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Everything posted by Scottsmum

  1. I'm a huge fan of horse shampoo - particularly "Hos Gloss" :) eek. They always pick the best time to disgrace themselves dont they?
  2. I'm so sorry to read this. What a truly heart breaking thing to have to go through.
  3. I thought it was more than that - but I only got a verbal price and I can't say for sure.
  4. Wow. I got the wrong end of the deal - last time we housesat we paid the rent AND I was left with a scar from the stupid cat. I have never charged, nor, other than the above example have I paid a sitter. As a sitter I wouldn't take an "assignment" that didn't suit me (e.g. closer to work or other)
  5. He is. A very spoilt darling.
  6. Just an update - Petbarn have 25% of coats this weekend. Stock was already very picked over at Alexandria when I was there around midday.
  7. oh. just wanted to say - sorry for the large size and...also - yes - he stays still sometimes
  8. So... I went on a wee spending spree this week at K9 Pro (amazing customer service and speedy delivery ) and now we're the proud owners of a light up ball for night time fetch :laugh: Love it. While it's very cute to watch it bob back up the park ... it kind of reminds me of this
  9. I would add - I do miss Guin terribly but I find myself so besotted with Scottie that he makes it OK - I don;t get teary over her anymore - usually laugh when I catch Scottie doing something she would have never done (Scottie thinks he's a dog, she knew she was a people - and therefore rarely did "doggy things" - like fetch or get wet feet out get out of bed.... ever)
  10. I've always been the Mum/Bad cop of the house. Hubby is the fun one / let you do naughty things for the heck of it / bonding. I'm also the one they come to for snuggles... so it all evens out. I found the flash cards I was referring to... http://www.muttswithmanners.com.au/#!product/prd1/1556877315/dog-obedience-flashcard---available-individually Thanks for all the comments and support. I know we were in the wrong but its still nice to know I'm not on my own. It's hard enough to train an adopted dog, let alone a stubborn man! God help us if we ever have kids!
  11. Guin was PTS first weekend in March 2013. Scottie came home last weekend of November same year. It was the first time in my entire life I wasn't sharing my life with both a cat and dog. I did warn hubby the weekend we put Guin down that I wouldn't last long. That said, walking into the shelter was hard. It was probably harder to make the decision to adopt Scottie then it was to put Guinea to sleep. I sobbed the whole time I signed his paperwork The people at the shelter must have thought I was a nutter.
  12. Oh. My. Gosh. I have just spent a small fortune at K9 Pro A LED for collar, a poo bad dispenser with torch, a light up LED ball and a jacket which was on sale... oi oi oi... I'll write reviews on the light up stuff :)
  13. Some really great suggestions there. Thanks all. BAD hubby, BAD !! *smacks Hubby with rolled-up newspaper* JOKE!! :) ALWAYS have at least one leash on your person . Good advice from others .. maybe find a couple of cute 'man tricks' which hubby will find useful and funny ..and get him to teach Scotty? let them bond over something like "pick up the can/tools/socks" ? This is such a great idea. I'm thinking of so many applications. (Oh - I was actually referring to the rolled up newspaper by the way :laugh: ) Yes! This!!! Thanks :) It's vital to everyones sanity that hubby can and will, happily walk him. He does morning walks and picks up my slack when I work late. I think hubby needs small wins too - I forget that he hadn't really owned a pet before moving in with me and my naughtier foxies. (They had dogs when he was a young kid but they were all larger working and retrieving breeds and from what I can tell they weren't really pets.) Hubby feeds him breakfast but he's not food driven. At. All. Will often go a whole weekend without eating much at all. We had a quick chat today about some basic goals to help. I suggested getting him to sit x number of times on a walk, "bossing him around" in the house (e.g. practicing recall). I just explained that it's completely unacceptable that Scottie can hold a drop stay for me in class - under distraction but he won't sit for hubby. Thanks again everyone. I'll take this all on board and had a chat to a doggie loving work mate today ... If I can't get through to him I'll pay for some one on one with our obedience teacher but I'm sure we'll get there. I know it was said but I'm grateful it wasn't worse and it might just be the wake up call we all needed.
  14. I'm sure we can find common ground, I just need to find the right way to do it. Me too. As I'm sure you can appreciate it was all so fast. We were the only ones there and less than 5 minutes later it was done. Not trying to absolve myself / us - we were very much in the wrong. I'm sure we'll find something - we just need some good basics instruction and not from me. The bite might be enough to make him realise I'm not talking to hear my own voice.
  15. Title says it all really. We've now got a good sized puncture wound on our little foxie face! We have a cafe which is actually a sports ground canteen near home which I frequent with Scottie (close to home, good parking, areas for him to play, only cafe in that general direction and great coffee). Anyhow, we were there today after obedience and Scottie was under the direct "care" of my hubby & off leash when he started "playing" - aka pinching the balls from - a group of dogs who had just arrived (a wire haired JRT, a mini foxie, something in between and a very large mixed bull breed). They were all pretty jacked up having just arrived. Hubby was trying to hunt Scott away from the group - instead of picking him up and walking away (didn't have his leash on hand). The others actually belonged to two owners - the owner of the large bull something was busy back at her car (not watching the circus unfold) because she wanted to find a ball for Scottie ... When apparently Scottie growled at the smaller dogs an the big girl went him. Lots of screaming from Scottie and profuse apologies from the owners of the other dogs we ALL had our leisurely sunday cut short ... Quick trip to the vets to check the puncture on his head wasn't anything more sinister and it looks like I'll be drinking instant at work for a few weeks ... ($170 vet bill!) When I asked hubby why he didn't intervene earlier he just said, he didn't think it would get out of hand so fast and "he thought it was bad for a dogs confidence to be picked up in that kind of situation". Really bought home a few things: We really need to step up on the basic training - Scotties recall is pretty good for me - he might ignore me less than once a month. I also know where to draw the line and remove him from situations. Hubby clearly doesn't. I know what I need to do with him. I really need to turn a few of our evening games of fetch into a much more structured training sessions. Hubby also needs to incorporate some basics (sit and recall at least) into his day to day activities. + The reintroduction of random acts of training / random requests - which we've done in the past but let slip. I suppose my big question is ... How do I "train" hubby? He (hubby) won't listen to me, he won't assist in terms of basic training. He gets frustrated with Scott and simply gives up "he won't listen to me" is a common complaint. I tried to get him to take him to training every other week but Scottie was pretty naughty (aka playful) and hubby threw in the towel. So.... What I do know is... I can't have Scottie ignoring Hubby or choosing who and when he'll listen. Anything we do needs to come from a 3rd party as my suggestions or requests will likely fall on deaf ears. (A person I used to know was given some cards (kind of like flash cards) with basic training tips on them once. Anyone know what I'm talking about or where to get them?) Any tips? Any books for complete newbies which you'd recommend? HALP! Edited to add: I found the flash cards I mentioned above - they can be purchased here: http://www.muttswithmanners.com.au/#!product/prd1/1556877315/dog-obedience-flashcard---available-individually
  16. My first thought too - what a lovely old Dame. :)
  17. How are you getting on with them?
  18. Maybe daycare? There is a guy called Dave (who was on big brother) who runs a training and day care facility *somewhere* in sydney - might be worth a look. Sorry name of both him and the facility escape me.
  19. I got my dog coats from a US company...... US horsey people certainly rug too, but they call them blankets. A non dog friend laughed here when I said I had rain coats for the dogs. Then we went for a walk in the rain and she saw how soggy they got and said she knew why I had the coats. Yeah I have ranch friends who don't blanket, their horses just grow very heavy winter coats. Only my show friends blanket and in blizzards or heavy snow some of the ranch horses are stabled. All have open stalls. I don't think we're soft or precious! In my experience its much easier to keep condition on them (horses and dogs). Why wouldn't you take advantage of "technology" and rug/blanket your animal (unless they're turned out and its dangerous. Even my mum who's on a working sheep farm throws an extra blanket and scoop of hot water (on their meals, not ON them) for the working dogs during winter and the older, retired dogs are rugged of a night and moved to the wood shed. I think it's kindness and caring for your assets.
  20. That sounds pretty good. When can I move in? Um, you'll figure it out as you go, I'm thinking toys and other enrichment. Items in my yard (aside from basics youve listed above include a trampoline bed in the sun and something to bury things in and under (we have a large plantless planter box left by the last tenants - its a great place to hide bones.
  21. Teeny tiny little brag but one I'm shouting from the roof top... Mr Scottie is moving up from basic to intermediate at his casual obedience class :) He was so fantastically behaved in class on Sunday. I'm SOOOOOOOO proud.
  22. What are you after ?? I have a couple of Hurtta life jackets, never used, that I want to sell :) What size and price Sheena? + postage to 2204
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