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Everything posted by Scottsmum

  1. Waste or sustainability Education. Community engagement style stuff. I was only going to head there for the job. :) I have to say - the thing I do know is I do want to be out of Sydney :)
  2. Well I didn't get the job - which sucks. I was really looking forward to getting out of Sydney. Oh well. Another time and place. Thanks everyone for your comments. Much appreciated.
  3. We use it - the dry/dehydrated one but I picked up the wrong flavour last time and its taking a bit to get through this one as he's not so fussed on it. We use ti for dinner 2-3 times per week (mixed with his 'wet') and for training treats. He love love LOVES the venison and fish.
  4. I;m sorry for your loss too. No suggestions but maybe he'll be OK? Sometimes they just know when things are different. Fingers crossed he is, and your family are, oK
  5. there are lots of those around, I am sure dogs who are kept as showpieces ...not given guidance/boundaries ..., for example .... That's a hard one - I know a dog who fits that bill to a T and at the age of 12 months was medicated (prozac and valium) for "his behavioural issues". Poor little guy never stood a chance. BUT his owner firmly believes it's "just his personality" and the dog is well cared for and spoilt rotten. Like someone else said - its like raising kids - everyone has an opinion.
  6. Thanks all. I was going to ask what you all do for ticks. As for the rentals - that's still a lot less then we're paying here in Sydney so that's good too. I agree with you too Dot - I've been in Sydney since 2000 but I'm really a regional girl at heart :) Well time will tell I suppose
  7. I have to say the thought of ticks freak me out, but I do want the job so fingers and (flea free) paws crossed.
  8. Will absolutely try that. Thanks :)
  9. Naw. Sumo and Moose. What a way to start the day! :)
  10. Wow. Sounds like a paradise.... Maybe I don't want the job after all. Thanks :)
  11. Hi All, Hope this is in the right spot. I've applied for a job in Coffs and have an interview next week. I've done a quick search of the board and it appears there are a number of locals currently or previously on the board AND i've been sufficiently freaked out about ticks and distemper and weird things washing up on the beach... so ... fill me in. What should I know before moving up there (if I'm successful) with my pooch? One real estate has said it's incredibly difficult to get pet friendly rental. True or false? Fill me in on ticks, fleas, distemper, (suburbs which might be better to rent in - if that's allowed). Hit me up with a PM on anything which isn't really dog related or that you just don't want to say on the board. I really want this job but the second I got the call for the interview my brain went into "holy crap I'd have to pack and move a house and a dog who gets car sick with 2 weeks notice" mode.
  12. Is this safe? Does it work? What dose would you give a 10 kilo dog? Someone else mentioned peppermint oil on the collar - same thing? How does that work? Is it worth a shot? Scottie has terrible car sickness. I'm 100% certain it's motion sickness. He's usually sick within 5 minutes however, on the weekend he made it all the way from Woy Woy to home (Marrickville area before he chucked as we turned into our street (3 round a bouts, 2 chiccanes and 2 or 3 corners in 5km). I've tried a few things (fed, not fed at all - that was truly worse then when he's fed, fed hours before) but he's a pretty reliable chucker. Poor boy gets in the car, drops and looks like he's praying for it to be over. I try to not drive him too far but its the only way I can get him to obedience so ... its a split between basically his only unnecessary car trip and no obedience.
  13. She was too young to really converse but she didn't even try - I don't think she spoke english. I was so proud of him, he was just so gentle and patient with her. My hear just swelled with all the mushy girly emotions watching him. Took some cute photos tonight too and we're off to the beach for the weekend so will post some more photos next week :)
  14. Then because he was a good boy (he's always better behaved then Hugo when I take him to work) we went to the off leash in Newtown on our way home and played for an hour. 20 or so of those minutes were occupied like this....
  15. Then he spent his day doing this Oh. And farting because of the smackos he'd been given at the "party"
  16. This little dude has just been the cutest thing on 4 legs this week. First he went to work for Hugo the sausages birthday
  17. Sorry to disappoint but we dong garden at all. At best we mow and hubby mows long as he likes the look better. No garden beds, one old pot plant out the back (amazed its still alive) The yard is literally a small square of grass for the dog and a place for the clothes line. But thanks for the tips. Will see if I can convince hubby to leave the catcher off - however it is in our lease to ensure they;re collected - you can bet your bottom dollar the one time we don't rake is the one time the owner calls by
  18. Tough one. We had a similar conversation at home last night. We have a bit of a dodgy driveway which ends in a ditch and a very blind corner which people speed near. Yesterday as I was slowly exiting I frightened a lady who wasn't paying attention. Had I been one of my neighbours who often speeds I probably would have hit her but the fact is - she wasn't aware of her environment. I think its the same thing. You need to take responsibility for your own personal safety and be aware of your surroundings when you;re out and about. I nearly walked into a telegraph pole while reading my phone tonight - I wouldn't sue telstra for it. My own fault. Also if she was in an off leash area with big dogs she should have been keeping tabs on them too. That said, I'm sorry she was hurt.
  19. Depends on where she is. Some vets might have a trap or a local who can help (we had a local who trapped, desexed and released) when I was vet nursing. Depending on the council they might also have a pound facility who might be able to help. It might be a long road to trust with many a can of whiskers and sucking up to the babies. Unfortunately there is even less help out there for cats then dogs
  20. Its the yard I don't know how to treat. As I said, we launder the bedding regularly (human, dog and couch covers). We also vac and mop weekly and check him weekly too. Occasionally add eucalyptus or lavender oil to the to all laundry (including all bedding and clothing, but have not in a while as we're out of both) We're due to go away next weekend, for the first time since chrissy, so we'll bomb then and we'll bomb again when we go away at the end of the month. Unless I'm missing something I think I have the house as covered as possible. Have not re-treated with anything yet. Any other suggestions for the house? Any tips for the yard? (Yard is very small, has a reasonably healthy lawn - too long at the moment), not too much dirt /no garden beds / opportunity for dust bathing, no access to under the house. )
  21. HELP! We've swapped from frontline / spot on to comfortus. We launder all bedding in hot (95 degree) water at least once every 2 weeks. We have bombed in the past 3 months and I have just found fleas on the dog. I assume from above its OK to dose with comforts more than once a month? Bombing scheduled for next weekend while we're away. Bath tomorrow. Will redose on comforts / I do also have capstar - which should I use immediately?
  22. I know its not premium but Scottie loves the VIP grain free from Woolies.
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