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Everything posted by Scottsmum

  1. I own a pair of Naots. http://www.naot.com.au/index.php?id_category=17&controller=category expensive as heck but mine are about 5 years old and still going strong. They were recommended to me my a bar maid.
  2. What a beautiful baby. Hope you both had a wonderful day.
  3. I'm certainly using facebook a lot - lots of fenzi students there for example.
  4. We disagree on a lot of points. Mainly diet - he thinks I'm too strict and happily shares human junk food / lets Scottie eat street rubbish. I have posted in the past about other issues - one which kind of lead to Scottie being bitten at the park - he's been SO much better since then. On the flip side he adores Mr man as much as I do and does walks, without fail, every morning rain hail or shine. It's absolutely a hard balance at times but at the end of the day he says the pets are mine and I make the majority of the calls.
  5. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BzQ-pEjoICGIbWh4eEswX2tPdmM/edit?usp=docslist_api Update: after 4 days of treatment. Recheck tomorrow. Thanks all for comments. Im not convinced its a hot spot, but don't have enough experience to guess what else it might be.
  6. So should I follow the instructions vet gave me? (Neocourt x 2 daily, 7 days)
  7. Before I start I will state that I have been to the vet. Just wondering if there are any educated guesses as to what this might be? Came up very suddenly - I'm not dumb enough to say "overnight" but it sure as heck wasn't there when he had a bath on the 30th November. I first noticed it on Wednesday. It seemed to get a little "angier" before I could get to the vet. These photos were taken after the vet visit - hence a little more aggravated due to examination. It doesn't appear sore, he's not chewing at it obsessively. The vet wasn't too concerned. She clipped it a little bit, gave it a wash with some hexawash (or similar) and sent me away with some neocourt. Re-visit in 7 days. She did rule out ringworm - which is what I presented with / suspected it was - because "older dogs don't tend to get ringworm". She was more concerned with a bald patch on another leg which he's had for a while. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzQ-pEjoICGIRzNiTWg1bnhrRklrUmNUZzQxOUhCb0Jta0tF/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzQ-pEjoICGIaGxLRTNXV2JHLS02dkVXaVRXeEtuemhkcVp3/view?usp=sharing The little squares on this blankie are about the size of a 5 cent piece for scale. So.... Hit me with your best bet (and before anyone says it, I have been thinking for a while it might be time for a new vet. Think I'll explore my options in the next few weeks).
  8. Dundas are awesome. Used to give 10% for litters. I highly recommend them.
  9. Thanks Jemmy. I did mean to pop back in and say I found them at petbarn but they were sold out in his size and they were also about $20 more expensive then I can get them from K9 Pro. Looks like I'll order from them - would rather give them my money anyhow :)
  10. It's K9 Nose time, and they're associated with NACSW. http://k9nosetime.com/ From their facebook page:
  11. Silent Child. Im told there will be an ORT in Sydney in February. Will confirm.
  12. Yes. I let him sit on me when he needs to. He's on my belly now. I take big deep slow breaths and that really helps. Unfortunately it means I cant get much/anything done.
  13. Anyone know if its possible to buy a thundershirt over the counter in Sydney? I've googled but can't seem to see if theyre in petshops. I'm in Marrickville and will be out in the hills for class. Happy to detour to pick one up. Storms are causing havoc here!
  14. Scottsmum


    What a little cutie pie. Hugs to you Huski.
  15. 12 months ago we made the decision to adopt "Rocko" from the Sydney Dogs and Cats Home. He fitted the bill for what we were after - an older, black and white foxie. I needed someone to watch tele with me of in the evening's and I missed having a dog in my life. We gave him a silly name and stopped at petbarn on the way home and stocked up on supplies - mainly toys. We got him home, took him out for a huge walk and he destroyed the toys before the day was out. Life hasn't really been the same since. We don't buy many toys anymore. Just tennis balls. Professional strength, not those crappy pet ones. Words can't really sum up the last 12 months. He's bought so much joy and happiness. He's just the right mix of loving and independent. He learns quickly, and teaches me something almost everyday. It hasn't always been easy, but it's worth it. More than words can ever express. Happy gotcha day my cheeky little stinky bum. Here's to as many more as possible.
  16. My 10 year old foxie gets about 30 mins am and pm. That sounds like a lot for a pup!
  17. I did it last week Panto - hopefully a very lucky pooch is with, or on his way to a new family, very soon.
  18. How beautiful She did a lovely job - can't wait for xmas to share all of them with my loved ones - and you lot :)
  19. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzQ-pEjoICGIRk81eFk0QWptd1I0WGswMlFBNW5WXzZfYnIw/view?usp=sharing Thanks to Silent Child for my most recent indulgence.
  20. "Baa ram ewe" are the words you're looking for little Trouble.
  21. We had this discussion at obedience the other day and I basically said this (above). My boys have always been more willing ad sweet. My girls (many breeds) have been tough, independent and willful. Neutered boys all the way for me. That said, I once made mum buy me a gelding / (strongly worded the request for) because she was always putting my mares in foal - so.... maybe I've always been a fan of boy animals.
  22. I can. PM me details of what is required.
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