont wee for hubby at all- at bed time or during the night I have not discussed this with a vet, as ive mentioned here before my "primary care givers" are not so .... familiar with us. A lot of you guys would "know" him & me better. I think I've made my decision - but im so beside myself with doubt & guilt. When Guin went it was the easiest decision i have ever made in my life. It was the right time. She was so ready & ive never once questioned the timing. But despite the fact she'd been with me 15 years .... this little hoodlum at 3.5ish years is my heart dog. Again, part of me is waiting for that same feeling i had with Guin, another part isn't sure we will get it or can wait for it. I'm utterly torn & my heart is breaking.
  6. Twice on the advice of a vet. Breaks the day up, spreads the nutrition. Might be 'humanising' but works for us. Contrary to my current vets advice I sm currently feeding meat in the AM so i know he'll eat it quickly before i keave for the day & his dry & some extra meat at night so he can graze if he wants as he wont eat if im not around...
  7. @Papillon Kisses has some great links. Im on my phone right now but will dig them up if she doesn't do it before im on the computer tomorrow.
  8. I think since the upgrade bumping older threads is possible. It was sometimes possible before the upgrade on a mobile. I had a papered blue bitch about 23 years ago who would yodel like a dingo
  9. LOL. No idea what he thinks of the poo stench.
  10. As a very (incredibly very) general rule of thumb people don't value what they haven't paid for. Please reconsider "free to good home"
  11. Apparently her doggy siblings give her hell which is why she spends her days away from home. Not sure our place is better. Mr. Man nearly got her yesterday! But, she seems to enjoy her time there & yes, love the view, but the cows /dairy were particularly fragrant last night ;)
  12. I usually sit on a dog towel when I'm out the back with the boy. Cause, you know ... cold concrete steps. Yesterday I sat on a bed he's shown no interest in for ages.
  13. 14. Rosie*. Moved in when "dumb & dumber" the kittens from around the corner moved out a few months ago. Seems neighborhood cats think our yard is a free for all. They don't know we have a ferocious fox terrier just waiting to woof! She's fascinated by what ever is over the fence. Either mice or sparrows/ finches. * I did a welfare check via the local Facebook group to make sure she hadn't been dumped & learnt her name.
  14. Sounds like you know the answer. Why be pig headed and put yourself & your dog in in physical or legal danger. Not to mention any other dogs who cross his path.
  15. Nice job. Hard to not appreciate a good bird shot.
  16. Lots of enricichment toys / ideas out there. Kongs, ice blocks etc. We used to hide kibble in empty toilet rolls and kitchen roll centre's then put thise in cereal boxes so my boy had to root out his food. These look cool too: Assuming you have a food driven dog. Also, naturally youll have to supervise well in multi dog homes. Scent games are a good idea too.
  17. Scotti has managed to pull both of his out at least twice in the 3.5 years hes lived with me. The first, within days of coming home. I think Id be very tempted to have them removed on future dogs
  18. Prices seem... reasonable to me. When we were in Sydney we alternated between two vets - our family vet in western sydney (parramatta area) and for a short time one in the inner west - the inner west one was considerably more expensive - even than prices listed here. I think it pays to shop around for drugs - and to know that you can. Again, we payed almost double for the same drug from the inner west vet. These days I get most of my drugs from my main vet, but I do get them to write a script for one product which they just can't / wont price match on. Even paying the $20 script fee I am saving. Papillon Kisses raises some good points about shopping around. As for the rest, well, I am currently unhappy with my vet - I wish I'd listened to my gut and swapped a lot sooner - so if your friend is unhappy I would encourage a second opinion. Sounds like it's probably warranted. Lots of other useful comments about looking for the reason for the hot spots too.
  19. Yeh. Good point. Will have a chat to the chiro & see what she thinks.
  20. I have been told there are contradictions with some of his anxiety meds and Tumeric. But I agree - it's wonderful stuff - We both used it for a while and I really noticed the difference in myself on it. Regardless, something in the pentasan / glucosamine and chondroitin combo seems to be working. So that's really good. Not sure if i have the confidence to tape him myself and I don't know if there is anyone local who does it. It was enough of a struggle finding a chiro ... I know - I'm just annoyed I stuffed around for so long and didn't fight more for what I thought would help. It was especially "urgh" when the vet who administered it said - "well it will either work or do nothing but wont harm him". No idea why the other guy declined it. Anyhow... Hopefully he keeps heading in the right direction
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