Mum 2 Bailey n Chelsea
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Everything posted by Mum 2 Bailey n Chelsea
Strong Smell Coming From Rear
Mum 2 Bailey n Chelsea posted a topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hi Everyone, My female dog Chelsea has a very strong smell coming from her rear. Its an awfully strong smell but its not like a diareha (sp?) smell. She is pooing fine and normally so I'm just wondering what this could be. She is desexed but my male dog will not leave her alone! Any ideas? Thank you. Mel -
Chicken Neck Bones
Mum 2 Bailey n Chelsea replied to Mum 2 Bailey n Chelsea's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thank you for that, I'll keep her food really plain until she gets better. Mel -
Hi Everyone, I give my pups chicken necks every morning with no problems. But, over the last couple of days one of my pups has been a bit off with runny poos and today she threw up some chicken neck bones. Are the chicken neck bones bad for her? Should I stop giving my pups chicken necks or does this happen from time to time? Any advice would be great. Thank you! Mel
Help! My Puppy Just Lifted His Leg
Mum 2 Bailey n Chelsea replied to happy.grl's topic in Puppy Chat
Bailey did this once to a lady sitting on the ground at soccer!!! He sniffed the jacket for ages (the lady was patting Bailey at this time) then he just lifted his leg!! I was appalled!! At least she was on the opposing soccer team! :D Mel -
What My Vet Said About Fleas
Mum 2 Bailey n Chelsea replied to ruthless's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Ewwwww!!!! I hate fleas so much!!! We had major flea issues last year after moving in to a rented house. We ended up moving out because it was so bad. At this time my pups were on sentinel. I have found Advantix the most effective on fleas (and ticks)! Mel -
Hmm........very nosey neighbour :D Its great that you have come up with a solution Mel
Off Leash Dog Parks...
Mum 2 Bailey n Chelsea replied to Kylie and the black Lab's topic in Puppy Chat
I would never take my pups to an off leash park.............some owners just can not control their dogs and I won't risk mine! I'm lucky that my parents have fully fenced property so they can run their. They also have play dates at least once a week with our neighbour. Mel -
It sounds like things are on the improve for you now which is great!! My dogs sleep inside but some dogs just like being outside Have the neighbours ever done something to rile your pup up? When I lived with my parents in law for a little while their neighbour was stupid and put the hose on my pups! Now no matter what this neighbour does my pups bark. Just wondered. Mel
Hi There, I hope your pup is O.K!!! I have been through this with Bailey including the surgery. They found a piece of plastic in his stomach and I still can't figure out where it came from.......He stayed at the vets for a week but recovered from the surgery very well. He was 6 months old at the time and like you i would have done anything to make him well again which it did. I hope your pup doesn't have to have surgery but just be guided by what the vet thinks. Mel A friend of mines dog swallowed her g-string and he pooed it out while they had friends over!
Hi, My pups were both walked after their 2nd shot. My vet advised this was O.K. Similar to you we were living in a unit when I first got them so short walks were very important Mel
Bailey does the whole, grab the toilet paper at the end and run with it all around the house! Its hilarous!! Mel
Fleas On 5 Week Old Puppy..what Can I Do?
Mum 2 Bailey n Chelsea replied to Doofybear's topic in Puppy Chat
Thank you for looking after this gorgeous little pup, she is lucky to have you! But I'm REALLY concerned about the other pup!! Do you know if the other pup is O.K? I think we need to get the other pup out of there before it gets really sick or even dies............ Mel -
Anxiety Of Whining / Barking - Living In A Unit
Mum 2 Bailey n Chelsea replied to BT-Argo's topic in Puppy Chat
Hi There, My eldest dog Bailey was raised from a puppy in a unit so I know alot about the subject ) I'm not going to say it was easy because it wasn't but the fact that you will have 4 weeks off to settle the pup in is awesome so I think you will be fine!! O.K, so do you know your neighbours and get on well with them? When we got Bailey I just told all my immediate neighbours that we were getting a puppy and he may cry a bit in the first little while. Bailey did cry at first but not for long so I think you should be fine. In the time you have off just build the pup up by just leaving for 10 mins and then increasing it from there. The pup just needs to know that you will be coming back! We gave Bailey access to the living/kitchen area when we were not there, we left the T.V on for him for company and I scattered the floor with toys for him to keep him occupied. I also left him with kongs and treat balls. Bailey adapted to living in a unit very, very well and although it did take a while to get him toilet trained we did eventually and it was great!! Bailey has access to the balcony as well and we ended up getting a dog door put in so he could come in and out which was fanastic!! Honestly I think the pup will be fine! You just need to willing to spend as much time as you can getting the pup used to it. Its great that you are getting yourself organised, feel free to PM me with any other questions. Mel -
I'm all teary too!! Great work and congratulations on being a responsible owner who obviously cares so much for her puppy Jackson is a lucky boy! Mel xxx
Hi All, Thank you for all your help We are moving out of FLEA HEAVEN this weekend!!! Yay!! We have just had enough and can't do it anymore! If it was our house or we caused the problem then fine but the problem was there when we moved in and its not our house so out we go!!! Our new house will be ready in 2 months we are moving in with my parents for the next couple of months which will be good!! I'm getting all the rugs, couches and mattresses cleaned and I will bomb them while they are in storage so hopefully when we move into the new house it will all be fine I'm also purchasing new beds for the pups so they won't be transfered. I have heard of the lime thing before as well............ Mel
Bailey is great with chicken necks, chews them properly which is good but Chelsea swallows them whole and I had a bit of a scare with her choking on one..........I then gave them to her frozen, she still swollowed it whole and cried because it was cold going down her throat :D so she gets brisket bones, its just too scary with her....... Mel
Help ... One Puppy Undoes Other's Collar
Mum 2 Bailey n Chelsea replied to dogsonly's topic in Puppy Chat
Yep, no collars for my dogs either! I have a friend who's dog died strangled on a fence by his collar........very, very sad. Just make sure your microchip details are up to date. The first thing a vet will do if a dog is found if check the microchip number........... Mel -
Thanks for all your replies persephone, we definately have the large hop on hop off ones not the stickfast ones.....thanks for the link, its pretty interesting as far as how long they live etc... Australdi, I certainly did not know that vacumming can bring out hatching fleas!! Grrrr!!! Hmmm............maybe I should just torch the place!! Nadia, I will try the protect a home spray! and yes the dogs have been treated for tapeworms (and others) as well. Hesapandabear, I have been throwing out the vacuum bag everytime I vacuum so I will try the flea collar as well. TangerineDream, I will try the Mortein! One of them has to work a little bit!!! Thanks everyone for helping me get my head straight again and puttting together an action plan!! I kind of got overwhelmed by it all but will get back on track now! Mel
Thanks for making me laugh instead of cry T-Time I know you don't believe me but I have done it all I promise!!! (Except for the Advantix!) I have been bombing the house weekly for the past 4 weeks!! I have watered the entire yard including under the house with Fido's on a weekly basis!!! I even washed the wooden floors with Fido's But I promise I shall start the whole process once again I will follow your action plan Thanks for that! I'm going to book the pups in to be clipped as well so hopefully the shorter coat will help a bit? Thanks for all your help everyone............... We are going to move out though because I honestly can't do this anymore and I can not see my pups like this, it breaks my heart to see them scratching all the time! Mel
Hi All, I have posted about this before but I will fill you in again! My husband and I have bought a house but it will not be ready until December so we had to move into a rental house for 6 months. After living in this house for two days I noticed both my dogs scratching alot. I thought it was just from the grass but when I picked Bailey up I found his tummy absolutley covered in fleas! The placed has now been professionally sprayed 4 times but it has not worked and the problem is just so bad that I have had to move my pups to my Parents In Laws for the moment. We both have bites all over us it is just so awful!! My pups are on everything you could imagine! I wash their bedding everyday, they are bathed once a week, they are on advantage once a week and I vacuume twice a day! Just wondering if anyone has ever come across this sort of problem before? We have decided to give notice on the house because the problem is so bad, I just wondered if you have any suggestions as to what to do to make sure we don't take the fleas with us? Thank you Very tearful Mel........
This is a little bit out of left field but Bailey was a shocker to train!! We did all the stuff that was suggested above but we also covered the carpet in the living room with plastic matting (you get it from bunnings) until he trained!! It worked a treat as the plastic was not so nice to wee on! Then every week we took away one piece of the matting and hey presto! Toilet trained dog!! Chelsea on the other hand was toilet trained at 10 weeks!! Mel
I think as long as you get the puppy checked by the vet and all is O.K then it should be fine..... My male Bailey sleeps heaps and always has where as Chelsea is always on the go.... Mel
Hi There, You could go either way with this........ When we got Bailey we both worked full time so we just had the weekend to settle him in but I was able to come home at lunch...and he was fine. When we got Chelsea I took 2 weeks off work to settle her in. To be honest this was the best way as I was able to get a great start to toilet training and she settled in a lot quicker that Bailey did....... I would say its up to you. But I think you would need to organise someone to come and feed your puppy and spend a little bit of time with her until she gets a little bit older. Mel
12wk Old Papillon Humping Everything
Mum 2 Bailey n Chelsea replied to Mrs Johno's topic in Puppy Chat
He, he, he!! Sorry, just having a bit of a giggle!! I have also been told that desexing will not stop the problem........I guess it is just training your pup to listen to your commands. Bailey went through a stage of this but he only liked to hump my lovely fluffy cream freedom cushions!! I got rid of the cushions and haven't had a problem since. Mel -
Hi There, My puppy is getting desexed on Thursday and I'm really scared of putting her in!! I'm worried that she will be in heaps of pain.... I also have to leave her over night and I have never left her anywhere before! How did everyone else's pups react to getting desexed? Mel