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Everything posted by Scottsmum

  1. I have not read the link but if I was going to freeze dry I would open the bag up, expel as much air, seal it with masking tape, double bag it and wrap it up tight. Seal that with masking tape too.
  2. I will probably go with http://www.petsprovidore.com.au I think they're a board sponsor?
  3. I popped in - the bed we got last week was 25% off which was annoying. And yes - I do find them slightly more expensive then other places but they're only 3 minutes from my office - so convenient. Didn't grab anything. Don't *really need* anything other then a jacket at this point and I think I want a Hurtta.
  4. very naughty, and then when you put them both together, they destroy thing oh that much faster. definitely getting a crate, the mattress is chewed right through to the springs. Dont worry i certainly dont think your being rude, i'm happy to take any suggestion even if its that im doing something wrong, i wont learn from mistakes if no one tells me im making one right? ohh, sales always happen then end right on the day before i get paid haha but yes, i'll definitely do that, and give them a little more time out in the lounge with everyone, starting on the lead. they have absoloutely no manner in the lounge xD and i think its about time they learnt some anyway. Baby gates are heaven, their kept in the bedroom with me overnight and the gate really comes in handy, Mishka can jump it, but shes learnt to respect it, so someone had mentioned a play pen, that could work, if she learnt to respect the gate, im sure she'd learn the same goes for the pen. I wish it where like that with the cat, that once or twice is claws out and can sometimes escalate, funny thing is Ace just thinks its a game. but ill start giving him time outs for that behavior. we made the newbie mistake when he was a puppy of thinking his game with the cat was cute, it wasnt until recently that she become fed up with it. i agree, the 'scold noise' has helped out A lot, they both know what it is and stop.. although Ace will gnerally try to go back to it after. Mishka fetches, and plays tug. Ace chases the ball and gets it, then runs away with the ball. hes become a little obsessive with the ball, once he sees it, he'll spend literally the rest of the day looking for it and wont concentrate on anything else. This might sound silly but what are RMB's? ive never heard of that before xD Ohhh, when i go to the pet shop ill pick some of that up, thankyou :) Oh no, dont worry about it, your suggestions are all very good and ill put them into action :) Whoops. Sorry. Raw meaty bones - very meaty to keep them distracted for a looooong time. Scottie was like that with the ball then we bought him home. We set very firm rules. He has an inside ball - which he's allowed to play with but we don't engage with him and it and tennis balls which he is only allowed to have outside. We don't let him have tennis balls inside because he skins them. The "inside ball" has so far proven indestructible (which is great). Work on your "no more" command ;) I'm very firmly in the camp of being the boss. I'm bad cop and Mum and my word is final in this house. I wish you luck :)
  5. Petbarn has been advertising a family fun day weekend this weekend. Apparently big savings available (typical after I spend 90 on a bed last week). Anyhow - no idea who % savings but might be worth a look if you're after anything. I think we might have a look for a jacket and maybe a few samples of grain free foods on sale.
  6. I had a quick peek at your other thread. Eek. Naughty terriers eh? Couple of quick thoughts - obviously only suggestions. I'll be brief, will list some thoughts, please don't think I'm being rude :) If he/they can't be trusted he needs to earn his freedom back scrap by scrap. A few great suggestions above - including the lead and the crate. Petbarn has a sale on this weekend. If that helps. I'd be limiting their access to all areas the areas of the house they're causing trouble - we have baby gates galore in this house. Don't worry too much about the cat - I'm a firm believer in the cat being the boss of terriers. She'll only smack him once or twice :) But I'd also be reprimanding them for annoying the cat - time out might be a suitable way to help with this. I'm a fan of the guttural "ah ah!" (similar to the "urgh" above) Do they fetch? Can you give him them more exercise by playing fetch? or tug? Or swapping their diet to include large RMBs which take time and energy to consume Other enrichment techniques - we were stuffing Scotties dry food into look roll tubes to help keep him occupied. Lots of great tips on the net. oh and stop disinfecting with a smelly disinfectant - you're basically just making over what he has marked. Start using an enzymatic cleanser - available at pet shops or you can just use biozet laundry power mixed into a paste with cold water. I'm not a training expert but I would suggest if the clicker isn't working - dump it - find something that will work for you all. Try and find something that works for you - for Scottie we needed fun. He'll sit and his recall (especially in the house when he's being naughty) is pretty good. For my old girl - she needed clear boundaries -she knew where the firm NO was but she knew she could push every thing else. Hopefully others can give you much more structured ideas - not too many worse things then a pair of naughty terriers ....
  7. He is impossible not to spoil and he knows it.
  8. Scottie only does it with wees... but yeh - he;s got powerful hind legs
  9. Hi All, This isn't a post about Scottie (but I suppose really it is). I did search the forum and didn't find a similar thread. I suspect the general answer will be one of "it depends on the individual and common sense" but I want to know when does weight gain (in dogs) become significant? Some back ground - Scottie is a mutt - predominantly fox terrier and big for his breed - standards put boys at about 8 kilos. He's 10.4 and looks lean. I weigh him when ever I have him at the pet shop or the vet so I know he's always around that weight (always between 10.2 and today was 10.4) Diet is varied but is usually 2 scoops of dry a day (normally ziwipeak, sometimes VIP grain free or other grain free) + chicken mince (not measured), some cheese, treats (jerky style), natural yoghurt, canned tuna, sardines, eggs, the occasional can of grain free commercial, chicken necks and RMB. RMB and chicken necks count as meals and not extra - he won't get mince if he's had a bone. He's not at all food driven and will often walk away from treats and at times meals. He gets 2 walks a day - 30+ mins and they usually* include off leash fetch. His evening exercise has been greatly reduced since the clocks changed here a few weeks ago. We now have a lot less light and time to walk after work and sometimes the best he can have is a walk around the streets with no off leash or fetch at all. Today while I had him out I noticed he looked like he'd put some weight on - so on our way home we stopped to weigh in at the vets - as I said above - 10.4 - biggest he's been since we've owned him but not fat by any means and it got me to thinking. I think the gain is tiny but is it? When do you put your pooch in the "Jenny Craig pen"? He's already well over his standard (which doesn't matter to us as he's not a show dog) He is fit and healthy - I wouldn't want to see him put too much more on I can identify reasons for the gain - not measuring out food, treats, reduced exercise in recent weeks.
  10. Great thread. I took some but the flash over exposed them. Will need to try again in better light
  11. Bloody hell, I'd be tempted with that dish LOL Yep Yep. Venison and Fish Ziwi served with a side of warm, soft fried egg and if Mummy is being generous some bacon. Life is good when you're a fox terrier.
  12. I know the post is a little old now and that the OP said they wouldn't cook the eggs for the dogs but Scottie LOVES a soft fried egg with the warm yolk mixed through this breakfast (Ziwipeak if he's getting egg). Happens approx 1- 2 times a month around here. Usually when we're having bacon and eggs. nom nom nom
  13. So nice to actually see someone type that out - I have read a lot of blogs and forum posts (probably not as many as others but a lot) and there is SO much emphasis on "unbalancing meals" - I was chatting to hubby about it last night. Feels like this is the first time I;ve actually read someone say that :)
  14. According to the Oscars Law Facebook page he said: • Don’t adopt rescue dogs because you don’t know what problems you’re inheriting • Support PIAA approved pet shops because they sell healthy puppies • Staffies are part Pit Bull and therefore cannot be trusted with children
  15. Wheatherbeeta or other horse brand rugs are great for larger dogs. You know the WBs are genuinely waterproof (when they say so) and rip proof (when they say so). Good quality products, proven over time. We always had one for our big dog when we was alive. That said - he only ever slept in it. I'm now in the process of mulling things over - looking for a coat for Scottie the Foxie - needs to be light weight, waterproof and basically considered "active wear" so we doesn't pong to high hell after walking in the rain. We'll probably get a hurrta (spelling) - I think one of the site sponsors sells them at a good rate.
  16. What a sweet little face :) I don't believe you could call him a devil ;)
  17. I went and got the standard for you: http://www.ankc.org.au/Breed_Details.aspx?bid=60 Don't forget that while the standard is the standard what one person looks for in their dogs will be different to others. I would suggest not looking at websites, but getting out and meeting dogs and owners. Youtube will also be a good source of info - you can watch shows and other to get a good feel for how animals look at act in the ring. Edited: I have not read your other thread - are you after a show dog or a pet? Scrap that - found your other thread. I don't show so I will leave the rest to other (much more informed) members of the board other than to say I) While I note you're in NSW - this Victorian page might be useful: http://www.dogsvictoria.org.au/GetInvolved/WhatisConformationDogShowing.aspx and II) Don't forget that there are restrictions around having your dog desexed if you plan to show.
  18. Plus you'd look like a total wally walking the dog with 2 saucepan lids...
  19. No real suggestions - how annoying and inconvenient. You think they'd have mentioned it before you moved in - considering it was OK at your last place. Can you sneak them in? We used to let ours in - we just made sure we steam cleaned the carpet and made her sleep in the kitchen (lino) Failing that - you could try hot water bottles and some of your clothing or towels in their beds - so they smell you. You spend as much time as possible out there with them - might be hard coming into winter but I'm not familiar with your part of QLD - might be totally OK.
  20. Just really surprised me. Don't think I've ever noticed it on a canned supermarket pet food product (other than treats of course). Makes total sense - it says it only has chicken, chicken broth and rice - blind freddy would be able to tell that's not balanced. Plenty of Freddies around :) Some people think it is OK to just feed their dog meat. There was one on that Dr Harry show who had a little Pom that was losing all his coat and investigation of the diet revealed he had meat only meals. Well yes - good point - and most Aussies have been trained to think that supermarket pet food is always wholesome and balanced and all you dog needs.
  21. oh Yonjuro - they're lovely! We too attach poo bags (and a house key) to our current leash with a d clip thingamabob
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